The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Freelancers Wanted.
Started by: Stregheria Games
Started on: 8/22/2010
Board: Connections

On 8/22/2010 at 8:11pm, Stregheria Games wrote:
Freelancers Wanted.

I'm looking for people that might be interested in possibly writing for my game. It is being released at the end of September and I have a couple of other writers starting work on adventures already. I'm handling all rules additions at the moment so if anyone wants to submit something I'm looking for adventures primarily or  source material.

All supplements and rulebooks are A5 sized. For adventures I'm looking for between 25 and 50 pages. For these, I'm offering a 50/50 profit share. At the moment, until I see how the game sells and taking into account the initial printing costs, I don't want to outlay too much more money; I'm trying to stick to a budget. If the game sells enough then all profits will be ploughed straight back into freelancers and hopefully then I'll be able to dangle some bigger carrots in front of their noses and be able to negotiate with hard cash. ;)

At the moment though, it's just profit share and possibly a modest advance. I don't mean any disrespect to freelancers, it's just that I can't afford hundreds of pounds for things that if I'm brutally honest, may end up gathering dust in my garage. I'm in no way suggesting that my game is a bad game, far from it but we live in a world where products don't always sell well based on their merit alone. Marketing seems to be king. There are some amazing games out their that hardly anyone has heard of and some very average ones that sell well.

If I eulogise about mine, I'll only be fooling myself as until it goes on sale at the end of September, I've got no idea whether people will embrace it, or ignore it.

The bottom line is that I can't guarantee a profit share will turn out to be worthwhile for a freelancer, so they will have to decide whether it's worth risking their time or not. As i said, hopefully in the months to come the game will have started to sell well enough to be able to offer better financial terms to prospective writers but at the moment, it's in the lap of the gods. :)

Message 30213#278793

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On 8/23/2010 at 2:46am, masqueradeball wrote:
Re: Freelancers Wanted.

I would love too, I can send you a writing sample if you like. I haven't been published but have a wide range of RPG experience and spend a decent amount of time writing, easily producing 1000 to 3000 (unedited) words a day.

Message 30213#278805

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On 8/23/2010 at 10:22am, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Freelancers Wanted.

People like yourself are exactly who I'm looking for. This is my first rpg that I'm releasing and because I can't afford the going rate for professional freelancers, I'm looking for beginners to write for me. I will reply to everyone that contacts me and take the time to look at any examples of people's work that they would like me to see. We're in the same boat after all: if my game does well, you will do well and there will be better paid opportunities to write for my game in the future. If my game bombs, well, unfortunately all you'll get out of writing for it is the experience and a free copy of my rules! ;D

Click on my website icon and leave me a message via the contact form on my site so I have your details. We can then email each other after that.

Others that are interested in writing please do likewise.

Message 30213#278808

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On 12/1/2010 at 1:54pm, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Freelancers Wanted.

Ron, or any other moderator that is able to help, could you please stop this spammer from posting in my thread.


Message 30213#282284

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On 12/1/2010 at 3:00pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Freelancers Wanted.

Whoops, missed him. The best way to deal with this is hit the "Report to moderator" button at the bottom right of the post. That way, Vincent and I get notified immediately.
Best, Ron

Message 30213#282285

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On 12/1/2010 at 4:30pm, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Freelancers Wanted.


Message 30213#282289

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...started by Stregheria Games which Stregheria Games participated Connections
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