The Forge Reference Project


Topic: locations
Started by: Comte
Started on: 8/14/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 8/14/2002 at 5:00am, Comte wrote:

Alright I finnaly got a chance to fill in this IOU, that was kinda emabarasseing but no pride for the wicked. Anyway I finnaly figgured out what to do. It's a good topic. Ubran Legends, or more really bad stuff that happens in certain locations. Basicly it's a sort of location guide to the diffrent areas the children find themselves in. We'll do the Park first and that will explain things better:

The Park.
The Park has been a spot of childhood joy and trauma for about as long as the idea of a park excisted. As far as the setting for the game goes there are two type of parks that really need to be concerned with. One is a good park with thouse dark secrets, and the other is thouse fallen parks enhabited by junkies and muggers.
Now when I say park lets get a sence of size here, I don't exactly mean that horribly little open feild behind my house that has a swamp, plastic play toys, and the history of...well no history. No I'm talking thouse parks that are fairly big, some have a walking trail, heavly wooded so you can't see one side to another, and real play ground equipment. The equipment is important to me it must include swings, sea-saws, merry go rounds, and a slide, all made of metal! Sorry I take my parks seriously. At any rate they must be big enough so that things can happen in one end without bothering the people in the other.
A Good park would be green trees, you are brought there by your family who spends most of the day there, basicly if you watch rugrats enough you'll see what I mean. A place where it's all children play and nothing bad looks like it ever happens there. A bad park is usualy a place where children are sent to if the parent has veen driven crazy by them and they are needed to be out of the house. This park is mostly home to bums, and junkies. These people need not be dangerouse but they certainly can be scary. Depending on the severity of the the bad park it could also have, drug dealers, gangs, older kids that are bastards, and other stuff. In the bad parks the grass is usally uncared for and dieing, and the land scape is poorly maintained.

Stuff the Happens in Parks:
Intro: Alright for this part we just come up with a list of things that can happen to someone in a park, what goes on in a park, and what not. These are basicly all story ideas that you can run with.
Older Kids: Older kids can be some right bastereds at times, especily when they are bored and they think seeing some little kids cry is funny. Older kids are a great way of getting the players to do more dangerouse things in the park. The kids heckle and make fun of then, basicly be the bully they can never beat up no matter how much they want to. Little kids also probley want to prove themselves to the older ones, show that they are grown up to. This could lead into the players doing all sorts of silly things.
Bullies: Bullies are more on the players level. A Bullie is that bigger kid who picks on the smaller one. This is also a great way to get the players to do something a bit more dangerouse, simply by haveing him beat up on the players and causeing them to run into that darker place where they aren't suppost to go.
Ice Cream Men: Ice Cream Men happen, and while they aren't nessisarly a bad thing, they are the perfect icon to be set up as the great betrayer. An ice cream man in the hand of the Kings of one of thier minions is a powerful tool indeed.
Ghosts: A lot of the parks I've played in as a wee lil Comte were old. They served many uses through out time includeing court houses, places to burn whitches and thier deamon children, things like that. Parks are sually rife with ghosts, it is the place bodies are hidden because no one will think to dig up a park.
Bums: Bums are usally crazy homeless people that have no where to go and little to do. They are usualy harmless, all they want is to get enough money to aford some alchol and to drown thier sarrows with people of a similar life style. They are however, dirty, in extreams, and crazy. The combonation of the two tends to swirrle a lot of beleif about them. Storys like,"that's old man Herman over there picking through the garbage, it's said that he eats little children when he can catch them, that's why he's in the park all the time" tend to pile up on one another and these people can become manifestations of closset land and monstors in thier own right. Of course Baba Jaga swinging in for a snack dosn't help this situation out either.
The Dog Lady: It seems like every park I go to there is this one little old lady with dozens of dogs. I used to beleive that she got angry at her husband one day and killed him. Then she bought a buntch of dogs so that they would eat the body. Of course now that the dogs have gotten the taste for flesh they won't go back to their dog food anymore, so every once in a while someone else falls prey to her. I was a messed up kid.

Well that's all for now, feel free to add to the list, or your thoughts, or anything really.

Message 3027#29248

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