The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Wanted: External Playtest Groups
Started by: Skull
Started on: 11/16/2010
Board: Connections

On 11/16/2010 at 2:34am, Skull wrote:
Wanted: External Playtest Groups

My game is going through It first real run of playtesting and I am looking for a few more game groups who would be interested in giving my game a try. The maximum amount of time any group need to give 10-20 game sessions. Anyone interested can contact me by email:

My game is called Peng Lai: its a cinematic mythic Chinese adventure game.

There is a story in Peng Lai that is passed down through the years about those born into this world with the favor of heaven written upon them. It is said that these chosen will bring about a great change into the world; for better or for worse. That they will appear a score of years after the stars that mark them have aligned in the heavens and they will bare these stars as a sign of their favor. This alignment happens once in a 1000 years, and it has been 20 years since the last great celestial alignment past.

The chosen ones lead the world into the next age. Since the dawn of this world, when the Pangu created everything and divided the land up between the first Kings, there existed “The Keys of Fuxi”, These are 8 keys or items that correspond to the Eight Diagrams; Sky, Earth, Thunder, Water, Wind, Fire, Mountain, and Lake . The Chosen need to collect these items before the 21st year after the celestial alignment has past. The characters have one year to complete this task. Whether they will follow their destiny or become wayward by their own wants and needs or those of other persons is up to them. The choice is their, but if they fail in this task the world will change for the worse.

During the 21st year in the Shadow mountain, a mountain of an unknown location, the Gate to the tomb of the dead Immortal begins to open. It is here that the 8 items must be brought to in order for the gate to be resealed. The gate will be completely open at the end of the year, at the end of the Ching Ming Festival, and the balance of Ying and Yang is destroyed. Until then, during this year, negative energy – Yang, will slowly increase throughout Peng Lai. No one but the wisest of sages knows what will take place if this happens. Some say that a Yaomo God will enter into this world and claim it as his own. Only one thing is for sure, that the spread of Yang will bring forth more Yaomo to bring plight and torment to the innocent people of the lands.

Message 30685#281981

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