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Topic: We're playing Pokemon Sorcerer II (split)
Started by: Tveir
Started on: 8/15/2010
Board: Adept Press

On 8/15/2010 at 12:58pm, Tveir wrote:
We're playing Pokemon Sorcerer II (split)

Speaking of pokemon, this was a pretty interesting read

and made sense of the tv series no less

Message 30306#278554

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On 9/7/2010 at 10:58pm, droog wrote:
RE: We're playing Pokemon Sorcerer II (split)

Sorry, nerdazoid question. How are you treating pokemon evolution, or are you just ignoring it?

Message 30306#279461

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On 9/7/2010 at 11:03pm, droog wrote:
RE: We're playing Pokemon Sorcerer II (split)

Also, Vincent, are you using Cover, and if so, are they all schoolkids or something?

Message 30306#279462

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On 9/8/2010 at 6:07pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: We're playing Pokemon Sorcerer II (split)

All of the above were split from We're playing Pokemon Sorcerer.

Best, Ron

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Topic 29306

Message 30306#279497

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...from around 9/8/2010

On 9/10/2010 at 4:19pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: We're playing Pokemon Sorcerer II (split)


We haven't had a pokemon evolve yet, but when we do, mechanically it'll just mean banishing the old demon and binding a new one. I don't expect any hiccups there - and it's consistent with one of the episodes I saw, where one of Ash's friends is all worried about letting his pokemon evolve, because afterward, will it be the same Squirtle (or whatever) he loves? In the episode, the answer was yes, but in play, it's a live question.

For cover, we did hometowns. Penny is from Amethyst Island, and at Amethyst Island they're known for their cooking! That kind of thing.


Message 30306#279589

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On 9/10/2010 at 8:49pm, droog wrote:
RE: Re: We're playing Pokemon Sorcerer II (split)

Thanks, man. We started playing our version of this last night, so I'll write it up for your amusement in a different thread.

Message 30306#279595

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...from around 9/10/2010