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Topic: SAGE system playtest version
Started by: Gryffudd
Started on: 8/2/2010
Board: First Thoughts

On 8/2/2010 at 1:38am, Gryffudd wrote:
SAGE system playtest version

I've put the playtest version of my game up on my site, along with the first character sheet. If anyone's interested, it should be easy to download from the thingamajiggy on the right hand side. Beware that this version is set up specifically for players of mine who will be playing a 'superheroes in WW2' campaign as a playtest. Only the character creation and rules sections are complete (and they're probably full of typos), the Equipment and power sections are only partially done. The actual description will need a lot of rewriting too. Also, there will be a second character sheet dealing with injuries and other combat details, I just ran out of time tonight to work on it.

Many thanks to anyone interested enough to check it out. :)


Message 30108#278188

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On 8/2/2010 at 3:56am, dugfromthearth wrote:
Re: SAGE system playtest version

check your PDF, I see a bunch of blank pages in it like 19 and 20

Message 30108#278191

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On 8/2/2010 at 4:01am, dugfromthearth wrote:
RE: Re: SAGE system playtest version

it has a lot of stuff and looks reasonable

a lot of skills - why so many?
and what makes this different than other versions of Fudge/Fate?

Message 30108#278192

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On 8/2/2010 at 5:02am, Gryffudd wrote:
RE: Re: SAGE system playtest version

Some of the blank pages are from layout and a few are ones I forgot to remove. 

It's not really a version of Fudge or FATE, I just like the Fudge dice as a randomizer. Originally the system only used 3, but 4 worked out better variance-wise, so I recently changed it to that. I almost didn't, since Fudge uses 4, but I'd rather go with better probabilities instead of avoiding similarity. I don't use aspects or tagging at all. The system does allow you to spend a story point to use part of your character's notes or background to affect the current story, just not in a numerical bonus way. 

I never got around to reading a FATE rpg until about a month ago. I was a little dismayed at certain similarities after looking through it, but there's really only a few I noted, so I kept going. The Tricks section is definitely my version of Stunts, though. It matches something I did in a game a long time ago, but the Stunts setup, with ranks of stunts building on each other definitely made me think. My version is more restrictive, but basically the same thing.

The damage system, as discussed in the other thread, is very different from FATE, or at least SotC, which is all I've gotten around to reading so far. So many games, too little time. I've spent most of the last decade separated from modern gaming. There's more great games out there now than I remember from the 80s and 90s. A lot of the one's I've recently read have made me think about types of systems other than the ones I was used to, so they've strongly influenced this most recent attempt. Hopefully it has enough originality in how it puts things together. 

Oh, almost orbit skills. I tend to lean toasted skill-heavy games and characters, so the design reflects that some. This is actually less skill-heavy than previous games. I should have pared away some of the skills that won't apply to this particular playtest, but in my rush to get the PDF done before work I forgot. :)

Thanks for taking a look, dugfromthearth.


Message 30108#278194

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On 8/2/2010 at 5:30am, Gryffudd wrote:
RE: Re: SAGE system playtest version

This, of course is when I see all the typos and mistakes still to be fixed. *sigh*


Message 30108#278196

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On 8/2/2010 at 5:35am, Gryffudd wrote:
RE: Re: SAGE system playtest version

I blame my spellchecker for the mistakes in my first response. That and laziness in posting. That last paragraph should start "Oh, almost forgot skills. I tend to lean towards..."

I'm going to stop posting for bit in an effort to look less stupid. :)


Message 30108#278197

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On 8/2/2010 at 6:39am, Gryffudd wrote:
RE: Re: SAGE system playtest version

One last post tonight as I bleed off stress from the latest drunk customer. Looking over the PDF myself, I see a LOT of artifacts in the character creation section left over from earlier rules that no lager apply. I will try to get the section brought up to the current rules (and clear out unnecessary bits) tomorrow and post an updated version to the site.


Message 30108#278198

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On 8/2/2010 at 12:38pm, Gryffudd wrote:
RE: Re: SAGE system playtest version

There, version 2 is up. Sorry the first one was so full of errors.


Message 30108#278200

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On 8/2/2010 at 3:05pm, dugfromthearth wrote:
RE: Re: SAGE system playtest version

8 stats - that's a lot.  Not necessarily too many depending on how you use them.  I liked the parallel between physical and mental.  I don't know what you would use spirit for - I assume magic.

only 4 pts spread in stats - I'm fine with this as it looks like each point is really valuable.  I've started to like the idea of a smaller spread in stats and skills so that the differences are more meaningful.

I don't like the huge skill list.  Having minor skills is acceptable but I prefer consistency across the system.  Why are minor skills half price?  Because they are less useful? 

I much prefer a smaller skill system with proficiencies: Melee skill, blades proficiency.  Although given the very limited number of skill points you can put into a skill it probably doesn't make that much difference.  It's just that you end up with a really long list of skills, many of which you never intend to use, and you still find you missed skills that you need.  I find it removes realism rather than adds.

I can't really analyze the skill list and tricks without knowing the system better and knowing the setting of a game. 

Message 30108#278205

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On 8/4/2010 at 3:08pm, Gryffudd wrote:
RE: Re: SAGE system playtest version

Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Just finished my 24 hour game design contest game a few hours ago. Finally caught up on stuff.

For the way the system works, 8 is about right for me, though it's the most I'd use. Spirit is for sensing emotional and spiritual stuff. It's the mental/magical equivalent to perception, which covers noticing things around you. Seeing someone walk into view would be perception. Detecting that they're trying to conceal a hatred of you would be spirit. Not a perfect name for the stat, but acceptable to me. If I find a better one, it'll likely get replaced.

Yeah, I used the smaller stat spread for that reason. It cuts down on the bonuses in the game too. A +1 to attack is a significant bonus. A +2 would be much rarer. I doubt I'd give a +3 very often at all.

Yeah, the minor skills are mostly for less useful skills. Suddenly realizing you need a skill you forgot is the reason I allow spending a story point to purchase up to 2 levels in a skill in the middle of a session, if the circumstances are appropriate.

There isn't a specific setting set up for it yet. It's not a generic system, exactly, but I do have a half dozen ideas for things that fit the game style. Now that the system is mostly done, I need to sit down and work on the one I'll be using for the playtest.

Thanks for taking the time to download it and take a look.

Message 30108#278266

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