The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Theory
Started by: Aio
Started on: 8/11/2010
Board: Connections

On 8/11/2010 at 11:11pm, Aio wrote:

I come to the forge because I hear you are the best there is. Judging from what i have read on other forum topics I believe I have heard correctly. I have been building a system with a friend for a little over 2 years now, just casually working on it in my spare time. I am looking for a few things; First, critique on my ideas. I am also looking for playtesters to try and run a campaign over something like IM or google buzz. i'm really not picky about venue and am totally willing to work with you.

From a lore perspective:
there's a lot going on, its set in a sci-fi universe in which the level of magic or technology depends a lot upon the culture in which you're talking about. the TL;DR version of it is that there with the discovery of shadow magic in a race known as the altay, they shattered their home planet. fragments make it to earth, rain down and change the ley lines of the universe and man discovers magic. droid technology explodes, as does space travel technology and 4 mother ships are made outside one of the other planets in our system. droid incursion happens and humanity flees earth for the stars in the motherships. the faster than light jump fails on 3 of the 4 ships. one becomes a hive of pirates, one becomes a communist society, one becomes the defender against the droid incursion on the rest of the universe.
more on that here here:

From a combat perspective:
a soft-leveling system, using classless characters who can pull from pools of abilities to customize their characters as much as they like. combat itself is based upon action points (every action has an action point value), once you're out, your turn is done. you can also choose to interrupt actions.
more on that here:

if you're interested, you can email me at:

Message 30147#278464

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On 8/16/2010 at 7:57pm, Locke wrote:
Re: Theory

Since I am a mechanics guy I will read through the combat rules and have a few comments:

- it seems you are using the d20 system for the baseline of the game, you might want to make your game more of a mod for d20 than a full game that adds new rules
- the action points are a bit confusing to me, it seems they run along a multiple of 5?  with heavy attacks being 50 and light attacks being 25...  It seems that one would rather make two attacks with a hatchet than one from a greatsword, if there are no actions that take 1-4 points than just make actions run 1-5 so attacking with a light weapon takes 5 and a heavy takes 10 this should give you enough granularity
- the spell options seem to add small bonus, be sure these aren't hard to track for the player
- make sure that all of the stats are balanced and useful, this should help reduce bad min/maxing; the current d20 6 stats are decent but CHA gets the boot and some of these like WIS are just placeholders for certain classes...  they don't really integrate into the system well...  what i mean of course the cleric is gonna have wisdom and the mage intelligence...  so whats the difference...
- my suggestion is to reduce reduce reduce... get rid off everything unnecessary
- be sure that your rolling system is robust enough to handle higher levels... as d20 usually cannot with the straight 5% increase per bonus into it, meaning if you take a fighter with +30 to hit and a bard with +10 to hit the disparity is enough to the point that a fighter will always hit and a rogue never will if attacking ac 30.  This leads to extremely polarized class play.  If you are really making a system were players can build their class then by default (generally speaking) spell casters are less combat oriented and fighters are more combat oriented.
- be sure to have the right level of healing and enough for the party since there isn't a healing "class" the party has a whole might have to work to heal themselves.

hope this helps.

Message 30147#278588

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On 8/18/2010 at 4:04am, Aio wrote:
RE: Re: Theory

thanks locke. i'm going to start looking at each of these points in detail now and ill see if i cant resolve these issues.

Message 30147#278652

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On 8/18/2010 at 6:14pm, Aio wrote:
RE: Re: Theory

Locke wrote:
Since I am a mechanics guy I will read through the combat rules and have a few comments:

- it seems you are using the d20 system for the baseline of the game, you might want to make your game more of a mod for d20 than a full game that adds new rules
- the action points are a bit confusing to me, it seems they run along a multiple of 5?  with heavy attacks being 50 and light attacks being 25...  It seems that one would rather make two attacks with a hatchet than one from a greatsword, if there are no actions that take 1-4 points than just make actions run 1-5 so attacking with a light weapon takes 5 and a heavy takes 10 this should give you enough granularity
- the spell options seem to add small bonus, be sure these aren't hard to track for the player
- make sure that all of the stats are balanced and useful, this should help reduce bad min/maxing; the current d20 6 stats are decent but CHA gets the boot and some of these like WIS are just placeholders for certain classes...  they don't really integrate into the system well...  what i mean of course the cleric is gonna have wisdom and the mage intelligence...  so whats the difference...
- my suggestion is to reduce reduce reduce... get rid off everything unnecessary
- be sure that your rolling system is robust enough to handle higher levels... as d20 usually cannot with the straight 5% increase per bonus into it, meaning if you take a fighter with +30 to hit and a bard with +10 to hit the disparity is enough to the point that a fighter will always hit and a rogue never will if attacking ac 30.  This leads to extremely polarized class play.  If you are really making a system were players can build their class then by default (generally speaking) spell casters are less combat oriented and fighters are more combat oriented.
- be sure to have the right level of healing and enough for the party since there isn't a healing "class" the party has a whole might have to work to heal themselves.

hope this helps.

alright Jeff, Ive looked over your points in detail with my system.
1) The d20 system. my game was originally a d20 mod and it failed miserably. I just couldn't accomplish the things that i wanted to accomplish with it.
2)Action points, granularity and number inflation. while i could always see reason for fluctuation here, the reason i currently have number set where they are at is room to grow. right now there isnt anything that costs 1-4, but what about in the future when i might decide to release a supplement with small actions that cost 1? then id be in trouble.
3) Spell options, tracking. i could see where you are coming from here too, what this calls for is a well designed character sheet. -- something ive been meaning to rework for awhile now
4) Stat balance, usefulness. Currently there aren't many uses for WIS and CHA in my system, but i feel that's something that has to come with growth of of the system and new content, not modification of old content. essentially, i cant find anywhere right now that it would make sense to make WIS or CHA a governing stat. however, on the horizon i do have some content to make heavy use of WIS. CHA can come later
5)Reduction. This is something Ive been working with over the past few days with another forge member, currently i have the character creation rules and the combat rules separated into two different documents (instead of in the same document like in my original link). This is probably something every system could use, and that i will continue to work on throughout the production of Theory.
6) Hit. i have a few, limited places in which hit is available, and it quickly becomes expensive. if a fighter wanted to have a +30 in hit, he simply couldn't. if he spent all of his experience up to level 20 on hit, he would have a +12. with one maneuver. this is a perfect example of minmaxing, because a wise player could easily out-maneuver him, not to mention his attacks wouldnt deal enough damage to begin defeating damage reduction, hit defense would be extremely low, and so would his HP, skills, and knowledge of offensive and defensive maneuvers. minmaxing is just not a viable strategy.
7) Healing. I could see adding some items that could be used for out of combat healing (they take a while to use)

Message 30147#278675

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On 8/19/2010 at 1:44am, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: Theory

cool, just a few things i saw that you might want to think about.  You don't need to justify your ideas to me.  Another suggestion:  Do it first, do it better, or dont do it at all.

Message 30147#278684

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On 10/18/2010 at 6:46am, Ar Kayon wrote:
RE: Re: Theory

"Droid" is a Star Wars term.  If you plan on distributing your game, it may be best to change the name of those things.

Message 30147#281186

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On 10/18/2010 at 7:48am, mreuther wrote:
RE: Re: Theory

It's one of the few sci-fi terms that is off limits, but yes, "droid" is owned by Lucas. Motorola pays him for their Droid line of phones.

Android is fine however. :P

Just use the full term and you're not in any trouble. ;)

(It's worth noting that this is a rarity in design, but in general if you know a term sounds familiar because of a significant IP, check really quickly to see if there's a "Wordmark" for it. You can do that at which is the US government's online search site. It should render MOST stuff that is relevant, but may miss some, so it's not perfect.

Generally, unless you use something that someone particularly litigious has wordmarked you'll be fine.

The search engine "Lougle" was probably perfectly fine when used in Hot Tub Time Machine, and EVERYONE knows where that came from. :P

(Avoid Lucas terms like the plague, tbh . . . I think he sues people just to avoid having to ever actually do the final 3 movies.) :)

Message 30147#281189

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On 10/19/2010 at 5:57pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Theory

Hi everyone,

This discussion should probably move off-forum, to email or whatever you like. Aio, set that up if you could.

Or if you want to maintain a public discussion here, then a new thread in either Playtesting (assuming you've done some) or Publishing for the various terms issues (which I think is less important or interesting in this case) would be fine.

Best, Ron

Message 30147#281235

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On 10/25/2010 at 4:32am, Aio wrote:
RE: Re: Theory

thanks for the info. the last thing i want to do is infringe on someone elses copyrighted work. so i really appreciate that.

unfortunately my thread has proved to be rather fruitless. so i suppose its back to the drawing board. i definitely dont want to clutter up your forum with my thread but i can't seem to find anywhere to delete/move it. so, if my thread is deleted i wont take offense. the information your users have given me has all been very helpful, so thanks to all of them and thank you for hosting/moderating.

Message 30147#281373

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