The Forge Reference Project


Topic: freelance writer with White Wolf experience
Started by: oculusverit
Started on: 9/22/2010
Board: Connections

On 9/22/2010 at 5:52pm, oculusverit wrote:
freelance writer with White Wolf experience

Hey everyone, freelance writer here. Just recently did some stuff for White Wolf, a campaign module (or as they like to call it, Storyteller Adventure System).

Link is here:

Recently realized that I'd rather be writing for the more interesting indy products than the mainstream stuff. If you'd like someone to help you write something for your game, or even just supplemental material, let me know.

If you'd like a sample of my writing, I'd be happy to send it to you.


Message 30409#280325

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On 9/27/2010 at 1:03am, Stregheria Games wrote:
Re: freelance writer with White Wolf experience

I'm looking for freelancers for a game that is going into a closed public playtest on a PBP forum in a weeks time. Rather than try and give you a long-winded explanation of what the game's all about, you'd be better off just visting its website:

if you're interested, you can watch the playtest at

I have 3 freelancers at the moment who have expressed an interest to possibly write for the game (upon evaluating the .pdf of it I'm sending them in a week's time.)

It's a hefty tome weighing in at over 400 pages and is the culmination of 3 years of  hard work. This is not a throwaway piece of garbage but a work that has been created by somebody with 3 decades of gaming experience and who has been fanatically obsessive about it from the start. If role-playing is art, then this book is Van Gogh. I've spent many an occasion working throught the night till 4 or 5 a.m. and have contemplated cutting my own ear off with frustration at times. Spending long hours with the lesser key of solomon in a dark room typing for hours fighting off sleep deprevation to try and create a masterpiece does something to a man...

It has all been worth it though, as Stregoneria is about to be unleashed...

Message 30409#280422

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On 9/28/2010 at 8:57pm, oculusverit wrote:
RE: Re: freelance writer with White Wolf experience

Replied to privately.


Message 30409#280476

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On 10/10/2010 at 12:29pm, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: freelance writer with White Wolf experience

I've recently cleared out my emails and have accidentally deleted the one you sent me so I no longer have yours to send you the .pdf of my rules to look at. I'll be ready to give them to you in a few days so could you PM me your address again please. Thanks.

Message 30409#280966

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