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Topic: [Multiverse] Need some help and advices.
Started by: Kalladeron
Started on: 9/15/2010
Board: First Thoughts

On 9/15/2010 at 1:28am, Kalladeron wrote:
[Multiverse] Need some help and advices.

Hi everybody,

I am trying develop a RPG system and I need some help and advices.

My objective is create a system focused on action for fantasy settings. I think that to create this kind of system I need create at first a quick resolution system. The problem is what system to use?

Looking other systems and thinking in this subject, I concluded that a easy way to solve this is problem is the old "attribute + skill + ydx against a fixed target number".

I think that is a fast mechanic because its easy read the result and know how good or how bad the character was, however I can't decide which dice use 2d6 or 2d10.

2d6: Few numbers acelerate the mechanic, but in other hand a simple +1 bonus may provoke a problem in the curve.

2d10: I can't think in a fixed target number that fit with the attribute and skill values that I want use (see below).

I need some help with this and I want an opinion. If you have some idea that may help me, I would be very thankful.


Attribute: From 1 to 10, 5 is the normal human.
Skill: From 1 to 10.

Target number 2d6: 11 (5 + 6 [one point less the middle of the curve]). Its ok to me.
Targe number 2d10: 15 (5 + 10 [one point less the middle of the curve]). Its strange to me.

P.S: I used one point less, because in this form a easy task have more than 50% to be successfull.

Message 30368#279972

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On 9/15/2010 at 4:01am, Certified wrote:
Re: [Multiverse] Need some help and advices.

Both 10 and 15 are easy numbers to remember. If I've read this correctly it looks like your scale can range from 3 (Attribute 1 + 2 1's on 2dX) to 32 or 40 (Attribute 10, Skill 10 + 2d6 or 2d10). Using 2d6 puts a greater emphasis on Attribute and Skill values as it seems easier to tip the curve in one's favor, the upper end of the difficulty scale falling around 28. With 2d10 you can have a larger range for the upper end difficulties as you have from 32 to play with. Granted this is not a huge difference, a range or 4 versus 8but may add some variety for upper end targets.

Also, you state there may be situational modifiers and again 2d10 gives you a little more wiggle room.

Message 30368#279979

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