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Topic: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!
Started by: Mokkurkalfe
Started on: 8/13/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 8/13/2002 at 7:22pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

Alright, what kind of cool SA's can you come up with?
Give me your best shot, and include some adventure hooks and possibilites.

Like so:

Drive: Enforce Law and Order

Hooks&Adventures: Bounty hunting, bandit chasing, various jobs from sheriffs and other officials, join the city watch, become a sheriff yourself, investigating crimes, track smugglers etc.

When you get the dice: As soon as you are trying to uphold the law
(i.e. perhaps half the dice to kill a criminal, but all the dice if you try to get him alive and put him to trial).

When it increases: When you've administered justice as the law demands, i.e. caught your bandit, put a bastard to trial, proven someones innocence, etc.

Message 3016#29171

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On 8/13/2002 at 7:49pm, Spikor wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

I think it would be interesting to have two conflicting spiritual attributes.

Drive: Pacifism - I renounce all violence.
Destiny: To become a legendary Bladeslinger.

Message 3016#29184

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On 8/13/2002 at 8:22pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

Yeah, lots of instant plot in making conflicting SAs. Just look at many classic plots, and they come out of the woodwork. First one that came to my mind is Romeo and Juliette.

Passion: for Lover
Passion: Loves own Family
Passion: Hates Lover's Family

And, of course they hate you too and your family. Tell me that's not going to turn out ugly. Lots of similar ideas.
Passion: Hates the Duke
Destiny: to become King

If you kill the Duke you'll be banished. Hmmm...what to do?
Passion: Loves the King's wife
Passion: loyal to the king

Can you say Lancelot?
Drive: get the Sword of Purity
Passion: Girlfriend

Of course the sword was used to kill the GFs father, and she won't have anything to do with the owner.
Destiny: Become King
Passion: Loves evil Queen of neighboring land.

Destiny: lead men to destroy enemy army
Passion: Best friend is in enemy army

It's pretty easy. This makes for instant conflict looming on the horizon, and characters that are likely to be very dynamic.


Message 3016#29189

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On 12/18/2002 at 2:43am, Warboss Grock wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

Drive: Recover Honor
Faith: Bushido
Destiny: To be known as the only human act of god
Passion: Love and Peace
"Drive: Do something right (For once)"
just a few i ran accross

Message 3016#45865

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On 12/18/2002 at 4:22pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

Hi there,

Can I tweak the thread topic a little? Let's include Philosophy as well.

A Zhibaran "noble"
Philosophy = Eat the weak
Drive: take over Zaporozhyan province
Passion: hates [Zaporozhyan who opposes him, a PC]
Faith: superstition, basically - some Zhibaran hoodoo
Passion: for protege, handsome young man

He also gets the Flaws Greedy, and whatever it was, that one where you're cruel and mean

A Savaxen outlaw
Philosophy = The man who kills me does a good deed. But you're not him.
Luck (max this out)
Destiny: executed for his crimes
Passion: resents [whoever told him what to do last; change during play as needed]
Drive: to be famed far and wide, everywhere
Faith: raunchy Savaxen trickster god guy

He gets Lustful and Overconfident as well, obviously.

These are two of my favorite NPCs from play.


Message 3016#45927

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On 12/18/2002 at 5:29pm, Stephen wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

How about this one? An apprentice sorcerer PC from Farrenshire, created off the top of my head:

Philosophy: The art of magic is the hope of the world -- if only we had the courage to embrace it.

Conscience 1
Faith 2 -- The Three-Become-One
Drive 2 -- To prove that sorcery is a holy and noble art to the Church and to the world
Destiny 1 -- To sacrifice his life in a world-renowned sorcerous act of martyrdom
Passion 1 -- Loyalty to his homeland

Which means that he can gain his Drive to any sorcery he uses, but only when that sorcery matches his Conscience and Faith about what's "noble". Which might annoy immensely the comrades who wanted him to drop a rock on the bandits attacking them....

Message 3016#45936

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On 12/18/2002 at 6:07pm, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

my wifes were fairly

Drive: fighting injustice

Destiny 2: become the greatest sorceress, upon death
Passion 3: learning new magic

Message 3016#45939

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On 12/18/2002 at 9:18pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

warboss... were you in my vash the stampede game back in mclean? If so... who are yo, if not... damn thats a coincidence cause those hve to be some f the best SA"S I haveever campaigned with end o story!

Heres a few of my other fvorites:
Drive: To be legendary
Destiny: To have someone else credited with all his deeds (famous but nameless). [the other PC in the group got credit for everything good he did)
Passion: Evil NPC type guy
Passion: Noble girl (who is being pursued by evil npc guy) (also, please note my characters social of 2.... this is a seriously funny combo.)

and this combo was fun:
Passion: Hate nobles
Destiny: Become a noble by his own hands
Drive: kick the trash out of all his enemies, personlly, with much hurting

Message 3016#45972

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On 12/19/2002 at 12:09am, Warboss Grock wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

Ashren Va'Hale wrote: warboss... were you in my vash the stampede game back in mclean? If so... who are yo, if not... damn thats a coincidence cause those hve to be some f the best SA"S I haveever campaigned with end o story!

Heres a few of my other fvorites:
Drive: To be legendary
Destiny: To have someone else credited with all his deeds (famous but nameless). [the other PC in the group got credit for everything good he did)
Passion: Evil NPC type guy
Passion: Noble girl (who is being pursued by evil npc guy) (also, please note my characters social of 2.... this is a seriously funny combo.)

and this combo was fun:
Passion: Hate nobles
Destiny: Become a noble by his own hands
Drive: kick the trash out of all his enemies, personlly, with much hurting

I AM Yojimbo

Message 3016#45990

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On 12/19/2002 at 12:31am, Vanguard wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

Passion: Love for his cousin - the manly kind :)
Drive: To protect his cousin
Destiny: To fail his cousin

PC Cousin:-
Passion: Love for the realm
Drive: To destroy a powerful magic item
Destiny: To lose the powerful magic item

Passion: obsession for the poweful magic item
Drive: To recover the powerful magic item
Destiny: To destroy the one ring - ooops - sorry, powerful magic item, I meant.


Passion: peace
Drive: to improve the world
Destiny: To start a war

Passion: combat
Drive: to settle down
Destiny: to lose his child

passion: practice of sorcery
drive: To resurrect his dead lover
Destiny: to find love with another

And for the truly curse:-
Destiny: to kill his father
Destiny: to sleep with his mother
Destiny: to become blind

take care

Message 3016#45992

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On 12/19/2002 at 12:42am, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

No, Ashren, your character had a social of 3. I was Mr. Social of 2. But still...

Also, my favorite combo is:
Destiny: Die a martyr's death
Faith: Narcissism

That's gotta have some conflicting issues there...

Message 3016#45994

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On 12/19/2002 at 4:37am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Spiritual Attributes by the hundreds!

oh, I forgot the one I want to play with next

Drive: Overcome his station in life
Destiny: to Hijack someone elses destiny (preferably a PC).
Passion: absolute disregard for anyone else but me myself and I (narcissism sort of).

and by thge way, the Yojimbo stories with multiple attackers is legendery to this day among all my campaign groups.... long live the 25 die karma strike!!!!

Message 3016#46029

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