The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [art] [PAID] Low paying art work
Started by: vonschlick
Started on: 10/19/2010
Board: Connections

On 10/19/2010 at 4:41pm, vonschlick wrote:
[art] [PAID] Low paying art work

Vonschlick Productions is looking for artists. VP is looking for superhero line art. VP is a new company that will be creating supplements for current superhero games and one day, hopefully, its own game system. I have a web site at

I am looking for electronic submissions sent to I am doing pretty much everything so even though I will pay when I accept a set, it might take a while for a response. I will try to respond to everyone in a timely manner with an affirmative or negative.

As far as pay is concerned I am looking at $10 per set of 3 pictures accepted. I will pay on accepting via PayPal. I am looking for art that will look good at one third to one half page size. Coloring is totally optional, but I will try to squeeze a little more money out for anything I accept that is colored. I will need all rights.

I am looking to release my first PDF product by January, but the deadline is permanently open until I close them. If things go well, I will release at least one item a quarter and offer them Print on Demand. If this happens my rates will increase and hopefully I will be looking at real professional type rates as well as covers.


Wayne Kostencki

Message 30586#281233

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On 10/19/2010 at 5:21pm, BunniRabbi wrote:
Re: [art] [PAID] Low paying art work

  Are you looking for generic comic book art or something more specific?  My fiancee might be interested. 

Message 30586#281234

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