The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Game Design Contest
Started by: Pelgrane
Started on: 11/12/2010
Board: Site Discussion

On 11/12/2010 at 10:24am, Pelgrane wrote:
Game Design Contest

I'd like to get some feedback on a game design contest I want to run. Is there anywhere legitimate to discuss this here?

Message 30674#281874

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On 11/12/2010 at 10:29am, Troy_Costisick wrote:
Re: Game Design Contest


Pelgrane wrote:
I'd like to get some feedback on a game design contest I want to run. Is there anywhere legitimate to discuss this here?

I would suggest the Endeavor Forum.  If you actually begin the contest, you might be able to get Ron or Vincent to create a specific, dedicated forum for you.



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Message 30674#281875

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On 11/12/2010 at 10:45am, Pelgrane wrote:
RE: Re: Game Design Contest

Oh, silly me. I wasn't sure based on the Winter thread.

Message 30674#281876

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