The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [DitV] Wave game: player wanted
Started by: Neil the Wimp
Started on: 4/17/2010
Board: lumpley games

On 4/17/2010 at 7:32pm, Neil the Wimp wrote:
[DitV] Wave game: player wanted

Hi folks!  We're just about to start our second Dogs town on Google Wave.  We've got three players, but there's room for one more.  If you're interested in joining in, come swing by the Dogs co-ordination wave for a look at what we do and then post in the Dogs recruitment quarantine wave to say hi.  (We need the separate wave to prevent spammers trashing the main wave.  Sad, but true.) 

If you're interested but lack a Wave account, I can provide an invite: whisper me the email address you want it sent to, noting that the address will end up associated with a Google account if it isn't already.


Message 29687#275913

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