The Forge Reference Project


Topic: IRC Chat?
Started by: TrollSlayer
Started on: 10/29/2010
Board: Site Discussion

On 10/29/2010 at 10:06pm, TrollSlayer wrote:
IRC Chat?

I heard that there was an IRC chat on the Forge... is this true? How do I find it?



Message 30627#281520

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On 10/31/2010 at 1:46am, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: IRC Chat?

Hi TS,

Not for a long time. I think it's been over six years since Nathan Hill conducted some activity of that kind.

If anyone's doing anything like this, speak up.

Best, Ron

Message 30627#281552

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On 10/31/2010 at 7:10pm, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: IRC Chat?


The Indie-netgaming IRC channel is the only thing that comes to mind. The Yahoo group page is Folks can usually be found on the Magicstar IRC Network in the #indierpgs channel.

Message 30627#281557

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