The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Link in the Archive, to the Archive, don't work
Started by: Eliarhiman6
Started on: 8/17/2010
Board: Site Discussion

On 8/17/2010 at 8:24am, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
Link in the Archive, to the Archive, don't work

There is a problem in the Forge Archive when there is a link to another thread in the Archive.

For example, this post there is a link to another previous thread named "The Dead Are Too Much With Us...", and the link is this one::

Now, if I click on that link, I arrive instead on this page:

where I get a "404 not found" error, because the real new address of that page is:

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Message 30185#278604

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On 8/17/2010 at 1:49pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: Link in the Archive, to the Archive, don't work

Ah. I think I can fix that. I hope I can.


Message 30185#278610

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On 9/2/2010 at 12:27pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: Link in the Archive, to the Archive, don't work

I think I've fixed it.


Message 30185#279222

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