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Topic: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)
Started by: Catelf
Started on: 7/17/2010
Board: Playtesting

On 7/17/2010 at 12:40pm, Catelf wrote:
Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)

Time since i was here ....
I have a working Game System, but for a specific Game, with a Horror-type setting, I am considering to use some sort of Classes, either based on Occupation, or on Special Abilities, or on a mix of both.
This is because i want to focus more on the mood & setting, and attune the Character Creation to this as well.

There is also the possibility to let the Classes dictate only a few things, like Occupation affects only Skills & Equipment, while Special only affects specilal things, and Attributes.

So, what would be good, and what would be bad, with using Classes this way?

Catelf, wondering.

Message 30012#277776

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On 7/25/2010 at 12:52am, Trell wrote:
Re: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)

Since you've reference CofC, and "horror", I'm guessing this is more a contemporary/'real' world rather than a whole alien/fantasy setting?
What is a "class", anyway? It seems to be a way of forcing PCs into a role, rather than letting them build what they'd like. Yes, this model has worked very well, esp. in MMO translations of game, for defining your place in a party.
Returning to "here & now", How many people, even college grads, end up in a "class". They may linger in a particular job - the "class" - but is that the narrow focus of their life/skill set? Perhaps it could be construed as true in the typical CofC PC, the "investigator", take an academic, for instance. We all think he/she's the result of a lifetime of library life, publishing the occasional paper - but what if he was a field archeologist? What if he came from Hell's kitchen in NYC, and some teacher saw a chance for that kid to escape the gang life? What skills might he have beyond the "academic" class? Did he work as a handyman to get the school? Wait tables (people skills?).
  Classes can be offered, but if I recall from my brief run with that near-future cyberpunk/Magic comes back game, they had the "archetype" as a sample of what you could build if you wanted to focus, but you weren't limited to it. And please don't to the thing of penalizing a "multiclass" PC!

Message 30012#277994

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On 7/26/2010 at 7:16pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)

I am thinking of an "Alternate Pulp/Modern" rather than Fantasy Setting.

Thing is, for this Game, at least the Basic version, i would like to avoid that players choose character occupations and similar, that really is not proper for the Game's mood or setting, like a War Veteran, Hacker, or Master Mage.
Really, since the Basic Game's Setting won't move outside the noted country, Interpretors and Archeologists will not be needed either.

I have every intention to add the possibility for a few "non-typical" Skills and such, so the Hell's Kitchen Ganger You meantioned may even wind up knowing some Arcane skills, so to speak.

And no, if i even allow some kind of MultiClassing, I have no intention of penalizing it.

Message 30012#278028

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On 7/29/2010 at 10:01pm, Skofflox wrote:
RE: Re: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)

Catelf wrote:
Time since i was here ....
I have a working Game System, but for a specific Game, with a Horror-type setting, I am considering to use some sort of Classes, either based on Occupation, or on Special Abilities, or on a mix of both.
This is because i want to focus more on the mood & setting, and attune the Character Creation to this as well.

There is also the possibility to let the Classes dictate only a few things, like Occupation affects only Skills & Equipment, while Special only affects specilal things, and Attributes.

So, what would be good, and what would be bad, with using Classes this way?

Catelf, wondering.

Bold mine...some questions,
how does having a "class" accomplish this goal?
Can you give some examples of how the "classes" would be described?
How much backstory is involved in chargen.?

Message 30012#278099

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On 7/31/2010 at 2:46pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)

The idea is to only include the "Classes", or whatever they will be called, that fits the setting.
Like, if i wanted Splatter, rather than Horror, a Soldier and a Lumberjack would suit the genre.
However, this is to be more Horror, so i feel a Soldier may be too much, put a Police Officer may be just right.
The Lumberjack still fits, though, but could be replaced by a Strongman instead.
For instance.

I am personally leaning towards different Occupations, but that one also has to choose something i call "Inheritance", that define if the Character has Magical potential, Animal-type abilities, is Well Built, or is Very Rich.

Backstory is up to the Player. It is not mandatory, but may be encouraged.

Message 30012#278154

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On 8/3/2010 at 1:30am, Skofflox wrote:
RE: Re: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)

I concur with Trell that "classes" can limit characters overmuch unless they are broad and open to customizing.
Having players chose an "occupation"(s) is a realistic approach. Might want to add in hobbies as well as the "inheritance" as you call it. If enough backstory is created then that can subsume all of the above as long as enough detail is given to justify skill attempts(or whatever) in the game.I think the system in Sorcerer is one of the best.A score followed by description. Seems to be just enough detail while allowing creativity.

You could even allow players to leave some stuff blank to be decided after they know more about what type of situations arise in game or to be presented as a surprise 'skill set' to save the day!

Overall labels like class etc. can serve to get the idea of a characters abilities imbeded with the players but all to often they can stagnate creativity.I prefer a good backstory for justification of attempted actions etc...depends on the style of play.


Message 30012#278220

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On 8/3/2010 at 9:24pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)

Thank You!

This is interesting.
I am currentlly thinking along there lines: The Occupations may not neccesarily be broad, but there will be a clear possibility to add Skills that represent hobbies/side interests/earlier occupations. There are no reason to add this to the inheritances.

I haven't read Sorcerer, so i cannot comment on that .... but it sound a bit too freeform-like for my Game.
"Blank Skills" is an interesting idea, but it would not work well for a Horror setting, as i see it.
I also think of ... less professional Players: They would use the "Empties" quite fast, ruining the mood in the first ... investigation, and then possibly complain that the next is too hard, since they have gotten the wrong impression of the game to begin with.

Best Wishes.

Message 30012#278244

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On 8/6/2010 at 7:08pm, Skofflox wrote:
RE: Re: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)

Catelf wrote:
I am currentlly thinking along there lines: The Occupations may not neccesarily be broad, but there will be a clear possibility to add Skills that represent hobbies/side interests/earlier occupations. There are no reason to add this to the inheritances.

So  something like...
'Current' Occ: Cop
'Past' Occ: River rafting guide,waiter
Hobbies: Martial arts (Chi'n-na/Akido),backpacking,weightlifting
Inheritance: Cat like reflexes

"Cop" allowing me to do cop stuff like drive fast,shoot,intimidate,baton,shoot,street contacts etc. or would the skills be more spacific and listed seperate (this goes for Hob. as well)?

Message 30012#278308

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On 8/7/2010 at 8:08am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)

Well, kind of .....
I use a tweaked version of White Wolf's variants of their own "Storytelling System",  so the Occ: Cop would give/allow Firearms, Melee, Intimidation, Drive, and possibly Brawl and Interrogation as well.
After that, there would be an option to add 2 or 3 skills from Any Area, like:
Geography (Backpacker), Rafting, Survival("scout knowledge").

Weightlifting: Create the Character with higher Strength than a basic human.
Martial arts: Depends on wether the system allows for Special Combat Moves. If not, like in the Horror setting i have mentioned, it is noted as Brawl, simply, and Brawl is a possible Skill for a Cop.

However, it is possible that Geography and/or Rafting won't be available as skills in the Basic Game, since they don't quite fit into the Setting i'm considering; I haven't really come to the point of deciding what Skills to exclude, yet.

Message 30012#278322

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