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Topic: Basic Rules Download
Started by: John Wick
Started on: 7/5/2001
Board: HeroQuest

On 7/5/2001 at 8:59pm, John Wick wrote:
Basic Rules Download

I understand the basic rules are somewhere on the website, ready for me to download.

Anybody got a link?

Thanks in advance,

Message 305#2696

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On 7/5/2001 at 10:30pm, james_west wrote:
RE: Basic Rules Download

Is the page with links to the rules synopsis and the complete text to chapters 1-3

Message 305#2702

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On 7/6/2001 at 1:11am, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: Basic Rules Download

Be warned, John. The rules on the website are more of a condensed summary of the rules in the book, and they're not easy to decipher by themselves.



Message 305#2708

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On 7/13/2001 at 6:32pm, John Wick wrote:
RE: Basic Rules Download

Thanks guys.

Message 305#2924

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On 7/13/2001 at 9:33pm, mikeryan wrote:
RE: Basic Rules Download

With Chapters 1-3 and the Rules Synopsis, it is possible to run a game with just this material. I did so for several sessions until I had the rule book (granted, I was constantly asking questions on the HW-rules mailing list, but it ran). I also ran a pair of demo scenarios (the Hound Tower scenario for two different groups).

If you want to get a feel for the game (or help others to), I strongly recommend grabbing the Retailer Demonstration Kit. This has a scenario (The Hound Tower), and two sets of characters; one Heortling band and one Lunar band. It covers a variety of activities (even if the early bit about changing battle plans is a bit forced), and will show some of the range possible to the system.

Message 305#2928

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On 3/3/2002 at 2:54am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Basic Rules Download

I know the rules downloads are old news now...

but I wanted to add that if you want to get at least an idea of what Ron's been going on about, the downloads are a really good idea. I downloaded the three chapters, the retailer's demo and the basic rules and ended up with about 90+ pages of material.

There are also "library" links that will bring you to sites with articles and maps describing Glorantha.

All in all, until I either crack and buy the books currently on the shelves or wait until the 2nd edition, I've now got enough material to absorb and describe to potential playersl.


Message 305#14308

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