The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [BtI] Rules clarification
Started by: Artanis
Started on: 11/8/2010
Board: Black and Green Games

On 11/8/2010 at 11:37pm, Artanis wrote:
[BtI] Rules clarification

Hello Emily

I've played Breaking the Ice two and two thirds times, and have played the first date of a new story with my girlfriend (with whom I've already played once completely). I was rereading the rules and I realised, bang, that I hadn't understood the Attraction Dice till now.
My new understanding is that a number of dice equal to the number of checked Attraction boxes is rolled if the Guide decides that the scene-framing is... attractive. Up to now, we awarded the dice one by one for each nice thing the active character did, over the course of the whole scene. I admit I found it very hard and often not quite believable to do half a dozen nice things in the same scene, so I'm relieved with this new understanding of the rules which makes things easier and more significant (sometimes less is more, right?) But I want to make sure I understood that correctly.

Other thing we are doing differently, on purpose, is that Re-Rolls can be awarded as soon as there is at least one failed die on the table (we discard failed Re-Rolls). In this way, we don't necessarily have to go to three Bonus dice before doing something that qualifies for a Re-Roll, which to me seems to offer a nice option not present when strictly following the three steps proposed by the text. Am I failing to understand the implications of the written rule?


Message 30659#281782

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...from around 11/8/2010

On 11/9/2010 at 8:41pm, Emily Care wrote:
Re: [BtI] Rules clarification

Hello Christoph,

You are right on the money in both things! The pool of Attraction dice are meant to be rolled all together. You worked hard to get them, I do agree that having to come up with something for each one individually sounds like way too much labor. The Bonus Dice always get doled out individually, but since there are only three each turn, that hopefully helps turn down the potential brain drain.

And the way you are handling the Re-Rolls, by making them available individually in between Bonus Dice rolls, is a perfectly fine variant. It's included as an alternative in the rules in a brief way.  That is something I will elaborate on in the revised version, for certain. Mechanically it works fine to roll the Bonus Dice or Re-Rolls in batches or individually. It's a matter of taste, and pacing, as to which is better for you.

Thanks for posting, and glad you've had fun with the game multiple times! Hope this makes things even easier to enjoy.

All the best,

Message 30659#281798

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...started by Emily Care which Emily Care participated Black and Green Games
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...from around 11/9/2010

On 11/10/2010 at 12:09am, Artanis wrote:
RE: Re: [BtI] Rules clarification

Cool, thanks for the clarification!

Message 30659#281801

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...started by Artanis which Artanis participated Black and Green Games
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...from around 11/10/2010