The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Babel] First draft of some rules (warning very long)
Started by: Mobius
Started on: 4/1/2010
Board: First Thoughts

On 4/1/2010 at 9:20pm, Mobius wrote:
[Babel] First draft of some rules (warning very long)

I'd like to get some feedback on the first draft of my rules. I have a good idea of how they work in my head and written down shorthand but I've never tried to clearly communicate a whole rule set in text before.  I'm especially interested on feedback of what is missing to make them understandable or clear.

The system is based on active defenses and responses to them, called Counters. 

Basic Rules

All rolls a a number of d10's vs a Target Number ranging from 2 to 10.  Each die that rolls equal to or above the Target Number is counted as a success.

A roll of a 1 is always a failure.
A roll of a 10 always counts as 2 successes.

Target Numbers:
Target numbers are normally set by a character's associated attribute.
The formula is TN = 10 – attribute (minimum 2).
For example if a character had a Perception of 4 all of his Perception related rolls would have a target number of 6.

If the target number is not set by the character's attributes it is always 7.

Attribute Checks:
Roll Attribute with a target number set by the attribute.
For example if a character had a Strength of 3 for a Strength check he would roll 3 dice with a target number of 7.

Skill Checks:
Roll Skill with a target number set by an attribute.
For example a character with an Intelligence of 5 and a Medical skill of 4 would roll 4 dice with a target number of 5 when making a medical check.

Sometimes multiple characters wish to engage in the same activity, such as searching a room for clues.  When this happens each character makes the appropriate skill or attribute check.  The check that results in the most successes becomes the primary check.  Each additional check that rolled at least one success adds 1 success to the primary check's total successes.  Each additional check that failed to roll any successes subtracts 1 success from the primary check's total successes.

It is up to the GM to determine how many people can reasonably coordinate on a given activity.


Each character rolls a d10 an adds to that roll their Dexterity plus their Highest Combat Skill.  Characters take their turn in order of their initiative, highest to lowest, which they keep from turn to turn.  If thee is a tie the character with the highest modifier (Dex + Skill) goes first.

Turn Overview

A turn is a segment of time that lasts approximately 5 seconds.

On your turn you may move up to your speed and take one of the following actions.  You may move before or after you take an action but you cannot split your movement; moving part of your speed before an action and the rest after.

Move up to your speed, this is in addition to the move you normally get.
Stand Up from Prone
Use a Basic Attack
Use a Basic Maneuver

Counter's are actions you can take in response to certain situations which are called triggering events.

When a counter is used you cannot use it again until you have recovered it.  Counters with the Recoverable key word can be recovered in combat by making certain attacks, maneuvers, or even using some other Counters.  Counters without the recoverable key word can only be recovered during a break in the action--when you automatically recover all spent counters.
You may only use 1 Counter per Triggering Event.
Defensive Counters:
    The triggering event for a Defensive Counter is an attack against you.
    The triggering target is the person who's attack you are defending against.
    You can use defensive counters on your or other players turns.
    You may use more then one Defensive Counter per turn, but only one per attack made against you.
Offensive Counters:
    You may only use Offensive Counter's on your turn.
    The triggering event for an Offensive Counter is an attack roll made against a valid target.
    The triggering target is the person who you are making an attack roll against.
    Some Basic Attacks or Offensive Counters allow you to make more then one attack.  Unless
    specified you may use one Offensive Counter per attack made.
    You may use more then one Offensive Counter per turn, but only one per attack rolled.
Melee Counters: May only be used when the triggering event is a melee event. 
For example making or defending against a melee attack.
Ranged Counters: May only be used when the triggering event happens at range. 
For example making or defending against a ranged attack.
Melee/Ranged Counters: May be used when the triggering event is melee or ranged.

Interrupt: A Defensive Counter with the Interrupt keyword has an action, normally an attack, that is resolved before the attacker has a chance to use an Offensive Counter.  If the attacker chooses to use a Defensive Counter in response to an interrupt he may not use an Offensive Counter after it is resolved.
Persistent: A counter with the Persistent keyword has a bonus that lasts past resolving the immediate attack.  A character may only benefit from one Persistent counter at a time, if a second one is used before the first expires it replaces the effect of the first one.
Recoverable: A counter with the Recoverable keyword may be recovered by a Basic Attack, Maneuver or another Counter.  A counter without the recoverable keyword may only be recovered by a break in the action.

Attack Overview
Step 1:
    a) The character acting declares a basic attack.
        Example:  Shoot
    b) The Defender may use a Maneuver or Defensive Counter that reduces the attack roll. Remember
        that you may only use 1 Counter per Triggering Event (a.k.a. attack you are defending against).
        You may however use both a Maneuver and a Defensive Counter to defend against the same
        Example: Dodge
Step 2:
    a) The attacker makes the attack roll, Skill + Accuracy + Other Bonuses and Penalties with a
        difficulty set by Dexterity, and count successes.
        Example: John has 4 ranks in Brawl, Dexterity 4, and throws a punch. He rolls 6 dice for his
        attack roll, 4 from his skill + 2  from the accuracy bonus of the attack.  The target number for the
        attack is 6 (10 - John's Dexterity)

    b) The defender may use a Defensive Counter that removes successes from the attack
        roll or reduces the damage rolled.
        Example: Side Step
    c) If one or more successes remain the attack hits.
Step 3:
  a)  If the attack hit the attacker calculates damage dice.  The base is the damage value of the
        attack.  Add one die of damage for every remaining success from the attack roll.  Add any other
        modifiers, such as bonuses or penalties from Offensive and Defensive Counters.
        Example: John's punch hits with 2 successes remaining.  His punch's base damage is 3 so he rolls
        5 dice against a target number set by his Strength.

  b) If the attack does lethal damage compare the total damage dice to the defender's armor's
        penetration resistance.  If the total number of damage dice are less then or equal to the
        penetration resistance the damage is converted to non-lethal.  The number of dice rolled for
        damage does not change.
  c) The attacker rolls damage, each success counts as one level of damage done.
  d) The damage done is reduced by the target's armor's absorption.
  e) The defender may use a Defensive Counter that  reduces the damage done.
        Example: Block
Step 4:
  a) The defender takes any remaining levels of damage.
  b) If the damage is non-lethal and more levels of damage are remaining then the defender's
      Constitution the damage becomes lethal.
  c) The defender makes a Stun or K.O. Check if called for.
Step 5:
  a) If the defender used a Defensive Counter with the Interrupt key word this is resolved now.  In this
        case the attacker may not use an Offensive Counter if he chooses to use a Defensive Counter in
        response to the Interrupt.
  b) If it is the attacker's turn he has the option of using an Offensive Counter.
  c) If the Offensive Counter is an attack return to step 1.
  d) If the basic attack allowed for more then one attack return to step one and resolve the next one
      until all of the attacks have been resolved.
      Example: Twin Strike
Step 6:
  a) The attack is fully resolved.
  b) If one or more of the defender's Defensive Counter's allow him to make an attack or take an action
      these are resolved now.  Return to step 1.
Step 7: After all attacks have been resolved move on to the next character's turn.

Reference Material

For unaugmented humans the range for attributes is 1-5.

Here is part of the Combat Skill Brawl to give an example of what Counters and Basic Attacks look like.  You improve skills by buying ranks in them.  For ranks 1-5 each rank gives you the basic attacks listed for that rank and you can choose 2 Defensive Counters and 1 Offensive Counter of that rank or lower.  For ranks 6+ you can choose two counters of any type.


Rank 1

Basic Attacks
May be used untrained.
Punch: Accuracy: +2 , Damage: 3 [Str]
Jab: Accuracy: +2, Damage: 1 [Str]
        Special: Recover 1 Defensive Counter 
Kick: Accuracy: +0, Damage: 5 [Str]
Grab: Accuracy: +1, Damage: Special
          Special: You engage in a Grapple using Brawl [Str].

Defensive Counters
Melee Defensive Counter, Recoverable
Effect: Roll Brawl [Str].  Each success reduces the damage done by the triggering attack one level.  Blocking a non-lethal melee weapon imposes a 1 die penalty.  Blocking a lethal weapon takes a 2 dice penalty.

Defensive Crouch
Melee Defensive Counter, Persistent, Recoverable
Effect: The damage done by the triggering attack is reduced 2 levels.  Until the beginning of your next turn all melee and non-lethal attacks do 2 less levels of damage.

Street Tough

Melee/Ranged Defensive Counter, Persistent, Recoverable
Effect: Convert the damage of the triggering attack from lethal to non-lethal.  Until the beginning of your next round all non-lethal attacks, including the triggering attack, do one less level of damage.

Offensive Counters
Melee Offensive Counter, Recoverable
Effect: You gain a 2 dice bonus to accuracy and a 1 dice bonus to damage on your next melee attack made against the triggering target.

Follow Through
Melee Offensive Counter
Effect: Make a Brawling attack against the triggering target.  Accuracy: +1, Damage: 3 [Str].

Rank 2

Basic Attacks:
Sucker Punch: Accuracy: +2, Damage: 5[Str]
                          Special: Sucker Punch may only be used against an opponent who has not acted this
                                        combat or who is unable to defend themselves (grabbed, stunned, K.O., etc).
Bull Rush: Accuracy: +0, Damage: 4[Str]
                  Special: Before making the attack you may move up to your speed in a straight line.  If
                                Bull Rush hits you and the target make an opposed Str check, the loser is knocked                         
                                prone.  You must move at least one inch in order to Bull Rush.  You may only Bull
                                Rush once per turn. 

Defensive Counters
Melee/Ranged Defensive Counter
Effect: Reduce the damage caused by the triggering attack 3 levels.  Gain a 2 dice bonus on any stun or K.O. checks resulting from the triggering attack.  Recover a defensive counter.
            Special: Grit may be used while restrained or when restraining someone.

Street Defense
Melee Defensive Counter, Persistent
Effect: Block the triggering attack.  Until the beginning of your next turn you may choose to Block any valid attack.  This counts as your Defensive Counter for the attack.

Offensive Counters
Head Butt
Melee Offensive Counter
Effect: Make a Brawling attack against the triggering target. Accuracy: +1, Damage: 4[Str]. Any stun or K.O. checks the target makes as a result of this attack suffer a -1 die penalty.  If you head butt hits you take one level of irresistible non-lethal damage.
            Special: Head Butt may be used while restrained or when restraining someone.

Message 29597#275320

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