The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Goldchest
Started by: sproket
Started on: 11/7/2010
Board: First Thoughts

On 11/7/2010 at 11:32pm, sproket wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've been a lurker for a while - I decided to be brave enough to post now. :)

I've been working for about a year on a new open source game.

The game I'm writing is inspired by the old goldbox styled games. My goal is to create a game with the same Look and Feel of the goldbox games while bringing to it newer graphics, sounds, music and network play.

So where am I now?

• Basic game layout implemented
• 3D perspective view and movement
• Overhead view for maps
• Overhead view for combat with characters and monsters and movement
• Scriptable events engine
• 45 degree movement

Game maps use a simple text file definition which allows for various wall, ceiling, floor, sky, shape textures and even 3d models to be displayed.

I'm looking for some feedback. What do you guys think?

Over the holidays I'm going to spend the time working on documentation. I'll get the map and script file specifications up on my web site soon.

I'll post something when my web site has the new info.

Thanks for your interest and patience.
Goldbox reimagined

You can check my web site and see some screen shots.

Message 30654#281752

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by sproket which sproket participated First Thoughts
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...from around 11/7/2010

On 11/10/2010 at 12:15pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Goldchest

I am 99% sure that this post is not honest - I don't see how someone can lurk here for a year and then post about a CRPG. "Long time lurker, first time poster" is a common ficton. Everyone, please do not reply.

On the remote chance that this is not spam, then to the author: the Forge is not the right site for your topic, so you should find another site to promote your work.

Best, Ro

Message 30654#281809

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated First Thoughts
...including keyword:

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...from around 11/10/2010