The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [DitV + Afraid] Monsters, etc.
Started by: brycedeline
Started on: 7/23/2010
Board: lumpley games

On 7/23/2010 at 1:41am, brycedeline wrote:
[DitV + Afraid] Monsters, etc.

So I was just looking at the various rules for NPC/ monster/ slave/ acolyte/ victim creation and I am wondering: will these mesh with the DitV rules as they are? I think it would be awesome to be able to throw in these kinds of threats in a DitV game. Let's say a certain 'sorcerer' goes a little too far and is turned into or turns someone else into a monster... can I just implant a monster/ slaves/ acolytes/ victims into my DitV game?

Also: Does it sound like a good idea to use the nonhuman opponents creation rules for 'minion' monsters? For example maybe the Dogs are sleeping and are awoken to find their room full of poisonous snakes or bugs or bats or something sent by the Monster.

Would it also work to use bonds as traits?

These rules are really cool, and I am mainly just wondering if they are compatible partially or if they need to be used completely or what?

Message 30060#277946

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On 7/23/2010 at 12:12pm, Artanis wrote:
Re: [DitV + Afraid] Monsters, etc.

Hello Bryce and welcome to the Forge

I cannot answer your questions, but I can offer you a fair warning: Vincent thinks this game is unfit for play for the while being.

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Message 30060#277956

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On 7/24/2010 at 12:45am, brycedeline wrote:
RE: Re: [DitV + Afraid] Monsters, etc.

Hmm... Unfit for play doesn't sound encouraging.

Message 30060#277970

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...started by brycedeline which brycedeline participated lumpley games
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...from around 7/24/2010