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Topic: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts
Started by: Mantisking
Started on: 8/31/2010
Board: lumpley games

On 8/31/2010 at 5:52pm, Mantisking wrote:
[Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

I've been looking at the new line of Lego games and they have a lot of cool parts and interesting colors that might be good for parts sets for Mechaton.

Message 30255#279111

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...from around 8/31/2010

On 8/31/2010 at 9:26pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

Which ones? People always ask me to recommend sets to them and I usually can't. If there are some good ones I wanna know!


Message 30255#279125

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On 9/1/2010 at 3:34am, Mantisking wrote:
RE: Re: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

lumpley wrote: Which ones? People always ask me to recommend sets to them and I usually can't. If there are some good ones I wanna know!

I think Robo Champ, Race 3000, Lunar Command and scarily enough Shave A Sheep are the best.  Hogwarts and Ramses Pyramid are probably the best for scenery and cover pieces.

Message 30255#279135

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On 9/1/2010 at 2:03pm, David Artman wrote:
RE: Re: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

I find the best sets are anything using Technic pieces that's on deep discount. :) I picked up the Space Squid thing (was once a Lego Creator kit, then official, now prolly gone for good) for maybe $20 (500+ pieces, IIRC) and it's enough for ten teams, at least.

Also, don't forget it don't have to be mechs. I've been considering doing something with Mechaton at the minifig level, with ground troops, "normal" combat vehicles, artillery, etc. It's all a matter of scale. ;)

Message 30255#279155

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On 9/2/2010 at 5:45pm, Mantisking wrote:
RE: Re: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

David wrote:
I find the best sets are anything using Technic pieces that's on deep discount. :) I picked up the Space Squid thing (was once a Lego Creator kit, then official, now prolly gone for good) for maybe $20 (500+ pieces, IIRC) and it's enough for ten teams, at least.

I got one of those and the corresponding Space Justice set when both were on clearance.  Another good set that's been discontinued is the UCS General Grievous.  Here's the Bricklink inventory list for the set.

[sub]edited to correct link[/sub]

Message 30255#279231

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On 9/2/2010 at 10:57pm, Mantisking wrote:
RE: Re: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

David wrote: I find the best sets are anything using Technic pieces that's on deep discount. :)

And along those lines, the Technic Mini Bulldozer set (inventory here) is a phenomenal deal at $0.06/part.

And one of these days I'll get used to using the board codes.  Vince, could you fix the URL in the post above?

Message 30255#279235

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On 12/1/2010 at 4:20pm, Mantisking wrote:
RE: Re: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

Another set with great parts is Mini X Wing polybag set -- inventory here -- you can find it in the Christmas aisle at Target.

Message 30255#282288

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On 12/1/2010 at 6:28pm, David Artman wrote:
RE: Re: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

Damn, that X-Wing set is chock full of Mechatoniness. Too bad it doesn't have any "hinges" (I don't could the clips as such--I mean stuff one can make a knee or shoulder, like the first one in the rules).

I've spent WAY too many hours since MACE 2010 making mechs. One evening when I'm not doing laundry or sending out resumes, I'll try to get some good shots of them to post on my design site. I have a snakebot one I rather like (using a string of Space Squid segments as a "movement attachment") and a relatively inspired (IMHO) variation on the "space marine" mech in the rules.

Message 30255#282290

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On 3/31/2011 at 2:07pm, Mantisking wrote:
RE: Re: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

David wrote: Damn, that X-Wing set is chock full of Mechatoniness. Too bad it doesn't have any "hinges" (I don't could the clips as such--I mean stuff one can make a knee or shoulder, like the first one in the rules).

If you want hinges, the 30054 AT-ST polybag is the one you want.  Target has it right now in the Easter section.

David wrote: I've spent WAY too many hours since MACE 2010 making mechs. One evening when I'm not doing laundry or sending out resumes, I'll try to get some good shots of them to post on my design site. I have a snakebot one I rather like (using a string of Space Squid segments as a "movement attachment") and a relatively inspired (IMHO) variation on the "space marine" mech in the rules.

Will you post pictures, or a link to them, here?

Message 30255#285553

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On 10/25/2011 at 1:01pm, Mantisking wrote:
RE: Re: [Mechaton] Best Sets for Parts

Newsflash: More Good sets for Mechaton!

I recently picked up the polybags 30052 AAT Mini and 40021 Hallowe'en Spiders.  They have a bunch of really nice parts for Mechaton.

Message 30255#288869

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