The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Superior Print On Demand
Started by: Superior POD
Started on: 10/29/2010
Board: Connections

On 10/29/2010 at 3:46am, Superior POD wrote:
Superior Print On Demand

While we have been around for a while, I just discovered this forum. I thought I would introduce our services if anyone is in need of a Print On Demand Publishing Service.

Superior POD can produce hard cover, perfect bound and saddle stitched books. We specialize in custom card decks. We have developed a method to offer truly randomized CCG/CTG games. We offer mylar booster packs and are currently in development of POP displays for starter decks and boosters. We can do GM Screens and game boards, gaming chits or counters too.

There are no set up fees and very low minimums (1, 2 or 4 depending on item)

Our website is easy to use with design features but right in. Currently books cannot be ordered through the web interface but my web developers are working on that code and in about four weeks time you will be able to choose your book attributes, design, print and even sell your book right through our website.

Just as an example, one 8.5x11 perfect bound book that is 100 pages B&W interior with full color UV coated or laminated cover would cost $5.25 and the price goes down based on quantity from there.

With our Publishers Warehouse you can offer your products for sale to the public and we fill any orders as they are placed and send you your cut of the sales at the end of each month (70% of the profits)

If you have some time and would like to visit the website it is

Thanks for reading

Please feel free to email me with any questions -

Message 30621#281488

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