The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG
Started by: Stregheria Games
Started on: 7/29/2010
Board: Publishing

On 7/29/2010 at 11:17am, Stregheria Games wrote:
Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

A very small,independent rpg game company is releasing its first title in september. Please check out the company's website to read more about the game and to see a video preview:-

The video can also be seen on youtube:-

The game is available for preorder in both softback book and pdf format.

Thanks for looking.

Message 30087#278087

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On 8/1/2010 at 12:39am, Gregor Hutton wrote:
Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

Welcome to The Forge!

So, what it's like to play? Do you have any examples of actual play that I could read?

Much as like your choice of Goya's Saturn devouring his son as an image to set the tone of the game it doesn't help me out to what the game is like at the table. That would be very helpful to me.

Message 30087#278160

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On 8/1/2010 at 10:05am, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

At the moment the marketing strategy for Stregoneria is to just bring its existence to the attention of the rpg community. All the points you make are valid ones and are currently being addressed by the company. The book is in the  formatting stage and once that has been completed in a few weeks time, previews will be available of its contents.

Watch this space...

Message 30087#278178

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On 8/2/2010 at 4:40am, Gregor Hutton wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

Cool, I look forward to seeing it.

(I've found that writing about the play of games really helps me to market games that I like and to reflect on the play experience. When you get your previews and stuff ready I'd heartily recommend posting about your game in the Actual Play forums, I've found doing so and very useful thing to do.)

Message 30087#278193

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On 8/2/2010 at 6:23pm, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

Stregheria games has made the decision to put out a video preview of the book's contents early, as it seems that this is what people want and we aim to please. ;)

Please bear in mind that the book is being formatted at the moment and is still undergoing some final playtesting, so the contents will vary from what is shown on the preview video; the page count will be nearer three hundred for a start.

The book is available for preorder and if the public's response is anything to go by at this stage, then September should be a very exciting month for us indeed.

Many thanks to all those who have shown support for the game on this forum as well as others and enjoy the new video.

Thank you.

Message 30087#278212

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On 8/7/2010 at 1:14am, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

Just a quick update letting people know that the Stregoneria book will now be in colour. Even though having the rulebook in black and white looked great, Stregheria Games has decided to go to town with the aesthetics of the book and illustrate it with fantastic colour images.

Expect another preview video when the game is released in a few weeks time, showing its fantastic new layout.

Message 30087#278317

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On 8/10/2010 at 4:48pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

All right, now I'm moderating.

Whoever you are, your name is not "Stregheria Games" and if you were, you shouldn't speak in the third person like the Hulk. The people who've replied so far have done you the courtesy of speaking to you like a human being. Please return that courtesy.

The Forge is not a bulletin board for you to post your announcements. It is a discussion center and a resource center. Please participate here in that spirit. We know very well that you are a gamer like ourselves who's built your game out of your own thought, sweat, and play. Speak like a person, not like 1980s corporate boilerplate.

Further bogus posting which (a) is clearly being posted anywhere you think will draw links and (b) is phrased in that appalling jargon will be trashed to the Inactive File.

I want to help the success of your company, and I want this site to provide all it can towards that end. But we are people and you are a person, and posting here requires that kind of thinking and talking. I suggest also ceasing to "update" this thread. Instead, Gregor's suggestion to post in Actual Play is very good advice that can help you greatly.

Best, Ron

Message 30087#278404

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On 8/10/2010 at 10:16pm, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

Stregheria Games is the pen name i'm using to promote my game under and should Stregoneria sell well, then Stregheria Games will be the name i register myself under as a sole trader. I am using it now purely for reasons of consistency rather than having to change to it from something else later on. I honestly though i was free to advertise and promote my game here and now i realise i'm not, i will cease immediately. The last thing i intended to do was upset anybody. As for my jargon, i'm not trained in advertising or marketing and was just trying to word my posts in as professional a manner as i could. The third person was used because even though i'm an individual, i regard myself as being Stregheria Games when i promote my game and it seemed like the correct narrative mode to use.

All i can say Ron is that i'm very sorry that i've upset you, it was never my intention to do so and i will comply with all of your wishes.

Message 30087#278421

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On 8/11/2010 at 12:10am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

That's a great response and post, and totally meets my standards for this site. Also, there's no upset on my part. Moderation isn't an emotional thing for me. The issue is a matter of policy for the site.

You are extremely welcome to promote Stregoneria at the Forge, but please compose your posts here specifically for the site, in the voice you just used, which I believe is the actual human you. I'd very much like to learn more about the game through your accounts of play here if you decide to post any, and also, certainly, by watching the videos you mentioned.

Best, Ron

P.S. My apologies for confusing your pen name with the game name. A quick re-read corrected me.

Message 30087#278428

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On 8/11/2010 at 6:43am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

To emphasize Ron's point by the way of vox populi, I like a more human tone as well. Much more interesting to converse with a person than a marketing-bot. It's been my experience that an indie rpg author will do well to cultivate his own online persona instead or in addition to his company's - after all, for most of us there is negligible difference between the man and the company, so making a big flaring point of your special hat just obscures the human facet of any interaction you might have with others in the Internet. I couldn't imagine how weird it would be for everybody concerned if I called myself "Arkenstone" in the Internet.

(Hmm... that sort of has a carnevalesque potential now that I think of it - I'll just have to convince everybody here to start using their company names instead of their own. We could have spirited discussions between Adept, Half-Meme, Chimera and other beasts, which would surely make this feel more like a pretentious larp.)

This is to say, Stregheria - I checked out your site a few weeks back when this thread was started, but never got around to writing anything substantial, partially because you didn't seem interested in dialogue. Now I've grown curious, and if you'd like to tell us more about yourself and your gaming experiences, I'd listen eagerly. We might even be able to comment on your game and/or publishing strategy if you'd like feedback of that sort, or would just like to sermonize to other interested people about how smart your product is. As it is, I barely get any sense for the game itself from your site, devoted as it is to explaining the deep backstory of your fantasy world.

Message 30087#278437

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On 8/11/2010 at 9:13am, richks wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

Andrew, I'm also curious about the game's contents and also curious about the name change from Maleficarum.

I'd also really like to know where you're planning to get it printed: getting colour plates inserted complicates getting books made.  What size print run are you doing for your first printing?

Message 30087#278440

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On 8/11/2010 at 10:27am, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

I'm working flat out to get my game ready for release in September and have only got time at the moment to fleetingly visit this forum so any questions people have, or if they want any more information about any aspect of Stregoneria, drop by the game's site which i maintain frequently and I'll be more than happy to answer them. You'll receive a reply within a couple of days. Thanks.

Message 30087#278442

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On 8/11/2010 at 11:33am, Malcolm wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

Stregheria wrote:
I'm working flat out to get my game ready for release in September and have only got time at the moment to fleetingly visit this forum so any questions people have, or if they want any more information about any aspect of Stregoneria, drop by the game's site which i maintain frequently and I'll be more than happy to answer them. You'll receive a reply within a couple of days. Thanks.


It seems to me that there a number of people here - Gregor, Ron, Eero, Rich - with solid, wide ranging experience of the small press publishing environment. They (and I) are interested in you game, for which very little detail is available. People want to engage in productive dialogue about your game, to find out more, to understand and perhaps to offer advice on the marketing of your product. Engaging in that dialogue is an excellent way to promote your game and get its name out there. Directing people towards your site, where they can email you questions, isn't, from my point of view, a productive way to engage (or not engage, as the case may be).

Now, this isn't for a moment a slam against you. All of us in this thread have been the hell of publishing, the last minute rushes, the worries about the final output, getting printing sorted, and so forth. Taking time to have fruitful discussions about you game is just as important. I'd really encourage you to offer information and answers, perhaps through actual play discussions about how the game works and so forth (as already highlighted by Gregor and Ron).


Message 30087#278444

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On 8/11/2010 at 11:39am, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria Fantasy Tabletop/Pen and Paper RPG

I'm flattered that you guys are interested! :)

Ron's told me to post in the actual play section from now on so I'll post information there now for people to read.

Message 30087#278445

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