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Topic: Looking for DitV play aids
Started by: Ayyavazi
Started on: 5/8/2010
Board: lumpley games

On 5/8/2010 at 8:17am, Ayyavazi wrote:
Looking for DitV play aids

Hello all,

I'm about to start a DitV game, stock setting, and I was wondering about a couple of play aids I had downloaded that I can't find anymore. They involved character sheets, quick make town checklists and some NPC work as well. I saw them posted here months ago but can't find the link. Does anyone know what I'm talking about, and could you please post a link? Thanks a ton,

Message 29767#276514

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On 5/9/2010 at 2:23am, Noclue wrote:
Re: Looking for DitV play aids

Have you checked the Lumpley site?

Message 29767#276530

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On 5/9/2010 at 3:56am, watergoesred wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for DitV play aids

Here's a collection of play aids I've either found, tweaked or put together myself.

Message 29767#276533

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On 5/9/2010 at 7:26am, Ayyavazi wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for DitV play aids

Thanks watergoesred! In your list were the two I was looking for, and a bunch I find helpful. In particular I was searching for the GM worksheet and the relationship map. In had checked Lumpley's website, but couldn't find them. You've been a great help. I'll be sure to post about my experience with the system.

Message 29767#276535

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