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Topic: [Minions, Inc.] a new AW hack
Started by: Judaicdiablo
Started on: 11/16/2010
Board: lumpley games

On 11/16/2010 at 7:54pm, Judaicdiablo wrote:
[Minions, Inc.] a new AW hack

Minions, Inc. is an Apocalypse World hack for playing henchmen in a world of costumed aggression.  This game was inspired by the Venture Bros., The Tick, The Incredibles, and just about every other bit of evil overlord/super villain/mad scientist pop culture that I could get my hands on.

Get the PDF.
Get the (Landscape) PDF.
Get the Character Sheet.



The PDF has a setting guide, starting situation (Meet your new Employer), 9 new playbooks, and lots of guidance for the MC.

Let me know what you think.  It was a lot of fun putting all of this together and I can't wait to see what sorts of crazy "Employers" everyone comes up with. 

Message 30686#281997

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On 12/22/2010 at 4:04am, Chroma wrote:
Re: [Minions, Inc.] a new AW hack

This looks brilliant!  Very well done.

Going to have to see if my group wants to take it for a spin in the New Year!

Message 30686#282636

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On 12/23/2010 at 5:00pm, David Artman wrote:
RE: Re: [Minions, Inc.] a new AW hack

I watched Despicable Me last night and TOTALLY thought of Minions, Inc.! Downloaded....

Message 30686#282658

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On 12/23/2010 at 5:04pm, David Artman wrote:
RE: Re: [Minions, Inc.] a new AW hack

OK, just ONE little niggle: On the character sheet, I think that the Skill columns should be the same width (make the upper one slightly narrower, so that the cell padding is identical on both sides of the widest Skill word; and make the lower one wider to match).

Message 30686#282659

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