The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Final Hour of a Storied Age] Seeking Skype Playtesters
Started by: Dan Maruschak
Started on: 7/11/2010
Board: Connections

On 7/11/2010 at 12:55am, Dan Maruschak wrote:
[Final Hour of a Storied Age] Seeking Skype Playtesters

I'm looking for alpha playtesters to play my game Final Hour of a Storied Age with me over Skype. Here's the pitch:

The end of an age draws nigh, an age of magic and wonder, a storied age when legends walked the land and great deeds were done. That was all long ago, when lives were larger, before things were settled. Now, if there is any greatness left, it is great evil, evil that will change the world for the worse. In the last hour of that age, a new story begins. Will it be the story of a hero, rising up to save what is good and true about the old age to shepherd it into the new, or will it be a sad lament for things long gone to usher in a new age of darkness? It is now the final hour of a storied age, and telling the story falls to you.

Storied Age is a no-prep GM-less storytelling game that, over a few sessions of play, creates an epic fantasy story in the vein of The Lord of the Rings, The Wheel of Time, or The Sword of Truth. The game weaves together the creative contributions of each individual player in a structured plot arc and then helps you play through a chapter-by-chapter account of how your characters face adversity, similar to the way an author starts with an outline and fleshes it out into a full novel. By breaking up the creative responsibility and providing creative constraints to guide players’ contributions, Final Hour of a Storied Age lets everyone experience an epic fantasy story without asking anyone to shoulder an epic creative burden.

I have released some audio recordings of previous playtest sessions on my podcast Designer vs. Reality (episodes 7 and 8 are the best representatives of the current 0.62 version of the rules). If you prefer text AP to podcast audio, check out my text summaries of those sessions here and here.

Message 29986#277663

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