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Topic: rpg supplement writers wanted.
Started by: Tomas
Started on: 7/9/2010
Board: Connections

On 7/9/2010 at 1:58pm, Tomas wrote:
rpg supplement writers wanted.

First off, let me say that this is a big idea. some of you that read this post may well think i'm trying to run before i can walk and you may well have a point in thinking that. however, i don't care! ;D
i'm almost finished writing my own roleplaying game (not someone else i hear you groan) but stick with this a moment...
it'll be in print in a few weeks time and leisure games in london has told me that they like what they've seen of it so far and said they will stock it when ithe books are printed. i'm also just filling out the license agreement now to sell the .pdf of it on drivethru and it'll be availablre for sale on the games site. so why do i want supplement writers?
if i get very lucky and my game sells in enough quantities to make it worth expanding then i'd love it to be expanded but i don't want to do it myself. i must admit, even though this game is the result of two years loving labour, it's also been an experience that i don't want to repeat.i just didn't enjoy it. so what i'm planning to do is to get 3rd party writers to write adventures and supplements for my system for me.
what,for nothing! :O
no, of course not. we'll be helping each other out. if the game's selling then it means that you're work has something it can benefit off the back of and my game benefits by being updated. you'll own the copyright to all your material and for every item sold i'll take a small commission. after all, it's easier to sell a supplement for an established game and it's better to sell a game that has supplements.
this is the contacts section and that's all i'm doing at the moment, trying to make contact with people. if the game doesn't sell then who cares anyway. if it does then it'd be nice for me to have a few people i can get hold of who've already expressed an interest.
if you're considering this and want to see my work, got to for the general site and for the book itself, go to
please bear in mind that i'm still tweaking rules and they're going to be proofread before release. i also still have lots to type up from my notes and the map of the campaign setting is soon to be replaced by a professional one done by a fantasy illustrator i've just commissioned. the game's about 3-4 weeks away from going on sale..

Message 29983#277640

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On 7/9/2010 at 5:22pm, Tomas wrote:
Re: rpg supplement writers wanted.

i've been on the phone to somebody today who's told me to close my sites to the general public in the interests of safeguarding my material until the game's published and on sale in a few weeks time. feel a bit silly doing this after advertising them but there are financial implications that have developed now.

anyone interested in being a 3rd party writer for the game, please feel free to email me to discuss the matter and perhaps get a private viewing of my rules.


Message 29983#277644

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On 7/10/2010 at 10:06pm, Tomas wrote:
RE: Re: rpg supplement writers wanted. is back up but my rules have been removed. i also've started a facebook page in the run up my game's release in september. i spoke to someone from leisure games today who said they'd be happy to advertise my game as being available for preorder from them. i'm just waiting for the illustrator i commissioned to finish my camapign map so i can put together an excellent preview of the inside of my book.

this is not a second rate rpg! it's a professional product born out of  3 decades of gaming experience and over two and a half years of hard labour. i would urge anyone out there who is interested in writing supplemental material for rpgs but maybe isn't having any luck with the major rpg companies to get in contact with me instead. i'm also in talks with other rpg outlets at the moment to try and strike deals with them also. one other one said they would take my game on this afternoon as a matter of fact. when i can actually get managers of shops to look at my game, they are always impressed with it.

you have to be self-assured and get stuck in when trying to sell your product and i've made some excellent progress in my wheeling and dealings recently. ;)

Message 29983#277659

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On 8/4/2010 at 5:47am, Airafice wrote:
RE: Re: rpg supplement writers wanted.

Hello Tomas, I would like to take a look at your game to see if Action Games might be interested in doing some supplements for you.  We have a lot of RPG experience and depending of the style of your game, a lot of things we might be able to offer you in the terms of supplements and adventures. 

Give me a shout on e-mail and we can talk more.

Director of Action Games

Message 29983#278254

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On 8/22/2010 at 6:14pm, Certified wrote:
RE: Re: rpg supplement writers wanted.

Hello Tom Tom, I went to check your site and it appears it is down again.

Message 29983#278786

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On 8/22/2010 at 7:41pm, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: rpg supplement writers wanted.

Maleficarum is no more. There was a metal band called that, so the name was changed. The game has been through major layout changes, artwork changes and mechanics changes to the point that it's almost a different game now. As a result, I decided to start again and completely relaunch it.

See the new thread for details.

Message 29983#278790

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