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Topic: Greed...But not really
Started by: Mokkurkalfe
Started on: 8/9/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 8/9/2002 at 5:27pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
Greed...But not really

This was on a thread some time ago, but there wasn't any satisfying answer.
Personally, I imagine that many adventurers are similar to colonists; poor lads and lasses who go away, searching for riches(not nessecarily money). I don't see a good way to portrait characters who only adventure to be able to retire and get a better life than being a poor peasant would have.
The general view thinks to be that there should be no "greedy" drives or passions because of the very high munchkin potential, and the Greed flaw is just too greedy.
Perhaps "Drive: get a better life", but I don't know what kind of adventures that would spark.
Is there any other way, or is tRoS just not for those characters*?

* = Let it not be so...

Message 2982#28878

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On 8/9/2002 at 6:09pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

One question would be are social ties. Are they ONLY out for themselves, or do they want to support a family, or their parents, siblings, etc. If a character is interested in finding his wealth to give his parents a comfortable life, or buy a cousin out of slavery, then that leads to many good (both mechanically and ethically) passions.

If they are only out for themselves, then the question becomes what is the reason for not being a peasant. I'd imagine one answer is they thought that staying on the same manor their entire lives to manage a simple life may not suit all people. These lead to passions that lend themselves to a kind of romanticism that I think can fit in TROS. Wanderlust, Be one's own Man... passions along this line would make one want to have (and possibly even profit) from the life of an adventurer. These passions would create great hooks for characters.

Now... if a player character insists he's in it just for the money, and just for himself...

I've found that one of the ways to deflate munchkin fun is to require justifications. For example, generally speaking, adventuring does not win a cost benefit analysis. You risk your life constantly (ESPECIALLY in TROS), and your earnings are erratic at best (worse in TROS where you won't find a ton of magic items. After a while, a lot of characters built off greed will stop being adventurers. Maybe they'll become taxmen, bandits, merchants, whatever. The point is that the classic idea of adventuring in a FRPG isn't the best idea for making an income safely.

But lets say the character is from a destitute past and is a risk taker, thereby setting himself up for truly munchkin exploits because adventuring is 'his life.' First, at this point, you should question the player what on earth he's doing. Munchkins I've dealt with usually don't understand why I'm annoyed with them, but still conform to my wishes when I'm GM because they want to play, even if they aren't as min/maxed as they wanted. The few who left, well, they made a choice that made it clear I didn't want them in the game.

Second, if the player manages to stay, but still has passions involving greed and risk-taking, there are a few things to do to ensure the character is not a munchkin's wet dream. One of the things I truly love about TROS is that the GM can always make a player character own up to its internal contradictions. If a player really wants a passion as broad as "Greedy," then he should be trying to take everything not nailed down. If he does this, he'll get caught sooner or later. If he doesn't get caught, then the GM is essentially approving of the behavior. If, however, the character DOESN'T steal everything in sight, then you slam penalties on the SAs. He's not living up to what his character is.

The thing about SAs is that for them to be over-powering for a munchkin, he needs to be able to have things both ways. If he's greedy, he's greedy ALL the time. If he takes a more selective SA that allows him to plot 'the big score,' then that SA doesn't apply to that many situations. An SA for a muchkin is that he needs them broad when they'll help his character, and impossibly narrow when they won't. The GM needs to either accept that or sanction the character. Plain and simple.

And plan of last resort: overload a passion. Throw a billion things that activiate the passion at the player character. By the time he gets to the climax and needs SAs, he doesn't have any left. If he didn't use them earlier, then his character should be dead.

Message 2982#28882

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On 8/9/2002 at 6:50pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Great answer! Thanks!

The wanderlust hit dead-on what I was thinking about*.

As for the cost vs. benefit. It ocurred to me that should a character that is out there to find a better life actually *get* a better life, there is no need for him to keep adventuring. And since my characters usually get a better life before they get really cool, that's not a very good choice.

I might also add that by adventuring, I mean any career or way of life that fit's for play, including soldier, bandit, "true" adventuring and maybe, just maybe even merchants(altough not taxmen).

*=The peasant toiling in the field thinking: "Man, there's gotta be something better than this."

Message 2982#28884

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On 8/10/2002 at 8:57pm, Ace wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Interesting you should bring this up.

My first attempt at a TROS character (for a campaign that never got of the ground) had the Greed flaw.

I was trying for the archetypical "adventurer" type character.

How I simulated the wandering urge was to give him a "d" priority in social background-- his parents were peasants who starved for many a season to buy their way out of serfdom.

Having gone hungry before he refused to allow it to happen again

Spiritual attributes were IIRC

Drive: Never be poor again 3
Concience: Honor thy Family 1
Luck 3

This way I had a good reason to push beyond his job as a "Kings Bounder" and seek out opportunity without him being a Riddleseeker

You will note the lack of a Passion/SA a Faith/SA or a Destiny/SA this was intentional. The character is a minor player in the fate of Weyerth and a bit of a cold fish.

Stroy wise I was hoping he would have an opprtunity to build a Passion/SA about some lady or other and widen his story

I will post the character sheet if I can find it but I think a Hef took it :)

Message 2982#28903

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On 8/10/2002 at 9:23pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

That seems like a cool PC.
I'd be nice to see what kind of adventures he'd experienced.
Have you played anything with him yet?

Oh, another thing. "Be one's own Man" and similar passions can only be used in situations where one's freedom is threatened, right?
So the only way to get them into play would be to (attempt to) capture the PC's again, and again(or get a hook on them in other ways, i.e. "you go there or I'll kill all your friends). Extremely annoying for the characters. It would be an awful lot like railroading.
Or perhaps one could interpret "Be one's own Man" as *everybody* has a right to "Be one's own Man". Then, there'll be a lot of slave-hunter hunting and slave-freeing.

Another thing again.
I really think we should put up a list somewhere with a lot of really cool SA's(the compendium?).

Message 2982#28909

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On 8/11/2002 at 7:16pm, Ace wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Mokkurkalfe wrote: That seems like a cool PC.
I'd be nice to see what kind of adventures he'd experienced.
Have you played anything with him yet?

Oh, another thing. "Be one's own Man" and similar passions can only be used in situations where one's freedom is threatened, right?
So the only way to get them into play would be to (attempt to) capture the PC's again, and again(or get a hook on them in other ways, i.e. "you go there or I'll kill all your friends). Extremely annoying for the characters. It would be an awful lot like railroading.
Or perhaps one could interpret "Be one's own Man" as *everybody* has a right to "Be one's own Man". Then, there'll be a lot of slave-hunter hunting and slave-freeing.

Another thing again.
I really think we should put up a list somewhere with a lot of really cool SA's(the compendium?).

I have never had a chance to play the character but I will oh yes I will :)

AS tot he Be your Own Man SA there are a lot of ways to bring it into use. Lets say a athuggish knight was trying to make him conform to his idea of the social order

Tobias a Knight ---- "Stand down Varlet, Thy langswerd nay belongs in such churlish hands"

Character <eyes blazing> If you want my weapon come and take it!

Another non combat possibility

Rintain Jur known as the Sly, a Merchant of Helena --- "So we will be in bed together eh my beautiful boy, I can make you or break you, prehaps you will find there are more --pleasant things I can do for you"

Character--- "I am no ones boy Merchant shall we continue our discussion?"

and for the rest of that encounter his SA "Be his own man" comes into play

And as for the "compendium" idea Absolutely!

Message 2982#28927

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On 8/12/2002 at 3:08pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Mokkurkalfe wrote: That seems like a cool PC.
Oh, another thing. "Be one's own Man" and similar passions can only be used in situations where one's freedom is threatened, right?
So the only way to get them into play would be to (attempt to) capture the PC's again, and again(or get a hook on them in other ways, i.e. "you go there or I'll kill all your friends). Extremely annoying for the characters. It would be an awful lot like railroading.
Or perhaps one could interpret "Be one's own Man" as *everybody* has a right to "Be one's own Man". Then, there'll be a lot of slave-hunter hunting and slave-freeing.

Those are obviously two VERY different passions. The way you figure out what they mean is to have players (*gasp*) discuss their characters personality, explaining what they mean by various SAs. And then you hold them to it.

So, keeping with my upside/downside tendencies, that would mean the personal freedom version would only kick in when someone or something is trying to control the PC. The downside is that if this character ever willingly let himself come under the control of something 'bigger' than him, he would SAs. This character would never join the military, or religious orders, and would be inclined to take on work of a purely mercenary nature (i.e. loyalty is for a paycheck, nothing else).

The everyone-should-be free is more expansive. Whenever tyrranny pops up, this PC would whack it like whackamole. The downside is that if he ever 'let it go,' or didn't intervene, then he would lose SAs.

But back to your earlier question, the GM and the player need to have a discussion about what every SA means for that particular character. Assumptions are baaaaaaaaaad.

"I don't attack"
"But your SAs would compel you to"
"No they don't"

That conversation should be avoided when possible, or ended as quickly as possible due to pre-existing statements.

Message 2982#28944

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On 8/12/2002 at 4:48pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Nevermet wrote: Those are obviously two VERY different passions. The way you figure out what they mean is to have players (*gasp*) discuss their characters personality, explaining what they mean by various SAs. And then you hold them to it.

Another means, and one that I think is better is to leave it a bit undefined, and have it determined by play. The player can try to explain why they get a particular bonus in a particular situation. As they do so, the player creates a definition that exceeds the small notes on the page. This is coo because it allows the player to define things and develop the character in specific ways on the fly.

SAs are not proscriptive. You can always have your character act against them. Show me where it says you can't. They just give you a bonus when you do act in concordance with them. Positive reinforcement, not negative. The GM has no business telling you that your character with a drive to better his station can't pass up an opportunity to do so. He just gets a bonus if he does go for it.

This is excellent design. Previous designs had "disadvantages" and it was the GM's responsibility to monitor the player. This is not fun for the GM, and not for the player either, usually. TROS allows players greater lattitude in detarmining character actions, and allows for characters to act against their own natures. Which is an important part of developing the character, and allowing for change.

That all said, only take away an SA if the player wants you to. Ask him if he wants it to dissappear givan an action that goes againsst the SA. Remember that the SAs serve as an indicator of what the player wants the action of the game to revolve around. Taking away SAs shouldn't be a punishment, but done to make room for other newer, and more intreresting SAs.

The only "limit" that I see the GM putting on SAs is one of reasonableness of scope. If a player takes drive to be perfect in everything, the GM has to be careful not to allow that to apply to every roll. It should either be specified by the player's requests over time as to when it applies (the player should self limit), or the GM should request that the player change the SA to something less all-empowering. Not becouse it is imbalanced, but becouse limiting the scope of an SA again indicates to the GM player preferences. One that is universally wide does not help the GM.

Nevermet is right, in that just about any SA can find application in ways that does not require the GM to be obnoxious about it. Let the player figure out how these things apply, and the GM then has an ally in defining them interestingly, and in incorporating them into the action.


Message 2982#28953

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On 8/12/2002 at 5:24pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Hey all-

Just wanted to add that this is a fantastic thread, and really shows the true beauty of TROS. Keep it up.


ps. Isn't it cool that we've got a game where one thread can be about pasions and destinies and another about the relative qualities of an axe or armor. This is the game for me. Wish I wrote it (oh, wait...::grins sheepishly::).

Message 2982#28966

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On 8/12/2002 at 5:51pm, Jaif wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

SAs are not proscriptive. You can always have your character act against them. Show me where it says you can't.

Yes, you can act against them. However for drive (pg 67, first ed): "If you don't even try, given the proper opportunity, then you lose one point."

Other rules-lawyer things:

Concience: Honor thy Family 1

You do not need to specify conscience; no need to say "Honor thy Family". Stop fighting to help an old lady get a cat out of a tree? You just got a point of conscience. Probably also a lvl 3 wound to the back of a leg. :-)

Drive: Never be poor again 3

Drive not permitted by the rules. By the rules: "Someone with a Drive has a worthy cause that they would die for (and probably will). Examples include the zeal of freedom fighters and patriots like William Wallace, or those that serve great and noble causes or ideals at great personal cost."

Tell me how this drive is 'worthy', 'noble', or in anyway 'ideal'.

Oh, another thing. "Be one's own Man" and similar passions can only be used in situations where one's freedom is threatened, right?

That is not a passion. It may be by the standard english meaning, but by the rules a passion refers to "a single person or entity" (obviously intended as someone else; you can't be that person). The entire point to the passion is that the object of the passion can toss inconvient situations at your feet and force you to respond (or you lose points).

<exit rules-lawyer, enter rant mode>

I know it's all the rage to dress in black, do your own thing, walk around plundering the land murdering sentients for loot, and generally play the cool, silent anti-hero...but who wants to GM that? You want big numbers on a character sheet, or want to say "I got this, and I got that, then I got this other thing?" Enjoy. It's all yours. Write it down and I'll go watch the LoTR video.

Me, I'm going to reward heros in the traditional mold - people who give of themselves to help others. If you want to play a selfish character, do so. Take luck, and nothing else, and live a mediocre gaming life. Great people do great things for others, not for themselves.

At least when I'm running the game.


P.S. Go play Diablo. Awesome game, and greed is at its core.


Message 2982#28972

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On 8/12/2002 at 5:54pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

To Mike and Nevermet.

I thought that SA's could decrease, should a character ignore an obvious choice, e.g. a PC with Loyalty to the king betrays the king. Is that what you mean by taking away a SA's if the player wants to? He doesn't seem to have that much loyalty to the king after all.

To Jake.

Yeah, we rocks!

And a question:
What kinda cool stuff can you come up with for a guy that has "Passion: Loyalty to the king" and "Destiny: Overthrow the king"?
Would one of them just cancel out the other or what do you think?
And another thing, should a player know his PC's Destiny from start, or have to find out during the game?

Message 2982#28973

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On 8/12/2002 at 6:16pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Jaif and all:

I agree that Jaif's interperetation of the rules are, well, lawyer-esque and right.

On the other hand, I think that modifiying what constitutes the SAs is part of what sets the mood of the game. Tweak at will.

I do a bit of both, I think.


Message 2982#28974

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On 8/12/2002 at 6:59pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Mokkurkalfe wrote: I thought that SA's could decrease, should a character ignore an obvious choice, e.g. a PC with Loyalty to the king betrays the king. Is that what you mean by taking away a SA's if the player wants to? He doesn't seem to have that much loyalty to the king after all.

The rules state: "given the proper opportunity"

This is where the GMs subjective opinion comes in. He has to determine what a "proper opportunity" is. I am not going to call it for any situation for which I don't believe that the player wants to actually lose the point. Let's say that Gorgi decides to drop the Book of Zon back into the Black Pit so that he has time to help a teammate. Does that mean that he does not want the book as much any more? No, its more fun to have the character regret the loss and keep after the book (now having to descend into the pit). OTOH, if he drops the book to rescue his true love, and this is one of those moments that the character "realizes" what's truely important to him, then, yes, the drive for the book should go dowm (just as his passion should increase).

Use the discretion allowed the GM by the letter of the rule to allow you to support the spirit of the rule, which is to empower a player to have his character do the things that make the most sense for that character as the player sees fit, and have the result subsequently portray the character in the best way possible.

Is that better stated? Its a cool mechanic, man.

What kinda cool stuff can you come up with for a guy that has "Passion: Loyalty to the king" and "Destiny: Overthrow the king"?
Would one of them just cancel out the other or what do you think?
And another thing, should a player know his PC's Destiny from start, or have to find out during the game?
This is a cool question. I'd allow the player to have both. He will just change over time, and one will take over the other. Until then, the character has an internal conflict that he has to deal with. Problematic for the player, but fun to play.

I think that it works either way, character knowing or not (note in the "not" version how that automatically forces Author Stance). If he knows, it's something like the recent movie Minority Report where he is told that he will do a terrible thing, but he does not believe it. Doesn't mean he isn't destined to do it; things happen, and people change. What will actually happen? Who knows until it gets played out?


Message 2982#28976

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On 8/12/2002 at 7:00pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

I personally disagree with Jaif's constant stricture on Drive. Who decides what is worthy? I say it's the player who decides, with the Seneschal only having power of approval/disapproval based on whether or not it can overpower the character. Noble ideals are listed among the examples not in the definition. You're limiting things far too harshly, in my book.

Passions I am also likely to interpret a bit more loosely than you are. I still require a love, hate or loyalty, but what the subject is I allow to be more vague than a specific person or entity. I think that a Love of the Sea is a viable Passion, and can think of a good many situations in which it would be highly appropriate and quite dramatic.

Your rants, on the other hand, I agree with. I have a bad tendency to want to punish those who do bad things, because it's not the sort of play I enjoy most of the time. (There are exceptions, like my V:tM Sabbat game... but that's neither here nor there.) I like heroic stories and characters, and I'm much more likely to reward such play than selfish play.

Message 2982#28977

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On 8/12/2002 at 7:05pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Jaif wrote: I know it's all the rage to dress in black, do your own thing, walk around plundering the land murdering sentients for loot, and generally play the cool, silent anti-hero...but who wants to GM that? You want big numbers on a character sheet, or want to say "I got this, and I got that, then I got this other thing?" Enjoy. It's all yours. Write it down and I'll go watch the LoTR video.

Me, I'm going to reward heros in the traditional mold - people who give of themselves to help others. If you want to play a selfish character, do so. Take luck, and nothing else, and live a mediocre gaming life. Great people do great things for others, not for themselves.

Well, first, this is a preference, so if someone else has a differnent preference it's just as valid, no?

Second, I think that there's a large difference between the "dressing in black and being bad" thing, and having heroes with flaws. The fact that SAs can reflect these flaws (if designed appropriately and withng the rules) is a very cool thing. Note also, how over time, better and better attributes can replace the bad ones. What does this allow? Character development that occurs not in terms of skill and power, but in terms of personality. Few games have that, and I would not want to throw out the possibility of seeing such development.

But then, that's just my opinion; play as you see fit.


Message 2982#28979

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On 8/12/2002 at 7:35pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

I know it's all the rage to dress in black, do your own thing, walk around plundering the land murdering sentients for loot, and generally play the cool, silent anti-hero...but who wants to GM that? You want big numbers on a character sheet, or want to say "I got this, and I got that, then I got this other thing?" Enjoy. It's all yours. Write it down and I'll go watch the LoTR video.

Me, I'm going to reward heros in the traditional mold - people who give of themselves to help others. If you want to play a selfish character, do so. Take luck, and nothing else, and live a mediocre gaming life. Great people do great things for others, not for themselves.

At least when I'm running the game.

I just wanted to say that I did *not* refer to a bloodthirsty killer who is out for money and money alone, run by a player who wants to brag about his equipment and stats. Where did anybody say that we were talking about any anti-hero? And why are you talking about taking only luck when the discussion is about finding fitting SA's for someone who's *not* prepared to put the rope around their on neck themselves to save a serial-killer who's been wrongly convicted of stealing a wagon?
That peasant I mentioned earlier, who does he fit into your looting and killing anti-hero?

And I find it a little silly that *all* characters are do-gooders that go out to help people, especially in a world where most people are more concerned about their own day-to-day survival.
I think many are after gold and glory when they *start*, but evolve into more caring persons later on.
As long as you have a decent amount of Concience(lower Concience=prepared to do more bad things to reach your goals) you can have almost any Drive and still be considered a good character.
I don't give a damn what the rules say about Drive.
Anything the character is prepared to make some sacrifices(how much depends of course on how big the Drive is) for and makes for good play is allowed in my book.

Many terrorists have what they think of as "Worthy and Noble causes". Do you agree with them?

I agree completely with Mike on the flaw thing. It's the flaws that make heroes and their stories interesting, a wise man once said.

I don't like to GM for that kind of player you ranted about wither either, so I agree with your there. Its just that it is kinda off-topic, since no-one was talking about that kind of character.
Besides, I don't like your elitist view that your gaming style is somehow superior.
You play your way, I play my way.

Message 2982#28987

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On 8/12/2002 at 8:47pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Mokkurkalfe wrote: What kinda cool stuff can you come up with for a guy that has "Passion: Loyalty to the king" and "Destiny: Overthrow the king"?
Would one of them just cancel out the other or what do you think?
And another thing, should a player know his PC's Destiny from start, or have to find out during the game?

That would be pretty cool to play out actually. Remember that a character is not necessarily aware of his own destiny (but would certainly be aware of his passions and drives).

So I could see this playing out as the character working for the King, but unwittingly (through bumbling, or careful planning by the king's nemesis) be actually causing harm (politically, socially or otherwise) so as to make it easier for the king to later take that fall.


Message 2982#29003

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On 8/12/2002 at 8:51pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

I had something like that in mind.
And when he realises that he has been fooled to overthrow the king, he will get mighty angered and his loyalty passion will soar as he set out to hunt down this nemesis.

Message 2982#29005

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On 8/12/2002 at 9:02pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Ho boy.

First, I completely agree with Mike about SAs not being proscriptive. PCs can act against them. If I was using a more harsh tone about the limiting sides of SAs, it is because the original question that started this thread involved the potential munchkining of SAs. IMHO, the more a player tries to milk the rules for power, the more the rules should bite back. My more draconian comments about losing SAs and what SAs allow and don't allow were pointed toward the Hypothetical Munchkin. A 'normal' player who was roleplaying his character well I would imagine should be allowed a bit more flexibility to make his PC a living entity with several dimensions. (there are more proper opportiunities for a GM to be harsh with a munchkin is my basic argument) I realize Mokkurkalfe wasn't purely speaking about the bloodthirsty killer, but the word munchkin was mentioned in passing, and my personal experiences make me very, very aware of how a system reacts to munchkinism.

I also agree about flaws or tension making a character more interesting/entertaining. The ways of creating flaws for a particular character involving his SAs is pretty much limitless, so I'm not gonna even try to give examples.

Can I just say I infinitely prefer threads like this one over the "How many rivets are in platemail" threads. This probably has more to do with my total lack of historical knowledge than anything else, but ANYWAYS...

Message 2982#29011

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On 8/12/2002 at 9:06pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

On the subject of loyalty & overthrowing kings... The destiny SA is a touchy one for me. It sounds like you're planning on getting a lot of campaign mileage out of it, which works. The real dangers come up if people make PCs the way my old D&D group did: everyone makes their characters in private, and then drops them all in front of the DM 15 minutes before gaming starts. uh-uh. Can't work very well, especially with things like destiny involved.

I think you also point out a good point about SAs: seeming conflicts and contradictions do not need to be. A character can sometimes walk a moral tightrope successfully, and sometimes the world the PC lives in creates unusual circumstances.

Message 2982#29013

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On 8/12/2002 at 9:23pm, Jaif wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

And why are you talking about taking only luck when the discussion is about finding fitting SA's for someone who's *not* prepared to put the rope around their on neck themselves to save a serial-killer who's been wrongly convicted of stealing a wagon?
That peasant I mentioned earlier, who does he fit into your looting and killing anti-hero?

Well, your character isn't a hero by your own admission, and isn't prepared to do an honest day's work, preferring 'adventure'. That doesn't leave many other avenues beyond violence and looting, whoever the target is. More specifically, you also said: "I think many are after gold and glory when they *start*, but evolve into more caring persons later on. " which is the classic anti-hero; someone out for themselves at first who end up drawn into doing heroic deeds.

I'm not against the anti-hero, actually. I just prefer the 'anti-' part be background, and we start the gaming with the 'hero' part.

Second, I think that there's a large difference between the "dressing in black and being bad" thing, and having heroes with flaws. The fact that SAs can reflect these flaws (if designed appropriately and withng the rules) is a very cool thing.

I strongly dislike rewarding people for flaws. This leads to things like rewarding a bigot for killing the object of his bigotry, or rewarding a klepto for robbing a castle blind. It gets old very fast.

RE: 'rules-lawyer' (many comments)

I was clear that I was being a rules-lawyer, i.e. unyielding and rigid. I recognize that people would bend and adjust for their campaigns. However, the examples I see on this board feel -to me- to be hopelessy broken, and I think it's because people stray far from the clear intent of the rules.

For example, "Passion: the sea." is just as bad to me as the "Passion: horses" which was discussed in the actual gaming forum. It sounds neat, but it's really hard to create stories where those passions come into play over and over again. When you love someone, I can toss little reminders in some adventures, or have giant cries for help in others. When it's the sea, there isn't much I can do unless you jump on a boat, so the passion basically ends up being a convience for you. I'm a strong believer that the SAs should cling, push, prod, or be demanding as much as possible for the story to be good. Something that can easily be turned on and off as convient to the player doesn't work for me.

Besides, I don't like your elitist view that your gaming is somehow superior.

Didn't mean to give this impression. In all honesty, I do like Diablo and other games which emphasize wargame-skills and greed. I don't think pen-and-paper are a really good outlet for these things, though. One-offs? Sure. But a long-term campaign built around self-serving characters? Boring, to me the GM. Again, I think you can have much more fun with those drives in different games.


Message 2982#29016

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On 8/12/2002 at 9:30pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Nevermet wrote: On the subject of loyalty & overthrowing kings... The destiny SA is a touchy one for me. It sounds like you're planning on getting a lot of campaign mileage out of it, which works. The real dangers come up if people make PCs the way my old D&D group did: everyone makes their characters in private, and then drops them all in front of the DM 15 minutes before gaming starts. uh-uh. Can't work very well, especially with things like destiny involved.

You're completely right, ofr course. There are three ways around it, as far as I can see:

1) GM Fiat - the GM specifies an SA (or 2) that every character must have, this is used to draw the characters together. It might be common loyalty to a monarch, or a common drive, or whatever. This will work better if the GM also limits which countries characters can be from. This is the easiest solution to be honest, but the least rewarding IMO.

2) The players make up their characters as a group. This can be a lot of fun and quite rewarding. You'll find that characters will take SA's in common with one or two others, so instead of a single overriding common SA, you'll have a "chain" of linked backgrounds/SA's focusing the group.

3) (this is what I did for my first RoS campaign) let the players make up their characters individually, but get the characters a week or so before the game starts, and weave the backgrounds and SAs together yourself. You just tell the characters beforehand that there may be very minor changes to their backgrounds and SAs. For example, IMC I changed the name of one characters nemesis so that it matched a passion another character had, altered one characters background info slighly (letting him know I was doing it) so as to make it that two characters had a portion of their history shared, which drove them together, and I only had to convince one player to replace one SA that I simply couldn't fit in with everything else. This option is the most work, but the most rewarding IMO.


Message 2982#29017

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On 8/12/2002 at 9:41pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

I'm not against the anti-hero, actually. I just prefer the 'anti-' part be background, and we start the gaming with the 'hero' part.

One-offs? Sure.

Well then. It seems that agree on that, since I prefer to have the 'anti-' part present only in the first few sessions(the fewer the better).

On the SA's.
You have a point there. The reason I started this thread in the first place was to find out if there was any good SA's for the 'anti-' part of a hero, after all. I myself couldn't find any.

Didn't mean to give this impression. In all honesty, I do like Diablo and other games which emphasize wargame-skills and greed. I don't think pen-and-paper are a really good outlet for these things, though. One-offs? Sure. But a long-term campaign built around self-serving characters? Boring, to me the GM. Again, I think you can have much more fun with those drives in different games.

Actually, it was the "Take luck, and nothing else, and live a mediocre gaming life. " that ticked me off.
OTOH, I have no doubt that your gaming is technically superior, since you probably have played since before I was born(-86)...

Message 2982#29022

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On 8/12/2002 at 10:16pm, Jaif wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

I thought of a different way to phrase some of this.

Let's say you take 'Passion: Wanderlust'. Under what situations do you get to use those points? Under what situations are you awarded points? I honestly can't figure out the first (when you get to add the points to die rolls). For the second, I need to come up with a situation like this: " did great work their son. Our town could really use more men like you; would you consider hiring on permanently?..." Then you chose to move on, and I give you a point. Every adventure.

Then there's 'Drive: Fame and Fortune'. Again, ask yourself the 'use' and 'award' questions. I think you can see that this one absolutely leads to munchkin gaming very quickly. If that's your goal, well, that's your goal. It's not mine, and not one I would GM.


Message 2982#29032

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On 8/12/2002 at 10:18pm, Jaif wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Actually, it was the "Take luck, and nothing else, and live a mediocre gaming life. " that ticked me off.

Sorry about that - you're right, that was very poorly phrased. FWIW, I was referring to the fact that a character with only one SA would be a mediocre character by 'munchkin' standards. You're right, though, it sounds like I'm telling people their gaming style sucks, which wasn't my intention.


Message 2982#29033

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On 8/12/2002 at 11:40pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Jaif wrote: I thought of a different way to phrase some of this.

Let's say you take 'Passion: Wanderlust'. Under what situations do you get to use those points? Under what situations are you awarded points? I honestly can't figure out the first (when you get to add the points to die rolls). For the second, I need to come up with a situation like this: " did great work their son. Our town could really use more men like you; would you consider hiring on permanently?..." Then you chose to move on, and I give you a point. Every adventure.

If I was the player making the PC, I would probably argue that Wanderlust would apply to being curious through traveling. It would probably be instrumentally speaking a waste of good starting SA points, but it could possibly come in handy for something like convincing some ship-captain you'd be a decent enough deck hand (even though you have no experience on the seas) to trade your labor for passage. But yeah... this SA wouldn't allow extra dice often.

As for when a PC gets more dice, I'm unsure about EVERY adventure. Now... everytime a great opportunity to settle down and be successful occurs, and you turn it away, yeah, thats worth points. But I wouldn't expect that to happen every adventure.

Jaif wrote: Then there's 'Drive: Fame and Fortune'. Again, ask yourself the 'use' and 'award' questions. I think you can see that this one absolutely leads to munchkin gaming very quickly. If that's your goal, well, that's your goal. It's not mine, and not one I would GM.

I agree with you that if I saw a player wanting this SA, I'd mark him as a potential problem. If he proves himself to be trouble, thats when the big stick comes out in the form of constantly putting the PC in a circumstance with 2 choices: either he's nigh suicidal in his pursuit of fame and fortune, or he isn't living up to his all-encompassing drive, and therefore will lose SAs.

But again, I think we can all agree these are situations best avoided by lots of communication between players and the GM, starting from character creation on through the campaign. The goals and concerns of everyone in the gaming group should be discussed instead of waiting for them to become manifest, in these examples the manifestation is potentially munchkin-born Spiritual Attributes

Message 2982#29041

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On 8/13/2002 at 8:56am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Another scenario for the king thing, with plenty of historical precedent. the character has loyalty to kingSHIP, but not necessarily the present incumbent. So, when attending court, the character makes all obeisance due the stature of the king, but secretly plots treason on the basis that they need the Right King. Such a character would never permit even the false incumbent to be demeaned in their kingship, but would happily conspire for them to have a fatal accident.

Theres also an unconscious variety, in which the very pursuit of loyalty to the king results in the king being overthrown - because the king is unworthy of such loyalty. The honourable servant is betrayed by an unworthy master - in fact that very betrayal of the character by the king could precipitate the crisis that brings down the dynasty.

Message 2982#29089

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On 8/13/2002 at 12:03pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

On the wanderlust thing.
It would probably be good for keeping the characters moving. I would give them points when reaching a new land, famous landmark or somesuch. A little like Tourist points.
Perhaps Wanderlust is better as a gift or flaw. It'd make you travel farther and perhaps an endurance bonus of sorts. On the downside, it'd give you a penalty for staying too long in the same place. It might lower all your Mental attributes for being absent-minded and just wanting to be on the road again.

On Fame and Fortune.
Personally I'd drop the Fortune part and make it a minor Greed flaw. With only Fame as a goal might be cool.
He get points as soon as he does something that will make him more famous(duh!). He gets the dice as soon as he is doing something important(i.e. jousting, acting on a theatre, debating) in front of a big audience. Of course, it doesn't work if he is performing glorious actions deep down an abandoned fortress with only the spiders left alive to tell the tale.
When he actually gets famous, one use up the entire SA for buying Wit or whatever, and replace it with a new SA.

Another thing.
A character can only be truly great if he acts according to his SA's, right?
Doesn't that mean that all the very top elite swordfighters has "Drive:Be the best swordsman" or somesuch?
It would be cool when a character watches his opponent during training and trough a PER-roll estimates he has about 16-19 dice.
Then, when the real fighting begins, he have like 24 dice.

Message 2982#29096

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On 8/13/2002 at 3:00pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

As soon as I got TROS, I started wondering about the "be the best" Drive SA. My conclusion was that the best swordsmen don't necessarily have it, but the most obsessed swordsman do. Personally, I can think of one way to make that drive work: its a reputation thing. Formal duels, public displays, trying to maintain one's repuatiion is where the drive to be the best would enter in. In 'real life,' it would also enter in for skill improvement, but that isn't done mechanically with SAs as much as the player deciding how to spend SAs. A drive for RECOGNITION of being the best would I think be a pretty cool Drive.

If a player INSISTS that it applies to the majority of combat, then I would try to persuade him/her not to take such a Drive. If that fails, and if his character is becoming just plain silly by being in a constant sprititually charged state, then thats when he starts bumping into a ton of other bladeslingers; some better than him (who would beat him and possibly kill him), and some worse than him (who if he kills he potentially becomes infamous and wanted for murder).

Message 2982#29102

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On 8/13/2002 at 3:44pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Nevermet wrote: If that fails, and if his character is becoming just plain silly by being in a constant sprititually charged state, then thats when he starts bumping into a ton of other bladeslingers; some better than him (who would beat him and possibly kill him), and some worse than him (who if he kills he potentially becomes infamous and wanted for murder).
Which is fine. Actually the player is telling you he wants to fight these guys, and probably should bump into them anyhow (or, more likely, be looking for them). I mean, how does he know if he's the best or not until he's fought others who might be the best.

That's the essence of the bladeslinger's riddle, no?

BTW, a lot of what is being talked about as Passions would work just fine as Drives. If you don't want to allow a Passion for the sea, how about a Drive to explore the sea? Instead of a Passion for horses, how about a drive to own, know, and protect horses?

Also wanderlust seems fine as a "drive to explore" sort of thing. Personally, I'd give points for something defined as wanderlust for a character who leaves a place, insead of arriving; those with a drive to discover things or explore should get points for arriving or finding places. Ask the player which they prefer. The wanderlust guy would get a bonus to escape from bondage, whereas the explorer would have bonuses trying to obtain maps and such. Cool stuff, either way.

On the subject of munchkin play, munchkins are dysfunctional despite any system you use. There is no need to restrict non-munchkin players, and no way to restrict munchkin players. Why would you want to anyhow? Kick the munchkins out (or convert them if possible, I suppose), and move on. Allow the good players to do their thing unhindered by excessive limits. Just my opinion on the subject.


Message 2982#29110

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On 8/13/2002 at 3:56pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Mike Holmes wrote:
On the subject of munchkin play, munchkins are dysfunctional despite any system you use. There is no need to restrict non-munchkin players, and no way to restrict munchkin players. Why would you want to anyhow? Kick the munchkins out (or convert them if possible, I suppose), and move on. Allow the good players to do their thing unhindered by excessive limits. Just my opinion on the subject.


I just wanted to pound my stein and say, "here here!"

who isn't feeling very useful, but is pleased with himself nonetheless.

Message 2982#29113

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...started by Jake Norwood which Jake Norwood participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 8/13/2002 at 5:41pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Mike Holmes wrote:
Nevermet wrote: If that fails, and if his character is becoming just plain silly by being in a constant sprititually charged state, then thats when he starts bumping into a ton of other bladeslingers; some better than him (who would beat him and possibly kill him), and some worse than him (who if he kills he potentially becomes infamous and wanted for murder).
Which is fine. Actually the player is telling you he wants to fight these guys, and probably should bump into them anyhow (or, more likely, be looking for them). I mean, how does he know if he's the best or not until he's fought others who might be the best.

That's the essence of the bladeslinger's riddle, no?


Oh, yes, thats exactly it. We're in complete agreement. However, maybe I'm just unlucky with who I've played with, but I can envision a lot of players being truly surprised you threw a potential enemy in front of them that is actually superior.

I like your point of overlapping between Drives and Passions. I suspect the biggest difference between the two is a Drive is intended for activity (you want to accomplish something), versus passions which have a constant relationship toward something else (simplest examples are of the "Love/Hate ___" kind).

As for munchkins... ugh. I completely agree that they are a problem regardless of system. Again, my experience has been its not always as simple as kicking them out. But a full rant in Munchkins would first, be off topic big time, and second, it is the kind of rant that is there for. (Not a knock on, it simply serves different purposes than the forge or this particular forum)

Message 2982#29146

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On 8/13/2002 at 5:54pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Nevermet wrote: However, maybe I'm just unlucky with who I've played with, but I can envision a lot of players being truly surprised you threw a potential enemy in front of them that is actually superior.
That's the cool thing about TROS. You can throw a combatant with a bigger CP at the character, who will win only by his SAs. This character will realize that he only won because he wanted it more, and hopefully think about increasing his pool, or change his character's direction. Because he knows that someday he'll meet the guy who wants it more, at which point he'd better be the best.

And then when he proves he's the best; then what?


Message 2982#29148

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On 8/13/2002 at 6:25pm, Jaif wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

On the subject of munchkin play, munchkins are dysfunctional despite any system you use. There is no need to restrict non-munchkin players, and no way to restrict munchkin players. Why would you want to anyhow? Kick the munchkins out (or convert them if possible, I suppose), and move on. Allow the good players to do their thing unhindered by excessive limits. Just my opinion on the subject.

I know we're tossing terms liberally here, but a 'munchkin' isn't a binary thing. My friends and I also play board (and computer) wargames. Gaming the system is part of what we do. It's nice to set clear limits in advance in this cases. Why set limits? Because I want to tell stories that I find entertaining, and people running finding reasons to kill and loot gets dull w/o context.

So I tell the players up front that we're going to do stories, and I'm going to watch for overly-muchkin like behavior. They try to hide it by taking creative SAs, and we all enjoy. :-)


Message 2982#29154

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On 8/13/2002 at 6:25pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Then he will either keep it and used it whenever he has to defend his position as the greates in the world. Or it will wane and disappear as he set out for different goals in life(other SA's)
That's one thing I like with SA's. They can change.

Message 2982#29155

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On 8/13/2002 at 7:40pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Jaif wrote: I know we're tossing terms liberally here, but a 'munchkin' isn't a binary thing. My friends and I also play board (and computer) wargames. Gaming the system is part of what we do. It's nice to set clear limits in advance in this cases. Why set limits? Because I want to tell stories that I find entertaining, and people running finding reasons to kill and loot gets dull w/o context.


*sigh* Gosh darn you to heck for spoiling the fun with something as meaningless as definitions & reality checks ;)

Seriously, though, what is a munchkin? A munchkin is a guy who games the system in ways and to a degree the rest of the group beleives is improper. I don't think there is as clear of a term for it, but players who want to do more "high-fallutin' " roleplaying are almost as despised by the groups I've been in.

I was instantly a big fan of the idea of making a contract between the players and GM when I first heard about it

I think a lot of problems with SAs in TROS can be solved by discussion about what is and isn't appropriate. Its one of the easiest areas to 'pump' a character's power-level, and therefore should be an area covered by any such discussion or contract for a TROS campaign

Message 2982#29182

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On 8/13/2002 at 7:41pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Mike Holmes wrote:

And then when he proves he's the best; then what?


I think thats the question for a lot of drives and destinies. Many could conceivably be realized during play, bringing up the interesting question of 'what next?'

I haven't played this game enough to think of a good answer

Message 2982#29183

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On 8/13/2002 at 8:03pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Well, my point was the same as others here, it's OK for a PC to be the best, because then he will have to change his drive. He's obtained what he was going for. Now he can't keep trying to be the best, he is. He must now try for something else.

I love the fact that TROS is so new that nobody has any "Oh, yeah, I had this one guy with a 64CP who killed three hundred men al by himeself" stories. Think we can avoid it entirely? Probably not. But there's always hope.

Anyhow, Jeff is, of course, correct about the whole communcation thing. This is a fine way to slay the earstwhile munchkin. But I also want to see that character who is the best in my game have to make that "What next" decision. I think it will be a cool moment. Certainly a good place to retire a character, but also a great place to change him radically. I mean, at this point shouldn't he have his answer to the Riddle? And if so, shouldn't that set him off on a new path?

Well, whatever the answer, I'd like to see it anyhow.

The only big concerns that I have with SAs is that one player does not take ones that are so outrageous compared to the others that theirs seem lame in comparison. Character envy can destroy player interest. As such, I advocate more than just player/GM communication, but player/player. "Oh, you're taking that? Then maybe it would be cool if I took this?"

Another thing I'm really looking forward to is players taking Passions for their dear friends, the other PCs. That's a cool way to keep a group together, and to make them internally powerful. This is one of those occasions that the player drive for power, and the GMs drives coincide nicely. No longer do I need to have lame reasons why the characters are together, they can come up with good reasons themsleves, leaving me more free to do my thing.


Message 2982#29188

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On 8/13/2002 at 10:25pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Mike Holmes wrote: Another thing I'm really looking forward to is players taking Passions for their dear friends, the other PCs. That's a cool way to keep a group together, and to make them internally powerful. This is one of those occasions that the player drive for power, and the GMs drives coincide nicely. No longer do I need to have lame reasons why the characters are together, they can come up with good reasons themsleves, leaving me more free to do my thing.

We do that out here all the time. Soap Opera, man, Soap opera

who is watching Gladiator out of the corner of his eye right now

Message 2982#29213

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On 8/13/2002 at 11:15pm, Jaif wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Heh, I have gladiator on DVD too. Awesome flick - I skip all the talking stuff, and go straight for the fight scenes!

Love watching the famous Roman Longbowmen firing fire arrows! :-)


Message 2982#29220

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On 8/14/2002 at 5:13pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Jake Norwood wrote:
I just wanted to pound my stein and say, "here here!"

who isn't feeling very useful, but is pleased with himself nonetheless.

Jake, you don't even drink beer. Well, I guess if you're drinking root beer or apple beer (don't ask... it's a Utah thing), you could have a stein...

who continues to ramble about steins, drinks and beer but isn't going to write it all down.

Message 2982#29309

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On 8/14/2002 at 9:09pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

True, but I do have a stein with a naked lady in the bottom. I'll show it to you next time you're in Utah...a present from my dad in his drinking days.


Message 2982#29354

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On 9/10/2002 at 8:58am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
An Alternative

Earlier in this thread there was talk about taking away SA Points... which was heartilly decried....

My alternative is to declare a point move out of a SA that is consistenly or blatantly violated.

For instance the "Pasion Obtaining Wealth/ never go hungry again" or similar SA and the charachter doesn't lift the sack of coins from his slain foe.

This can either be to where the player wants, or to an SA specified by Sen.

Anyway, i didn't see anyone pose that as a workable alternative.

Message 2982#32146

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On 9/10/2002 at 3:24pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Removal of SA points was something that I had originaly considered, but felt thta too many games punish players for doing things when it doesn't make the game more fun. I have been known, sporradically, to take away SA points in-game when someone regularly and blatantly violates some of their SAs. More often than not I ask them to change their SA if they're not going to play it.

The occasional violation, however, has great story-making potential.


Message 2982#32168

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...from around 9/10/2002

On 9/10/2002 at 4:29pm, Jaif wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Removal of SAs is something in the rules, at least in the first edition.


Message 2982#32180

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...from around 9/10/2002

On 9/10/2002 at 5:03pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Jaif wrote: Removal of SAs is something in the rules, at least in the first edition.


You amaze me, Jeff. If it's in first printing, its probably in 2nd, too. Dang...


Message 2982#32187

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...started by Jake Norwood which Jake Norwood participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 9/10/2002

On 9/10/2002 at 5:51pm, Jaif wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

I'll have to work on my stage name then. "The Amazing Jeff" just doesn't have much zing. :-)

Removal of SAs is something I agree with also. Otherwise the SAs become convient situation modifiers. The whole point with SAs, to me, is that they should tug at a character just as much as a character can use them.


Message 2982#32195

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...from around 9/10/2002

On 9/10/2002 at 8:54pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: Greed...But not really

Jaif wrote:
Removal of SAs is something I agree with also. Otherwise the SAs become convient situation modifiers. The whole point with SAs, to me, is that they should tug at a character just as much as a character can use them.

I think a Wise GM would announce the Removal siultaneous with a granting in another SA... perhaps Granting easier because it is compensated for by the judged Lack of playing a different one.

Of course once it reaches Zero.... the judge might announce a change in the SA to an SA the judge thinks the Player has been playing and that fits the ongoing game... still at Zero so if the charachter doesn't like it he can still change it. Possibly the charachter might change back to his old SA but now he knows he has to do better playing it to keep it.

Message 2982#32223

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Thirsty Viking which Thirsty Viking participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 9/10/2002