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Topic: Distribution Lists?
Started by: Calithena
Started on: 10/11/2010
Board: Publishing

On 10/11/2010 at 7:35pm, Calithena wrote:
Distribution Lists?

I am curious whether any folks around here might have access to, or be able to point me to a place where I might get access to, lists of active hobby/gaming stores. It seems like this would be the sort of resource that would be useful to small publishers - and for that matter to hobby stores interested in improved margins.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

Message 30554#280992

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On 10/12/2010 at 12:18am, Jason Pitre wrote:
Re: Distribution Lists?

I had been considering asking such a question myself in about a year.  I was going to at least start the process by using the Indie Press Revolution retail stores list.

Best of luck!

Message 30554#280994

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On 1/15/2011 at 3:30pm, mratomek wrote:
RE: Re: Distribution Lists?

A great place to start is GAMA. It's the game manufacturers association, but it also includes a lot of distributors as well.

Also, some game manufacturers will list all of the distributors who carry their products. You need to check a few websites and eventually you will hit pay dirt.

Lastly, you can call various game stores and ask who their distributor is and if they have a phone number (think yellow pages).

Hope it helps.

Message 30554#283188

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On 1/15/2011 at 3:52pm, Nathan P. wrote:
RE: Re: Distribution Lists?

Here's the Wizards of the Coast map + contact info for the stores that carry Dungeons & Dragons. Probably a good place to start.

WotC D&D Retailers

Message 30554#283189

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On 1/18/2011 at 1:58pm, MatrixGamer wrote:
RE: Re: Distribution Lists?

You might also check with GAMA.

Message 30554#283323

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