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Topic: Wargame developement
Started by: BunniRabbi
Started on: 10/18/2010
Board: First Thoughts

On 10/18/2010 at 9:36pm, BunniRabbi wrote:
Wargame developement

    I'm not seeing this answered anywhere so let me just ask: Does this site revolve around RPGs only in a strict sense, or would table-top wargames also be viable?  I have a wiki-style wargame I've been working on for a while.  If so, should they be addressed in a specific section?  If not, is it alright to post something about it and then move any resulting conversation to another venue?

Message 30582#281208

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On 10/19/2010 at 5:11am, mreuther wrote:
Re: Wargame developement

I personally have been playing Descent with my group while working on a) getting my company going and b) getting my first products developed. That's not entirely a tabletop wargame, and it's a far cry from an RPG to be honest. But I am sure that if I have an interest in such things, there must be others who do as well.

In my mind, there are certain design concepts which translate between the two. Resource management, for example, is a very important aspect of most wargames, and plays a role in RPG design too. (Vancian magic, for example, is a resource-management system for an RPG.)

I'd personally enjoy reading whatever thoughts you care to post. But that's just one new member's opinion. :)

Best of luck in any case!

Message 30582#281219

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On 10/19/2010 at 2:30pm, BunniRabbi wrote:
RE: Re: Wargame developement

Glad to hear it.  The game is called Burgeon Battle, and the current wiki is found at 

The setting is still being flushed out, but the basic idea is that, Azure, an intergalactic culture of multiple species, something like a Starwars/Startrek galaxy, is finding itself "colliding" with a set of planes of reality, Incarnadine, which resemble fantasy realms of magic and myth.  The two operate on fundamentally different principles an have different cosmological strictures.  The conflicts that frame the game are driven by this collision. Some of the worlds and planes are being destroyed in the collision, while others are being altered physically.  Understandably, this drives social upheaval and scarcity, so wars break out over scarcity and revolutions begin as new ideas permeate.  Dwarves experimenting with socialism, scientists experimenting with magic, dragons running interplanetary banking systems, bug-eyed space aliens gestating inside orcs, you get the idea.

The post collision region of reality is called Amaranthine.  The Burgeon worlds are those places who have merged and survived to some extent.

Since this is created as a wiki, I want people to write their own stuff to add to it.  Most wargames seem to either be sci-fi or fantasy, or some combination, so I created Azure for sci-fi, Incarnadine for fantasy, and Amaranthine for mixtures.

Mechanically, I'm most familiar with Warhammer 40K and fantasy, and somewhat familiar with a handful of other games.  I specifically wanted to make the game play faster, so I've "compressed" most actions.  Where possible, each action is resolved with one die roll.  Most games seem to have hit roll, a defensive roll, a wounding roll and an armor save.  That means every time your soldier pulls a trigger you have several die rolls to make, and some of those have several calculations for each.  I basically created it such that there is one calculation that takes in all those factors, letting you make just one roll.

Also, there are no turns, I've used a tick system like Exalted and Scion to replace that.  Each unit has a tick counter.  I find this gives more strategic options. 

With an eye to simplicity, I've eliminated any distinction between ranged and melee weapons.  Essentially, you just give the melee weapons a much shorter range and some of the fire arms have a minimum range.  Since moral, targeting and other rules need to be created separately when these are separate categories, it trims the fat to remove the distinction.

That's a rough outline.  Feel free to ask any questions or explore the site.

Message 30582#281226

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On 10/20/2010 at 7:29pm, BunniRabbi wrote:
RE: Re: Wargame developement

I forgot to add the link to the Facebook page:!/pages/Burgeon-Battle-Wargame-System/120931557947018

Message 30582#281277

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