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Topic: [DitV] Fallout from Ceremony used against other Dogs
Started by: Chroma
Started on: 9/24/2010
Board: lumpley games

On 9/24/2010 at 2:00am, Chroma wrote:
[DitV] Fallout from Ceremony used against other Dogs

Introduced another group of friends to Dogs recently and they're loving it!  (And I'm still loving it!)

Something odd came up and I just wanted some other people's thoughts/input on it:  During a conflict two Dogs and a Steward joined together and used "Three-in-Authority" against another Dog with the stakes "Do we get her to promise not to do 'x'?"  It was only talking, but the dice against the lone Dog at this time were high and she gave, but we were unsure if she would've taken d8s of Fallout if she'd Taken the Blow from that... we couldn't figure out how she might actually put herself in mortal peril there.  So, thoughts?

And, just a cool thing: Earlier on, one player escalated to Physical with a caring touch!  It blew all of our minds for a moment.

Lastly, they didn't name the baby at Tower Creek!!!  I was shocked.

Message 30415#280372

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On 9/24/2010 at 2:01am, Chroma wrote:
Re: [DitV] Fallout from Ceremony used against other Dogs

My name's "Kevin", btw, can't seem to find the "edit" for my initial post.

Message 30415#280373

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On 9/24/2010 at 6:37pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [DitV] Fallout from Ceremony used against other Dogs

Great question! The answer's a little bit nuts.

Ceremony is effective, remember, against the souls of the Faithful, not against their bodies or minds. Consider this parallel example:

"I shoot my pistol in the air to get your attention! If you take the blow, you'll take d4 fallout," vs "I shoot you with my pistol! If you take the blow, you'll take d10 fallout."

When you use a gun against someone, if you want it to inflict its full fallout, you need to target their body with your raise. In the same way, when you use ceremony against someone, if you want it to inflict its full fallout, you need to target their soul with your raise. If you target only their body & mind, it's like shooting your gun near, not at, them.

"We stand three in authority and command you to join us! If you take the blow, you'll take d4 fallout," vs "we stand three in authority and command your soul to obedience! If you take the blow, you'll take d8 fallout." The possibility of mortal danger exists because this ceremony ignites the natural enmity between the soul and the body & mind. If you die from this, it's because your soul decides that it would be better unshackled from your sinning body & mind.


Message 30415#280396

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On 9/25/2010 at 12:22am, Chroma wrote:
RE: Re: [DitV] Fallout from Ceremony used against other Dogs

lumpley wrote: "we stand three in authority and command your soul to obedience! If you take the blow, you'll take d8 fallout." The possibility of mortal danger exists because this ceremony ignites the natural enmity between the soul and the body & mind. If you die from this, it's because your soul decides that it would be better unshackled from your sinning body & mind.

Yes, it was much more this... which is why the player didn't want to risk the Fallout, even if we couldn't quite grok what that Fallout would be!

Thank for the answer!


Message 30415#280397

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