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Topic: Maleficarum rpg looking for playtesters.
Started by: Tomas
Started on: 7/5/2010
Board: Connections

On 7/5/2010 at 12:20am, Tomas wrote:
Maleficarum rpg looking for playtesters.

I've written my own rpg and am in the final stages of compiling the rules ready for extensive playtesting. I have two sites dedicated to my game: one is the rules in webpage format with lots of supplementary illustrations and the other is purely dedicated to formatting the rules ready for printing. This second website has only a few illustrations to act as chapter dividers and is probably the easiest to use, purely from the viewpoint of accessing the rules as it's sparcely decorated.

If anyone's interested in playtesting this game and providing me with feedback as they do so, then please check out my sites to see what the game is like. There's still alot to go on them though and it'll take me 3-4 weeks to do it. Most notably absent are the spells but in the next day or so they'll start appearing.

To summarise: my game is a low-fantasy, dark and gritty game based heavily on medieval and renaissance European legend and folklore. i've made my own campaign setting but this is what inspired it. The game requires thought and attention on the part of the Inquisitor (game master) and the players to get the most out f it. It's not well suited to hack and slay gaming and there's very little treasure. The game is supposed to be about intrigue, superstition and good character roleplaying. Spellcasters don't have traditional damage dealing spells, so there's no ground zero fireballing the monsters. It harks back to some of the more traditional rpgs of yesteryear, while still having alot of new and fresh ideas.

Check it out at:

Message 29963#277511

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On 7/9/2010 at 7:55pm, Tomas wrote:
Re: Maleficarum rpg looking for playtesters.

just letting readers know that i've closed my sites to the public, as i've been advised to not risk any of my work being copied as my game has now been accepted for sale at a couple of major retail outlets.

Message 29963#277646

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On 7/11/2010 at 11:29am, Tomas wrote:
RE: Re: Maleficarum rpg looking for playtesters.

doesn't look like anybody was interested anyway but just in case anyone does consider replying here, i've got a group of playtesters now who'll be testing the game on another forum dedicated to pbp gaming.

Message 29963#277667

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On 7/11/2010 at 10:17pm, hix wrote:
RE: Re: Maleficarum rpg looking for playtesters.

Would you like to leave a link to that forum, Tomas? (And maybe a link to the actual playtesting thread.) That'd help people who are interested in finding out more about your game.

Message 29963#277673

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On 7/12/2010 at 2:08am, Tomas wrote:
RE: Re: Maleficarum rpg looking for playtesters. is the forum website. is the link to the section of the forum that the pbp playtest is taking place. it starts in about 3-4 weeks time. i'm giving the playtesters private access to my rules website in about 2 weeks time to let them get used to my rules a bit before we play.

Message 29963#277674

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