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Topic: [ENnies] Awards and Fans and Publishers! Oh, my!
Started by: reveal
Started on: 6/17/2010
Board: Conventions

On 6/17/2010 at 2:09pm, reveal wrote:
[ENnies] Awards and Fans and Publishers! Oh, my!

As the ENnie Awards enters its 10th year, we've been evaluating priorities and taking care to look at feedback from past years. So today we're asking your opinion on a few issues. Your responses will be taken into consideration as we move forward. Please note that we cannot afford the time or money to create too many extra categories. Also in your response, please note if you are a publisher, fan, if you've submitted to the ENnies/plan on doing so, etc.:

I. As the category structure is set out currently, anyone submitting product for the ENnies is relegated into two broad classifications - "Publisher" or "Fan".  A Publisher is someone who produces role playing games or related products for sale.  A Fan is someone who produces role playing games or related products for free.  These classifications have been made in order to recognize those people who produce product in their free time and who generally have fewer resources to devote to their product.  Also, since the Awards and many publishers started as fan web sites or productions, the ENnies wish to maintain their commitment to acknowledging the efforts of those in the trenches getting started.

We have two options to consider:

A. Keep 'em separated: Offer a Fan Product category (or more if quality and quantity of submissions so warrant).  Categories would most likely be Best Web Site, Best Serial (webzine, podcast, blog), Best Product.

B. Let 'em compete together: Eliminate the Fan categories altogether.  Many Fan productions believe they have sufficient quality to stand on their own feet without needing any special category to give them a leg up.

It has to be either/or so the rules can be applied to everybody.  It would not be acceptable to have only some Fan products "opt in".

II. The definition of the category allows for any submitted free product or webhancement from a publisher, whether it's a full product, quickstart rules, etc.  This category was created to replace the Best Web Site category, since for publishers, a web site is essentially a marketing and public relations tool, just like handing out free product.  It is a "thank you" and an acknowledgement of the investment required to create a product that is not in itself going to make money.

Last year there was some discussion as to what should be permitted as a free product in the Free Product/Webhancement category.  Should we change the definition of this category?  And if so, how?

III. Please feel free to expand upon other topics below, fill out our [URL=]online survey[/URL], or email the Business Manager personally at [email][/email] with your questions or concerns.

Tony Law
ENnies Assistant Business Manager

Message 29892#277092

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On 7/4/2010 at 6:07pm, Skeld wrote:
Re: [ENnies] Awards and Fans and Publishers! Oh, my!

It's a tough call, Tony, and depends largely on the number of submissions we get that can fit into the various categories.  My feelings are that a number of the "fan" products we received this year (2010) were of a quality that can compete with publisher-produced free products. 

For example, there isn't much difference between a fan blog and a publisher blog (aside from publisher blogs being an arm of their marketing with the intent to sell you their products).  Same thing with podcasts.  Just listening, there isn't a big difference between fan and publisher podcasts (some of the publishers even show up as interview guests in the fan podcasts).  I see no reason for fans and publishers to compete together in those categories. 

I can see continuing to leave them separate in other categories (like the print categories or e-book). 


PS: I was a judge for the 2010 ENnies and I am running again this year.  I appreciate any support in the upcoming election!

Message 29892#277507

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