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Topic: Stregoneria RPG Release Date Monday 15th November.
Started by: Stregheria Games
Started on: 10/25/2010
Board: Publishing

On 10/25/2010 at 3:47am, Stregheria Games wrote:
Stregoneria RPG Release Date Monday 15th November.

The pdf of the Stregoneria fantasy rpg is being released on Monday 15th November. The rule book will be published shortly afterwards once customers are happy with the electronic product.

The pdf will be available for 5 EUR/7 USD.

This will be edition 1.0 of the game and all further electronic editions will be downloadable for FREE to customer's that buy the original pdf. When the rule book is released anyone who has bought the pdf and would like to purchase a hard copy will have the money they have spent on the pdf deducted from the price of the book. If a customer just waits and buys the book, then they will get the pdf for free.

Stregoneria is an independent rpg and costs have been kept low because it is the work of a single author and all illustrations are pictures in the public domain. The buyer is therefore getting an A4 book of about 170pp for about half what a commercial product would cost. The game has not been taylored in any way to target a particular audience and no compromises have been made in its production. It is a work created out of a love for the hobby by somebody that wishes to share their creation with others.

Message 30603#281372

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On 10/25/2010 at 4:35am, mreuther wrote:
Re: Stregoneria RPG Release Date Monday 15th November.

Glad to hear your playtesting has worked out and you're putting the final touches on your work. Congratulations. :)

Message 30603#281374

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On 10/25/2010 at 1:17pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria RPG Release Date Monday 15th November.

Let's make this a discussion, please. This site isn't for press releases.

That said (and done with), the final paragraph in the post is a fine thing to behold.

I know what it was like to publish something under a similar ideological banner for the first time. What's it like for you?

Best, Ron

Message 30603#281377

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On 10/26/2010 at 11:09am, Stregheria Games wrote:
RE: Re: Stregoneria RPG Release Date Monday 15th November.

My game was created from an ideological perspective and it's being sold from an idealogical perspective. As I have nothing much to lose financially even if it doesn't sell a single copy, I can afford that luxury. If it does sell then I can only gain. I do have big plans for it however,  with a group of freelancers wanting to see it and who are interested in writing for it if it's good. Like myself they are looking to gain a foothold in the rpg market and most of them are also fairly inexperienced,

FInally having a concrete release date set feels good. It's a kind of beta release though because I'm only releasing the pdf initially and seeing people's reactions before going ahead and publishing the book. I'm releasing edition 1.0 and it may well get tweaked depending on what players find when they play it. As my previous post says, all later electronic editions will be free to download by the purchaser and I will refund the money they spend on the pdf if they buy a hard copy later on.

As for the creative experience, I have bittersweet feelings about it. I have had good experiences where I've had the pleasure of meeting and dealing with helpful people and I have had bad experiences where I've had the misfortune of meeting and dealing with ignorant and disrespectful people.

It has all been a learning curve and it's because of those bad experiences that I now feel that I'm prepared to deal with whatever problems I may face when the game is released.

Message 30603#281401

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