The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Looking for Mentor
Started by: AdriannaDD
Started on: 8/3/2010
Board: Connections

On 8/3/2010 at 4:50pm, AdriannaDD wrote:
Looking for Mentor

Hello my name is Adrianna, I am a student of Game Design and I am currently trying my hand at writing an indie RPG.

The title is Chrysalis and it takes place in a time where the world, ours or another, took and turn and aliens not only visited the primitive peoples of the world but stayed around to play an important part in their development.

While my school tends to focus on digital projects I wanted to work try working with something tabletop, possibly for credit for a class as well.
Granted my experience is limited to hanging out with groups of friends with a bag of dice and our imaginations as our only guide but that will not stop me from trying to creating something a little more structured.

That being the case I am here wondering if there is a person or persons here on the Forge willing to mentor me in this endeavor, someone whom I can turn to for advice and feedback on Chrysalis. If there is someone willing to do this I can be reached here on The Forge through a message or at:

While I have already decided to do this as a personal project it is possible I can do it for a class as well. If I am to do this project for the class however, I must be in contact with a mentor. Someone with previous experience in creating a tabletop RPG whom I can keep in digital contact with on a steady basis so I can learn how to do this and finish with a somewhat polished product is what I would need. I also have to be able to finish it within 9 weeks if I am to do this for the class.

I was told that The Forge was the place to go for help, and feedback so here I am nervously introducing myself to the digital masses. Thank you. ^_^

Message 30113#278234

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On 8/3/2010 at 7:13pm, Adam Dray wrote:
Re: Looking for Mentor

You've come to the right place. Unfortunately, many of the folks here are gearing up to go to GenCon Indianopolis, which starts (for many) tomorrow and continues through Sunday. It might be quiet around here.

If you don't find someone more experienced, I'm happy to help you. I'll send you a private message with more info.

Message 30113#278241

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On 8/4/2010 at 5:24am, Airafice wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for Mentor

Hello If you cant find help I could try.  Im the Director of Action Games and have a degree in Graphic Communications.  Im not the most experienced but love RPG's.  Iv only been playing for 12 years but to some here at the Forge thats not much, (or my head writer that has 26 years experience).  Ill send you an E-mail if you need some gaming info just give me a holler.

Good luck and maybe we'll make a RPG gamer of you yet.

Message 30113#278253

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On 8/5/2010 at 6:23am, AdriannaDD wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for Mentor

Thanks so much for the response and help everyone!

Adam thank you so much for becoming my mentor and Airafice thank you so much for the offer of help and support! I'll definitely take you up on it. I'm looking forward to what's coming and will make sure that it makes it's way to The Forge.

Message 30113#278275

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On 8/7/2010 at 3:42pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for Mentor

Be sure to consider open development right here on the forums. Creative practices differ between fields, but we've had plenty of positive experiences with open processes here at the Forge, especially when it comes to new designers uncertain about how to approach their topic. By writing up your thoughts (first in the First Thoughts forum, then perhaps in Playtest once you get to that stage) you can attract people whose thoughts and experience resonate with your design project, which is often better than hanging onto one mentor. My own experience in mentoring designers is that the benefits are multiplied manyfold if the designer and any of his mentors actually have creative resonance, so that the mentor actually understands and appreciates the goals of the project. This is something that can't be forced, which sometimes limits a mentor to advicing on the merely formal aspects of the project instead of getting into serious critique of the substance. It's a great relief for everybody involved if the mentor can simply pass the project and fledgling designer off to somebody better suited to the subject matter in question.

(Not that Adam's a bad pick as mentor - I recommend him, he's proved often that he has a solid grasp of the best practices of the field.)

And of course, if I personally can be of help, let me know - or just start up a thread in First Thoughts, I try to read that forum as much as anybody here.

Message 30113#278328

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On 8/7/2010 at 3:44pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for Mentor

No worries, Eero. That's where I'm headed.

Message 30113#278329

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