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Topic: Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?
Started by: Necromantis
Started on: 6/29/2010
Board: First Thoughts

On 6/29/2010 at 3:02am, Necromantis wrote:
Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?

Hey guys,

Just trying to get some feedback on the character sheet that I designed for my upcoming RPG [A time of Steel & Staves]

Though I admit I have never been trained in graphic design or Typesetting or anything I figured I'd have complete control over how the product gets laid out if I design it myself (not to mention cost for endless revisions --- I am particular about groupings).

I honestly didn't know where to post this so I asked Ron. Out of his suggestions I figured I'd come here, since I've posted here a bunch concerning this game.
Maybe a little less explaining. (hey a man can hope right?)

As many of you have played a bunch of games (more than I, more than likely) and have undoubtedly found things to dislike about some of the various sheets you've played with, I was hoping to get some feedback about my sheet.

So here are a few concerns with mine.

Does it have everything I most likely need?
[sub](note: magic sheets will be provided for "spellcasters" and on a different sheet)[/sub]
How is the flow?
Does information on the Front/back belong on the Front/back?
Does the Design itself look professional enough?

another note: The character portrait is there because My players can easily ignore a blank portrait spot while a face not there own would drive them to find one. ;) also, when they do find a pic they like we would just paste them on the back of the 110lb card stock character sheet using a glue stick.  (Which I highly recommend for Character sheets by the way)

Here is the link for the sheet.
[sub](note: there are two other sheets I designed here - for my Ad&d game and Song of Ice and fire Roleplaying - two games I am currently playing/running)[/sub]
Its 100% safe. you should be able to view the file with Firefox if you have adobe acrobat without saving the file to your harddrive (except perhaps a temp folder)

I will be more than happy to answer any questions about the sheet/game that you guys have.
I will more than likely explain why I have something a certain way if it is questioned. (for example - why only two weapons per type? why not just let them write in what type) Please don't take this to mean I don't appreciate your concerns. I do.

I am still working out some of the more labor intensive details -- spells/moves(feat like)/skills
But I think I can still answer most any questions.

Thanks guys.

Brent "Necromantis" Carroll

Message 29934#277335

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On 6/29/2010 at 2:23pm, horomancer wrote:
Re: Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?

Looks pretty good, though you've given alot of space to a weapons list. Is that necessary? Will characters be decked out in so many weapons at a time? Also what if they have 3 weapons that do the same type of damage? They would have to cross out or write in the brightly colored margins.
Maybe turn that section into a solid block of white with 'P S C R G' on each line like you have 'Fast Norm Slow' and they can circle which ever applies. It would also let them scribble notes down if need be.

Other than that, pretty solid. I would encourage not having colored margins since I scribble notes all over my character sheets, but that's just my preference.

Message 29934#277349

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On 6/29/2010 at 4:20pm, Necromantis wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?

That was a concern of mine. The weapons.
My thought being that I have designed my rpg to make weapons matter more.
Armor too for that matter.
Type X of weapon would do better against Type Y armor. etc.
That an array of weapon types would be best. but Truly you make a good point.
I noticed myself that I have no place for ammo which is annoying for me to do without.

as far as the margins go. They are only 1/10 of an inch. Didn't figure anyone would try to write in them.
Something to consider. Though I do have a Notes Sheet done in the same style for all my other sheets.
another thought is.. How do the colors look? Too bright? I am just found of red -
and whatever colors I decide on will play a big part of the overall design for the handbook
(wow first time assuming their would be one of those)

horomancer wrote:
you've given alot of space to a weapons list. Is that necessary?

When I designed it I thought It was. Haha. Probably not. I'll mess around with it.
horomancer wrote:
Maybe turn that section into a solid block of white with 'P S C R G'

My problem with this is that I don't like the look of Abbreviations in professional environments.
Honestly, its the reason I set it up like I did. But I think I will have to Do something else.

Thanks for the input. .

Message 29934#277353

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On 6/30/2010 at 12:20am, horomancer wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?

I can understand not wanting abbreviation, but sometimes they are just to handy. Maybe just have a 'Type' column and let players write it in.

Message 29934#277364

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On 7/4/2010 at 2:28am, Necromantis wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?

Just a note. probably not worth mentioning.

Moves - will now be known as: Actions.

They will still be to either side of the character portrait.

also looking at figuring a better Layout for weapons.
Maybe a way to have armor on the left of the sheet and weapons on the right. more or less side by side.

Message 29934#277492

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On 7/8/2010 at 6:37am, davidvs wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?

A quick, probably irrelevant, observation...

Your character sheet, like most, in general starts with the numerical stats and progresses to the named stuff (inventory, weapons, spells, etc.)  That order of flow is most helpful to experienced players, but unfriendly to showing your character to a friend who has never played the game.

Your sheet has a lot of personal information in the top right, which does temper this first impression.

Did you ever try a draft with named stuff on the right and numerical stats and checkboxes on the left?  You probably don't want that, but trying such a draft might generate useful ideas.

Message 29934#277607

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On 7/8/2010 at 7:17pm, thadrine wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?

It does look good, but I would think about tightening it up. Make just a few lines for weapons and let players fill in what they need. I would make everything just a little closer together. This way you will have more room for things like mechanics or inventory.

Also,  a note from making my own sheets for my own games. Do not put any character bio info on their unless it has something to do with the actual mechanics. I have learned it is always better to have a 3rd sheet for things like description, back story, and portrait. It also means that they have more room on both sheets, and something they can pass around if the need arises.

Also, give players some margins to wright in. For one thing, many printers will not let you get smaller than a inch margin anyway, and another is that players will usually use those for their own notes anyway.

Message 29934#277620

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On 7/9/2010 at 4:38am, Necromantis wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?

1st off thanks for the Compliments and more for the advise. It's well appreciated, on that rest sure. 

davidvs wrote:
Did you ever try a draft with named stuff on the right and numerical stats and checkboxes on the left?  You probably don't want that, but trying such a draft might generate useful ideas.

I haven't but I might.
I more or less just setup the sheets as most of the sheets that we've (my group) Have always had them. I figured It was come natural when looking for certain things.. Your Stats are right there on the upper left your weapons at the bottom of page inventory on the back. Etc. Might learn something from straying. I'll give it a go.

thadrine wrote:
Also,  a note from making my own sheets for my own games. Do not put any character bio info on their unless it has something to do with the actual mechanics. I have learned it is always better to have a 3rd sheet for things like description, back story, and portrait. It also means that they have more room on both sheets, and something they can pass around if the need arises.

As it happens I feel a need for a 3rd sheet as well. Mine is different than yours in that Mine is primarily a notes sheet. I haven't made one for (A Time of Steel & Staves] yet but had plans too. It would match of course, because I am just picky that way.
I will say that you raise an interesting point about passing the sheet around though. Perhaps when I just start from scratch making a new sheet and try some new things I'll make some sort of hybrid of both our ideas. A notes sheet that has character background info and descriptions.
sidenote: No one in my group ever writes notes in the margins of their character sheets. They usually write them on a separate sheet (usually the notes sheet - if they haven't filled it up and remember to request another one be printed) - We are kind of picky about how nice our sheets look though. Keep them in Color Coded Paper folders (the kind that come in multi colored packs)  with our characters names on [sub]brother p-touch label-maker[/sub] Labels. One per character. But I know we aren't the norm. So, I'll try to think about that when I design a new sheet.

as for needing more space for weapons - I disagree - it think (after having it pointed out) that it takes up a lot of the character sheet as it is. Part of that is that I have divided the weapons in to 5 sets of 2. My reasoning for doing that Is because In my game I wanted to make what kind of weapon you carry and use matter. If all your character uses in slashing weapons - they will find that they will have a disadvantage in maybe fights against various type of armor that is resilient to such weapons and that a piercing weapon or crushing would be much more effective. Furthermore, the main weapons grid (on the right) is carried weapons (I know I didn't mark it as such but figured it would be fast learned) the left is weapons that the character would know how to use but don't carry everywhere. (in my current aD&D campaign people get away with carry way too much weaponry'0. in realistic terms.. who carries around - a mace - a sword or two - a shield - couple daggers - a sling and shot - a spear on top of x amount of water and x amount of food - a bed roll and all manner of stuff in their backpack. Now I'm not trying to be anal about it but I just figured - realistically - 2 was enough. I wouldn't want to carry around 3 of any of those. But either way I am trying to work out a way for the weapons portion of the sheet to be smaller yet hold the same amount of info. Writing it in looks like the best way to do that. anyway its off to bed with me.
Maybe I'll feel like working on the new sheet after my regular AD&D game tomorrow night.

Thanks for the input guys.


Message 29934#277630

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On 7/9/2010 at 11:37am, Tom wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for my character sheet. see any flaws?

just some feedback, strictly personal opinion:

Looks good in general. I'd put it through some artist to make it less "blocky" and more aestetically pleasing, but this was mostly about the layout, right?

The one thing I noticed is that the layout on the 1st part middle is inconsistent. It should be re-arranged. You have 1st line of defense, then 2nd line (armor), then offensive bonus, then armor again, then health, then preservation rolls.

Everything related to armor should be seperated from everything else. Defense should stick together, then offense, then health etc.

Message 29934#277635

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On 7/20/2010 at 4:45pm, Necromantis wrote:
Slightly New layout

Some Changes
I'd like to know if this is better.
As far as "giving it to an artist" to make it look better, I can't really do that. Perhaps boxy is just my style. LOL. but I think it looks better than 90% of the character sheets that I have played on (keep in mind I haven't played them all). Of course I am open to fixing things.
Something like this would be awesome but Just overreaching for the project I am working on.
Maybe if I get published **dubious smirk** I can hire an artist to make it awesome

Message 29934#277840

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On 7/20/2010 at 7:17pm, Necromantis wrote:
broken link.

EDIT:Fixed the link

(had the file set to private - not public)

Message 29934#277843

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