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Topic: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done
Started by: Locke
Started on: 7/30/2010
Board: Connections

On 7/30/2010 at 3:59am, Locke wrote:
[Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

Follow the link to a low resolution PDF on Google docs.  Its best viewed 2 up with a cover page.  I did they layout as trucks, meaning that the even pages (left) and the odd pages (right) were designed together in most cases.

I have 30 or so 4-6 hour sessions of play testing over various rule sets.  It seems to work well and balanced.

Thanks for the comments!


Message 30090#278105

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On 8/1/2010 at 7:01am, Locke wrote:
Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

if you are having trouble try this link.  The art is pretty amazing btw...

Message 30090#278170

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On 8/17/2010 at 10:03pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

Hey Jeff,

I confess I am totally wooed by the Mechanites. Plus a fantasy setting that has "Gear Drive armor," whatever that means (I haven't read too closely yet) ... it suits a mood I'm in at the moment.

My term "fantasy heartbreaker" seems to have become a pejorative on the internet (not my intention), and so I'm pretty careful where and how I apply it. Are you interested in me taking the time to look over your game with this term in mind? Or would you like me to set that issue aside entirely? I am definitely interested in whether you've managed to overcome some of the most common pitfalls found in most RPG fantasy of a certain design. For reference, I'd cite Arrowflight as a game that succeeded in being quite "normal" at first glance, but remarkably well-designed and consistently fun in play. I'm always looking for such games.

I'm interested in what has happened in your games, fictionally speaking, during playtesting. What sort of stories have been produced? I encourage you to post in Playtesting about it, or point to the threads if I missed it.


Message 30090#278641

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On 8/18/2010 at 4:03am, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done


Thanks for the post please look through the game in depth.  I appreciate any feedback.  Since the character's are build to order and the combat system is dynamic some pretty cool interactions and nail biting fights happen.  Somehow the party always pulls throughout but as the GM I have led some combats I never thought the party would make through, but a turning point happens and they make it.  Interactions are interesting since all players get to use their skills and work as a team.  I'll try to get some posts up soon!!

I'm also considering adding a narrative portion to the game as an addendum so the narrative people can get their rocks off too!!!!

Thanks and more art getting done everyday and website in progress and hopefully a php character gen coming soon!!!

Message 30090#278651

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On 8/18/2010 at 2:40pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done


Oh, you totally need to post in Playtesting! I'd love to see concrete examples of those fights, and also to get a better idea of what the fights are about in the larger sense.

As far as your "narrative" comments are concerned ... I dunno. It seems as if you might be trying to please or attract people whose interests are external to yours, which in my experience, has a diluting effect on one's final publication. Speaking as someone who was accused of being a "Narrativist Nazi" only last year, I would vastly prefer to play a game that facilitated a coherent, powerful non-Narrativist Creative Agenda than one with some kind of alleged Narrativist tidbit tacked on. As a rule of thumb, I encourage you to design toward what you and the others you play with are genuinely enjoying during playtesting, period.

Best, Ron

Message 30090#278671

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On 8/19/2010 at 1:53am, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

Ron wrote:

Oh, you totally need to post in Playtesting! I'd love to see concrete examples of those fights, and also to get a better idea of what the fights are about in the larger sense.

As far as your "narrative" comments are concerned ... I dunno. It seems as if you might be trying to please or attract people whose interests are external to yours, which in my experience, has a diluting effect on one's final publication. Speaking as someone who was accused of being a "Narrativist Nazi" only last year, I would vastly prefer to play a game that facilitated a coherent, powerful non-Narrativist Creative Agenda than one with some kind of alleged Narrativist tidbit tacked on. As a rule of thumb, I encourage you to design toward what you and the others you play with are genuinely enjoying during playtesting, period.

Best, Ron

thanks for the advice.  Right now my group is running shadowrun, but we have 3 games left of that before we do the final 5 game age past arc which will be games 16-20 of this campaign.  Also this is higher level combat and the characters should go from level 12 to 15 over these 5 sessions.  I'll be sure to post in the play section as soon as we start up.  Hopefully another group will get some testing in and post sooner.

Message 30090#278685

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On 8/25/2010 at 11:23pm, dwashba wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

You said you are looking for playtesters? how will you do this.
Also I haven't yet read much but it does seem smart. So I was wondering how you are going to put it out, if your comfortable with saying.

Message 30090#278884

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On 8/26/2010 at 4:06am, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

Devin wrote:
You said you are looking for playtesters? how will you do this.
Also I haven't yet read much but it does seem smart. So I was wondering how you are going to put it out, if your comfortable with saying.

Well right now I am focusing on cleaning up the book.  Dotting the i's and crossing the t's.  As well as finishing any near term color art.  I am just about finished with the 12th 1/2 page color spell pic.  I have a website and when I get a a truly late beta PDF i can post it in monochrome and maybe w/o any pics at all.  The problem with printing is that the whole document is cmyk color and will be close to length as the DnD 4th edition book.  Printing in b/w isn't too expensive but I haven't found a way to get it into color yet.

As far as playtesting, when the website is closer to being finished I can advertise for playtesting.  I know the rules play well as I have run close to 30 games totaling over 150 hours.  What I need is to be sure the rules are written clear enough for people to understand and play.  I think the rules are clearer than most of the Catalyst stuff and the Dark Heresy stuff.  Also I'd like to rip out stuff that people don't play with and replace it with better or more fun choices.  And balance is a huge concern I don't want all fighter types built the same.

The PDF is available for download and you can print it and run a game with your group.  I'll even give my cell so you can call and ask questions if you get confused about the rules or need a clarification.

I hope this answers your question.


Message 30090#278896

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On 9/13/2010 at 1:04am, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

Cool article in GMS!!!  It a basic question and answer about the game with some teaser pics.

thanks Paco!!


Message 30090#279785

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On 9/17/2010 at 5:57am, Magnus Pym wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

I have just taken a glimpse of this and it sounds interesting.

I'm going to ask my friends if they want to give it a go and I'll see if I can give you some feedback. I like the ''Archetype'' thing with everyone having the possibility to do whatever he wants just by spending points and whatnot. Allowas for some sweet ''multiclassing'' too. Like barbarian with some blood magics... miam :P

Message 30090#280119

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On 9/27/2010 at 12:46am, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

art downloads updated on the website:

check it out!


Message 30090#280420

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On 9/30/2010 at 2:18pm, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: [Age Past] Beta, playtesters wanted, PDF inside, full color art 50%+ done

Forums added to the website for those that have any questions and feel more comfortable posting there.

- hopefully dice roller and character builder coming soon.


Message 30090#280535

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