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Topic: A Game of Ten Thousand
Started by: Ckelm
Started on: 9/28/2010
Board: First Thoughts

On 9/28/2010 at 7:35pm, Ckelm wrote:
A Game of Ten Thousand

[center]So I have this written:

I have been working on this for a bit. I don't expect it to be lucrative, just fun. I know it needs some polish but if you fine folks could assist me I would be grateful.

-Christopher Kelm-[/center]

Message 30431#280474

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On 9/28/2010 at 9:29pm, Adam Dray wrote:
Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

You'll have better luck if you a) tell us a bit about what the game is about here, instead of making us lazy people click through, and b) ask some specific questions. What are you having trouble with?

Message 30431#280479

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On 9/28/2010 at 11:04pm, Ar Kayon wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

I read it, but I honestly have no idea what it is.  The game's concept is not illustrated; what kind of game is it, and what do players do?  Also, none of the technical information is explained.  This is all meaningless without context.

Message 30431#280483

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On 9/28/2010 at 11:05pm, Ckelm wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

Okay, Thanks for that.

In all honesty it is a jumbled mess in my head.

I'll copy and paste and change accordingly. Sorry for the mess. Hopefully something good will come out of it. :D
Players generate their Avatars by defining five attributes. Generating a new avatar costs nothing and each Avatar is able to store ten attributes and ten Polygrams and Letters.
Title – Targeting is enabled after picking a name.
Animus - (Base 1d10) Form
Persona  - (Base 1d10) Action
Character - (Base 1d10) Reaction
Ki - (Base 1d10) Force
Element – (Base 1d10) Modifier
Avatar – A player controlled being that consists of at least six attributes.
Overseer-Vetoes rulings and wields infinite power for entertainment.
Matrix- 10 by 10 grids with empty spaces. Avatars fill in these spaces at a cost.
Pattern- A pattern is a space filled with at least one defined attribute. Each Pattern has a barrier to entry equal to all attributes rolled together.
Kosmos- Contains 100 sets of Matrices.
Oververse - A state of a Kosmos that connects all Patterns, Matrices, and Kosmos. Dead Avatars are sent here.
Step One: Any avatar may target another avatar.
Step Two: Roll a d10 to start an interaction and apply conditions of the pattern an avatar resides in.
Step Three: The highest number rolled acts first by announcing an action and rolling a #d10.
Step Four: Any avatar may react once per turn to any action or reaction by announcing a reaction and rolling a #d10.
Step Five: Negate the number rolled in the reaction to the number rolled in the action.
Step Six: The number rolled in the interaction roll negates the targeted avatars Ki.
Repeat Steps One through Six until avatars flee, surrender, or perish by dropping down to zero Ki.

• The Victorious receive two Polygram rolls.
• Those that perish receive one Polygram roll.
• Those that flee receive zero Polygram rolls.
• One Polygram roll is given to those that surrender.
• A Polygram roll is given to the Victor for each avatar that surrenders.

Polygrams can be gained through interaction and sacrificing attributes. Roll a d10 and Assign Yang to even numbers and Yin to odd numbers. By referring to  chart A1 and A2 an avatar can change or create the properties of a space in a Matrix.
Each player is allowed to store up to ten letters or Polygram rolls. To roll for a letter sacrifice three d10s that shows Yang to roll for a random letter. Charts A1 and A2 make up the core engine for generating foes, friends, places, artifacts, treasure, actors, attributes, and whatever else can be imagined.

Polygrams construct Patterns through an avatars influence and can be used in a positive, negative, and neutral way to manipulate an avatar’s attributes. This can affect movement and interactions.
Movement between the coordinates of a matrix requires a d10 to be rolled against the barrier to entry calculated by adding together all of the d10s rolled from the Pattern’s attributes. Rolling and adding numbers past the barrier to entry results in a move to a different coordinate. If an avatar decides to move away from a conflict they are not allowed to participate in the conflict.

Each turn an overseer must generate the environment of the pattern if a player does not cross the pattern that turn.

In total there are ten thousand spaces in each game. Each space has a Kosmos Coordinate and a Matrix Coordinate. All players begin on Coordinate ( 1,1,1) which stands for the First space at the First Matrix.

Moving to another Matrix can only be completed by two methods: Completely filling a matrix with patterns and an Overseer opening a portal.

Avatars are only allowed to use an Action or Reaction once unless the Avatar has an Action or Reaction defined in its attributes.

A roll of ten merits d10+10 while a roll of 1 takes d10 Ki. This applies to any roll of a d10 and can completely change the dynamic of a game.

To enter an empty space costs nothing but to reside in an empty space takes one ki per turn. A Pattern is established by spending Polygrams and Letters to define at least 1 attribute.

Instead of taking damage a player may discard letters and polygrams to avoid taking any damage while moving to another space.

Every time a word from an attribute is spelled Avatars receive +d10 for that Attribute.

Avatars can extract letters, yin and yang from a pattern. This comes at a temporary loss of movement or conflict.

If an Avatar rolls a greater reaction than an action deal the difference to the acting Avatar if an avatar sacrifices one word.

The Overseer can circumvent rules as well as enforce them. The Overseer deals with the creation of third party Avatars and Patterns. This is done to enhance the entertainment.

Polygram Chart
Zero Die
One die
Yang –Even-1
Yin- Odd-0
Two  Dice
Three Dice
Four Dice
Six Dice
01. 111111 Force
02. 000000 Field
03. 100010 Sprouting
04. 010001 Enveloping
05. 111010 Attending
06. 010111 Arguing
07. 010000 Leading
08. 000010 Grouping
09. 111011 Small
10. 110111 Treading
11. 111000 Pervading
12. 000111 Obstruction
13. 101111 Fellowship
14. 111101 Possess
15. 001000 Humbling
16. 000100 Providing
17. 100110 Following
18. 011001 Corrupting
19. 110000 Nearing
20. 000011 Viewing
21. 100101 Gnawing
22. 101001 Adorning
23. 000001 Stripping
24. 100000 Returning
25. 100111 Innocence
26. 111001 Accumulating
27. 100001 Swallowing
28. 011110 Exceeding
29. 010010 Gorge
30. 101101 Radiance
31. 001110 Conjoining
32. 011100 Persevering
33. 001111 Retiring
34. 111100 Invigorating
35. 000101 Prospering
36. 101000  Darkened
37. 101011 Dwelling
38. 110101  Division
39. 001010 Hardship
40. 010100 Taking-Apart
41. 110001 Diminishing
42. 100011 Augmenting
43. 111110 Parting
44. 011111 Coupling
45. 000110 Clustering
46. 011000 Ascending
47. 010110 Confining
48. 011010 Welling
49. 101110 Skinning
50. 011101 Holding
51. 100100 Shake
52. 001001 Bound
53. 001011 Infiltrating
54. 110100 Converting
55. 101100 Abounding
56. 001101 Sojourning
57. 011011 Ground
58. 110110 Open
59. 010011 Dispersing
60. 110010 Articulating
61. 110011 Centre
62. 001100 Surpassing
63. 101010 Completion
64. 01010 Incompletion

Eight Dice

Letter Chart
3.) A
29.)Roll Again
30.)Roll Twice!

Message 30431#280484

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On 9/28/2010 at 11:47pm, Ckelm wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

Okay. Major revisions then.

I want the game to play like Scrabble plus a Roleplaying game. The Overseer is the boss. Players control Avatars.

The chart provided comes from the I Ching plus a spin off of the basic elements and their properties. Players gain rewards called Polygrams and can be used to change the state of play. Each polygram uses a d10 consist of the binary Yin and Yang . Even numbers are considered Yang and are represented by 1. Odd numbers are considered Yin and represented by 0.

If you spend three Yang from a polygram roll players can receive a random letter as defined by the letter chart. The point of this is to increase the effectiveness of attributes by a d10.

If you had rolled a field and spelled a field that would place the attributes of a field at 2d10. This means the field would produce 2-20 game by hunting.

The point of the chart is to allow for the generation of new content on the spot. To explore something random. Maybe dangerous or prosperous. Sure the overseer can fine tune empty spaces but players can too. If the Overseer allows it.

I have lots of work ahead of me. So on it goes.

Message 30431#280486

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On 9/29/2010 at 12:36am, Ar Kayon wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

So, this is an algorithm that constructs or influences play situations?

Message 30431#280488

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On 9/29/2010 at 3:39am, Ckelm wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

You are correct. If these Polygrams cannot define a play state then forming letters to words can.

These play states could be Movement, Extraction, Interaction, Generation.

With an interaction (strikes first) players are able to act(attack) and react(defend) with d10s. (act - react)=damage to ki(lifeforce)

So a player generates a mountain. Rockslides are soon to follow. Let me say that the mountain has 2d10 backing it up. If a player has 2d10 rockslides it would deal 4 to 40 damage because the die stacks.

Traveling through these spaces depend on how many attributes are included in that space. If there is a mountain that was 4d10 it could take a few rolls to cross the mountain. In these travels interaction can halt movement. When the number rolled by the moving player is added each turn a roll of the mountain

Eh, i been looking for that one game..

Message 30431#280493

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On 9/29/2010 at 1:18pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

Is it just a tactical combat game, or is there more to it?

Message 30431#280508

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On 9/29/2010 at 3:23pm, Ckelm wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

A Game of

Title – Targeting is enabled after picking a name.
Animus - (Base 1d10) Action
Persona  - (Base 1d10) Interaction
Character - (Base 1d10) Reaction
Ki - (Base 1d10) Force
Element – (Base 1d10) Modifier
Polygram – Gained through a multitude of ways. Roll a d10 and assign yang(even #) and yin(odd #). Refer to the chart to determine effects.
Avatar – A player controlled being that consists of Title, Animus, Persona, Character, Ki, Elements, and Polygrams.
Overseer-Vetoes rulings and wields infinite power for entertainment.
Matrix- Contains 100 Void in a 10 by 10 grid.
Pattern- A pattern is a space filled with at least one defined attribute. Each Pattern has a barrier to entry equal to all attributes rolled together.
Kosmos- Contains 100 sets of Matrices in a 10 by 10 grid.
Oververse - A state of a Kosmos that connects all Patterns, Matrices, and Kosmos. Dead Avatars are sent here.

Generation Phase
Players are given ten polygrams and ten random letters to define an Avatars attributes and start off in coordinates

Polygrams consist of a d10 rolled and assigning Yang to even numbers and Yin to odd numbers. Players can pick from a chart to generate Animus, Persona, Character, Ki, and Elements.

Players can also define 10 attributes of any empty space they are on. Doing so makes the empty space into a Pattern.

Interaction Phase
As a player attempts to narrate an action another avatar can challenge the action.
Step One: Any avatar may target another avatar.
Step Two: Roll a d10 to start an interaction and apply conditions of the pattern an avatar resides in.
Step Three: The highest number rolled acts first by announcing an action and rolling a #d10.
Step Four: Any avatar may react once per turn to any action or reaction by announcing a reaction and rolling a #d10.
Step Five: Negate the number rolled in the reaction to the number rolled in the action.
Step Six: The number rolled in the interaction roll negates the targeted avatars Ki.
Repeat Steps One through Six until avatars flee, surrender, or perish by dropping down to zero Ki.

A roll of ten merits d10+10 while a roll of 1 takes d10 Ki. This applies to any roll of a d10 interaction.

Instead of taking damage a player may discard letters and polygrams to avoid taking any damage while moving to another space.

Movement Phase
In each movement a Resistance number must be reached to cross the Pattern. This number is determined by rolling Animus, Persona, Character, Ki, and Elements and adding all relevant attributes.
At each stop Avatars are subjected to the hazard of the Patterns and other Avatars until movement occurs again. The effects of movement are accumulative.

It is possible for Interactions to interfere crossing a Pattern. Players can sacrifice one letter or polygram to continue Movement and ignore Interactions.

Movement can be augmented by spending one polygram. A roll of Yang merits an extra d10 in any positive movement. A roll of Yin gives an avatar an extra d10 for any negative movement.

To enter an empty space costs nothing but to reside in an empty space takes one ki per turn. A Pattern is established by spending Polygrams and Letters to define at least 1 attribute.

Completely crossing a pattern merits a reward of Polygrams.

Reward Phase
• The Victorious receive two Polygrams.
• Those that perish receive one Polygrams.
• Those that flee receive zero Polygrams.
• One Polygram roll is given to those that surrender.
• A Polygram roll is given to the Victor for each avatar that surrenders.
• Crossing a Pattern gives two Polygrams

Avatars are only allowed to use an Action or Reaction once unless the Avatar has an Action or Reaction defined in its attributes.

Every time a word from an attribute is spelled Avatars receive +d10 for that Attribute.

By spending three polygrams a player can roll a d10 on a book or picture. The player can choose whatever word or pictures the d10 touches. This allows an extra d10 to be rolled for interaction, actions, or reactions.

If a player sacrifices all of their letters or polygrams then that player is able to flip a d10 to another side once.

Avatars can extract letters, yin and yang from a pattern. This comes at a temporary loss of movement or conflict.

Polygram Chart
Zero Die
One die
Yang –Even-1
Yin- Odd-0
Two  Dice
Three Dice
Four Dice
Six Dice
01. 111111 Force
02. 000000 Field
03. 100010 Sprouting
04. 010001 Enveloping
05. 111010 Attending
06. 010111 Arguing
07. 010000 Leading
08. 000010 Grouping
09. 111011 Small
10. 110111 Treading
11. 111000 Pervading
12. 000111 Obstruction
13. 101111 Fellowship
14. 111101 Possess
15. 001000 Humbling
16. 000100 Providing
17. 100110 Following
18. 011001 Corrupting
19. 110000 Nearing
20. 000011 Viewing
21. 100101 Gnawing
22. 101001 Adorning
23. 000001 Stripping
24. 100000 Returning
25. 100111 Innocence
26. 111001 Accumulating
27. 100001 Swallowing
28. 011110 Exceeding
29. 010010 Gorge
30. 101101 Radiance
31. 001110 Conjoining
32. 011100 Persevering
33. 001111 Retiring
34. 111100 Invigorating
35. 000101 Prospering
36. 101000  Darkened
37. 101011 Dwelling
38. 110101  Division
39. 001010 Hardship
40. 010100 Taking-Apart
41. 110001 Diminishing
42. 100011 Augmenting
43. 111110 Parting
44. 011111 Coupling
45. 000110 Clustering
46. 011000 Ascending
47. 010110 Confining
48. 011010 Welling
49. 101110 Skinning
50. 011101 Holding
51. 100100 Shake
52. 001001 Bound
53. 001011 Infiltrating
54. 110100 Converting
55. 101100 Abounding
56. 001101 Sojourning
57. 011011 Ground
58. 110110 Open
59. 010011 Dispersing
60. 110010 Articulating
61. 110011 Centre
62. 001100 Surpassing
63. 101010 Completion
64. 01010 Incompletion

Eight Dice

Letter Chart
3.) A
29.)Roll Again
30.)Roll Twice!

There are many tactics in this game and I guess I could have Avatars establish territories.  The overall goal is to fill all 9999 void spaces to reach the Oververse automatically.

Is this system too complicated? Not complex enough?

What can I change to improve this piece of work?
Comments? Suggestions? Snide Remarks?

Message 30431#280511

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On 9/29/2010 at 5:07pm, Ar Kayon wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

Can you give us an example of play?

Message 30431#280512

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On 9/29/2010 at 6:06pm, Ckelm wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand


A player ventures to a new place with nothing in it. By rolling three d10s we roll 4, 5, 6... or.... Even Odd Even or.... Yang Yin Yang. That represents Desert according to the chart. With that in mind the Overseer places Sand Golems in this Desert. This Avatar has 3d10 Ki described as a Magic Jewel, 2d10 action as described by Grinder, and a 3d10 reaction described by 'Pack'.

Now coming out as a new player you will not fight these Golems. You may encounter snakes (1d10 scales, 1d10 meat, 1d10 poison, 2d10 infrared) and survive off of them.

So a snake rolls 2d10 and receives an 18. Avatarman rolls only 1d10 so the snake begins the interaction.
STRIKE springs the snake and rolls 1d10 for an action. Avatarman twitches out of the way and rolls 1d10 for a reaction. Avatar dodges with a 9 and the snake with 4.

Avatarman steps on the snake for 1d10 stomp and gets a 10! So by rolling 1d10+10 the damage stacks and the number calculated is 16. The snake coils for a 1d10 reaction but rolls a puny 2.
The snake dies and interaction is over The words without definitions cannot be used again.

Since the snake is outright dead Avatarman receives two polygrams, the word meat, and acid. Those strong golems are not worth sticking in the desert. Since the desert is a pattern it would take two 1d10 moves to get out of the desert (rolling a four and seven).

Anyone can throw a curveball and change what occurs.

hopefully that helps. I am trying to keep it simple which I may be failing at.

Message 30431#280514

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On 9/29/2010 at 8:39pm, Ar Kayon wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

It seems like the dice hold a great deal of leverage.  How does a player's choices affect the outcome of these situations?

Message 30431#280516

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On 9/30/2010 at 2:50pm, Ckelm wrote:
RE: Re: A Game of Ten Thousand

Players must narrate an Avatar's actions and reactions.

Now there is a rule that states you do not have to have a specific attribute to do something. If you want to summon the moon and crush someone you can. It still counts as a 1d10 action and it can be blocked. Players cannot make a narration of summoning the moon to crush someone a second time unless they have the words summon and moon attached to the Avatar.
Patterns (or places) also affect players. No one likes a 3d10 rock slide on a mountain. Or having to spend a week moving through the rough terrain. These dice are important but the represent different things. I choose d10s simply because of a mechanic that involves coordinates. Which is something else I must explain.

I should come up with a map for demonstration purposes. Have half of it filled with awesome things to do.

Message 30431#280539

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