The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Seeking playtesters, outside opinions, advice.
Started by: urbandruid
Started on: 8/5/2010
Board: Connections

On 8/5/2010 at 2:43pm, urbandruid wrote:
Seeking playtesters, outside opinions, advice.


As my post count suggests, I am new around here.  Recently I have put together a book for a homegrown system/setting that has been in the works, just as a hobby, for many years.

Primarily the book was written at the request of people who used to be part of our gaming group but have moved or for other reasons can't attend our sessions any longer and wanted to start games of their own.  But I have been receiving encouragement to look in to publishing. 

My problem is that I am not sure if the book would even be playable to someone that is completely unfamiliar with the game, or rpg games in general.  If anyone would be so kind to even give the book a quick glance, or even to do some playtesting, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact here or through email ( if you would like a copy of the pdf.

Here is a bit about the game:

It is a d100 system, unfortunately I do not have much experience with games beyond my own and 3.5 and some of its settings, so I can't really compare it to anything else.  But I am rather sure there are similiar games.

The book is 264 pages long, including cover, and pages like character sheets and a couple charts that are meant to be removed.  Most of this is options for characters, the information on the setting itself is very barebones, mostly coming from the short descriptions of the different races.

It is a "classless" game in the sense that characters are not choosing classes at creation, rather choose what sets of skills (about 30 in all to choose from, each with between 5-10 skills) they will excel in. 

Combat is handled in an opposing-rolls fashion, the attacker rolling to hit, the defender choosing as approapriate defense move and then rolling. 

I am vaguely familiar with Ron's GNS theory (as in I have read the wiki and some of his articles...I am a bit afraid someone will call my game a fantasy heartbreaker) and would probably consider my game as strongly Simulationist and Gamist, with a bit of Narrativism (?) especially when characters are not built strictly for combat.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and in advance for any help anyone is willing to give this project.

Message 30121#278279

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