The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Our Ongoing Projects
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 8/17/2002
Board: Seraphim Guard

On 8/17/2002 at 2:17am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Our Ongoing Projects

Just thought some of you might be interested in what some of our current projects are here at Seraphim Guard and their status.

Title: Musical Mistresses
Description: 48-page mini-campaign sourcebook for HeartQuest. Three junion-high girls defend the Kumi district of Yokohama from bizarre menaces as heroines with music-based magic. Like your favorite magic girl show, only slightly wackier.
Status: 90% written, 75% edited. Art 15% completed.
Release plans: PDF release as soon as the book is ready. We're getting this one RIGHT before we put it out.
Help needed: Art.
Contacts: Publisher: Michael Hopcroft. Author (100%): Douglas lareke.
Editor: Dimitri Ashling. Art Director: Stephanie Hazlerig.

Title: Ghost Tamer Miyaki Sourcebook
Description: The Demon King has been awakened from his fifteen-year slumber, and only the young daughter of the miko who sealed him can prevent him from extinguishing Hope from the human heart. A dark magical girl/horror supplement for HeartQuest.
Status: 20% written. Outlined.
Release plans: PDF release as soon as the book is ready; possible print release if finances and market demand permit.
Help needed: research, writing, art.
Contacts: Project Leader: Michael Hopcroft. Art Director: Krista Wells.

Title: HeartQuest Online
Description: The complete guide to playing HeartQuest over the Internet, incluidng e-mail, chat, and with computer playing aids.
Status: In outline
Release plans: PDF release with bundled software.
Help needed: research, writing, art
Contacts: Project leader: Michael Hopcroft.

Message 3070#29635

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On 9/1/2002 at 8:02am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Project Update

The manuscript to Musical Mistresses is done, and as soon as the art is completed the whole thing will go off to the typesetter. We have scheduled a November 1 release of the PDF.

More progress has been made on Ghost Tamer Miyaki, but no release date has been set.

Message 3070#31041

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On 9/20/2002 at 5:19am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
November 1st? You must be kidding....

How about October 1st? If not sooner?

Musical Mistresses, Douglas Larke's HeartQuest campaign supplement that's like your favorite magic girl show only slightly wackier, will be coming back from the typesetter this weekend. It will definitely be at RPGNow and other e-tailers by October 1st. A full month ahead of schedule.

Ever looked out your window and wondered if there was intelligent life out there? Well, don't bother. Trust us.

What IS out there is a crazed maniac who likes to dress up as fruit and furry animals, two evil little faeries who like their humans filleted, a race of polite but conquering aliens lead by a suave Villain of etiquette, and last and not least, a whiny rich brat who really knows how to annoy masses at large.

Only one force can stop them! The Musical Mistresses!

The Musical Mistresses are a group of young girls who combat evil with musical instruments and magic (along with tempers the length of a toenail). There's Miyoko (supposedly the leader, believed to be a klutz), Akemi (technically a girl, really a psycho), and Fujiko(the one true worshipper of Biff and Yougi - Bishounen carriers of our planet).

They're all we got, and they've got their hands full!

Musical Mistresses is an online campaign supplement for the HeartQuest RPG.


MSRP for the 60-page PDF is only $5.95!

The HeartQuest rules are required to play.

Message 3070#33533

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Michael Hopcroft which Michael Hopcroft participated Seraphim Guard
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...from around 9/20/2002