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Topic: [Babel] Updated Combat Skil: Brawl
Started by: Mobius
Started on: 5/23/2010
Board: First Thoughts

On 5/23/2010 at 7:03pm, Mobius wrote:
[Babel] Updated Combat Skil: Brawl

Based on feedback from my first play test I am redoing all of the combat skills and I'm looking for feedback on the first one I've finished; Brawl.  I'm putting this in first thoughts because this version has not been play tested at all.  If however it belongs in Playtesting I apologize in advance.

The (slightly outdated) basic rules can be found here:

Some updates:  Each rank is a level in a skill and your level determines the base number of dice you roll plus the following advantages.
Rank 1
    Tier 1 Basic Attacks
    Tier 1 Maneuvers
    Basic Counter
Gain 2 tier 1 Defensive Counters or Follow-ups.

Rank 2
    Tier 2 Basic Attacks
    Tier 2 Maneuvers
Gain 2 Defensive Counters or Follow-ups of tier 2 or below.
Tier 1 Defensive Counters and Follow-ups may be recovered.

Rank 3
    Tier 3 Basic Attacks
    Tier 3 Maneuvers
Gain 2 Defensive Counters or Follow-ups of tier 3 or below.
Tier 1 and 2 Defensive Counters and Follow-ups may be recovered.

Rank 4
    Tier 4 Basic Attacks
    Tier 4 Maneuvers
Gain 2 Defensive Counters or Follow-ups of tier 4 or below.
Tier 1, 2, and 3 Defensive Counters and Follow-ups may be recovered.

Rank 5
    Tier 5 Basic Attacks
    Tier 5 Maneuvers
Gain 2 Defensive Counters or Follow-ups of tier 5 or below.
Tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 Defensive Counters and Follow-ups may be recovered.

Rank 6+
Gain 1 Defensive Counter or Follow-up of tier 5 or below.

Notes from my first playtest:


Most of all I'm wondering if the abilities seem varied and interesting or if it just feels like they are all slight variations on each other.  Because of how I am redoing the Counter/Follow-up system they are now need to be much closer to each other in terms of power/usefulness so I'm concerned I'll end up making them overly homogeneous.  Any other feedback is welcome as well!

Rank 1

Basic Attacks
May be used untrained.
Punch: Accuracy: +2, Damage: 3 [Str]
Jab: Accuracy: +3, Damage: 1 [Str]
      Special: Recover 1 Defensive Counter 
Kick: Accuracy: +0, Damage: 5 [Str]
Grab: Accuracy: +1, Damage: Special
        Special: You engage in a Grapple using Brawl [Str].

Basic Counter (Can be used any number of times.)
Melee  Defensive Counter
Effect: Roll Brawl [Str].  Each success reduces the damage done by the triggering attack one level.  Blocking a non-lethal melee weapon imposes a 1 die penalty.  Blocking a lethal weapon takes a 2 dice penalty.

Tier 1 Defensive Counters
Defensive Crouch
Melee  Defensive Counter, Persistent
Effect: Block the triggering attack.  Until the beginning of your next turn all non-lethal attacks do 2 less dice of damage to you.

Street Tough
Melee/Ranged Defensive Counter
Effect: Roll Brawl [Str].  Each success reduces the damage done by the triggering attack one level.

Tier 1 Follow-ups
Melee Follow-up
Effect:  You gain a 1 dice bonus to accuracy and 2 to damage on the next melee attack you make against the triggering target.

Rank 2

Basic Attacks:
Sucker Punch: Accuracy: +2, Damage: 5[Str]
                          Special: Sucker Punch may only be used against an opponent who has not acted this
                                        combat or who is unable to defend themselves (grabbed, stunned, K.O., etc).
Slam: Accuracy: +1, Damage: 4[Str]
          Special: Before making the attack you may move up to your speed in a straight line.  If
                          Slam hits you and the target make an opposed Str check, the loser is knocked                         
                          prone.  You may only use Slam once per turn. 

Tier 2 Defensive Counters
Melee/Ranged Defensive Counter
Effect: Reduce the damage caused by the triggering attack 3 levels.  You automatically succeed at any stun or K.O. checks resulting from the triggering attack.
            Special: Grit may be used while restrained.

Street Defense
Melee Defensive Counter
Effect: Block the triggering attack.  Make a opposed Strength check against the triggering attacker.  The loser is knocked prone.

Tier 2 Follow-ups
Staggering Blow
Melee Follow-up
Effect: If the triggering attack hit and did at least 1 level of damage the target is Staggered and must succeed at Strength check or be knocked Prone.

Rank 3

Basic Attacks
Upper Cut: Accuracy: +0, Damage: 4[Str].
            Special: Recover 1 Follow-up.
Haymaker: Accuracy: +0, Damage 7 [Str], Slow

Tier 3 Defensive Counters
Break Free
Melee Defensive Counter
Effect: [Waiting on full grappling rules.]

Tough as Nails
Melee/Ranged Defensive Counter, Persistent
Effect: Reduce the damage caused by the triggering attack 4 levels.  Until the beginning of your next turn all attacks do 1 less level of damage to you.

Tier 3 Follow-ups
Right Hook
Melee Follow-up, Extra Action
Effect: Punch the triggering target.

Rank 4

Basic Attacks
Knee: Accuracy: +1, Damage: 4[Str]
          Special: Knee may be used while restrained as long as least one leg is free.
Smashing Disarm: Make a melee attack. Accuracy: +2, Damage: Special.
              Special: Target one weapon your opponent is holding and roll Brawl [Str].  If you roll more
                            successes then your target's Strength he drops the targeted weapon.  If he is holding
                            his weapon with two hands you take a 2 dice penalty.  If you wish to take the 
                            weapon from him instead of making him drop it you take a 1 die penalty.
One Two Punch: As a Multiple Attack throw a Jab followed by Punch.

Tier 4 Defensive Counters
Melee Defensive Counter
BlEffect: Bock the triggering attack. After that attack is fully resolved Punch the triggering target.

Thick Skinned
Melee/Ranged Defensive Counter
Effect: Roll Brawl [Str].  Each success reduces the damage done by the triggering attack one level.
            Special: Thick Skin  may be used while surprised, stunned, or restrained.

Tier 4 Follow-ups
Head Butt
Melee Follow-up, Extra Action
Effect: Make a Brawling attack against the triggering target. Accuracy: +1, Damage: 4[Str], Vicious.
            Special: Head Butt may be used while restrained.

Melee Follow-up
Effect: Roll Brawl [Str].  If you roll more successes then the triggering target's Strength he is knocked back one meter for each success rolled and knocked Prone.

Rank 5

Basic Attacks
Kidney Shot: Accuracy: +2, Damage: 4[Str], Crushing.

Tier 5 Defensive Counters
Float Like a Butterfly
Melee Defensive Counter, Persistent
Effect: Block the triggering attack.    Until the end of your next turn attacks do 3 less dice of damage to you.
            Special: Recover 1 Defensive Counter.

Shrug it Off
Melee/Ranged Defensive Counter
Effect: Roll Brawl [Str].  Each success reduces the damage done by the triggering attack one level.  If you are stunned you recover and may act normally.  After any remaining damage is applied heal one level of non-lethal damage for each success rolled.
            Special: Shrug it Off may be used while stunned or restrained.

Take Your Best Shot
Melee Defensive Counter, Interrupt
Effect: Roll Brawl [Str].  Each success reduces the damage done by the attack being countered one level.  Make a Brawling attack against the triggering target before he can use a Follow-up. Accuracy: +1, Damage: 5[Str].

Tier 5 Follow-ups
Melee Follow-up, Extra Action
Effect: Make a Brawling attack against any valid target.  Accuracy: +0, Damage: 6[Str], Crushing, Vicious.

Sting Like a Bee
Melee Follow-up, Persistent
Effect: Until the end of your next turn all Brawl attacks gain +3 damage.  If the triggering attack hit and did at least 1 level of damage the target is Bleeding.
            Special: Recover 1 Follow-up.

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