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Topic: [Freud!] Looking for feedback
Started by: happysmellyfish
Started on: 11/26/2010
Board: Connections

On 11/26/2010 at 3:29pm, happysmellyfish wrote:
[Freud!] Looking for feedback

At the moment, I have what I'm calling Freud Version 0.1.

That means I'm really looking for people to read the .pdf and answer some specific questions. In fact, as the rules are still unclear without also checking out this thread ( I would prefer if nobody actually played the game just yet. On the other hand, if you somehow grok it, and you like it, feel free to have a shot and let me know how it goes.

It's only a thousand words over six pages, and should make you laugh at least twice. Actually, if the idea of a Freudian role playing game doesn't intrigue you, nothing I say will convince you otherwise.

Here's the link to download the file:

To those who take a look - thanks!

Firstly, what do you think of the general graphic design? Things will get prettier as I progress, but there are the bones.
Secondly, how close does the file bring you to actually understanding the game? If you still have no idea what it's about, click on the Forge link above.
Thirdly, what do you think of The List? This is an extremely early draft, but it does convey the concept.

That's all for now. If I've posted to the wrong forum, or feedback should be directed elsewhere et cetera, let me know! I'm very keen for a response, so don't want to make any stupid mistakes.


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Message 30715#282210

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On 11/27/2010 at 1:25am, The Magus wrote:
Re: [Freud!] Looking for feedback

happysmellyfish wrote:
Firstly, what do you think of the general graphic design? Things will get prettier as I progress, but there are the bones.

I'm not a graphic designer - the font seems OK but it seems more important to nail the game first.

happysmellyfish wrote:
Secondly, how close does the file bring you to actually understanding the game? If you still have no idea what it's about, click on the Forge link above.

I'd echo the quote about the game being like The Adventures of Baron Munchausen in your other post.  I was wondering whether coffee could become more of a mechanic?

happysmellyfish wrote:
Thirdly, what do you think of The List? This is an extremely early draft, but it does convey the concept.

I'll answer in your other post.  Congratulations on taking your first step and having the balls to do this.  I'm still at the pontificating stage.

Message 30715#282214

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On 11/27/2010 at 8:12am, happysmellyfish wrote:
RE: Re: [Freud!] Looking for feedback

Thanks for the feedback, Magus...

I'm not a graphic designer - the font seems OK but it seems more important to nail the game first.

That's a good point. Still, with things like this, I find the design can help me maintain tone as a writer. 

I'd echo the quote about the game being like The Adventures of Baron Munchausen in your other post.  I was wondering whether coffee could become more of a mechanic?

At the moment, coffee is theoretically the point scoring mechanic. When you don't have an answer, you drink some coffee. When you run out of coffee, you're out of the game - although you can still make accusations. I am intrigued by the idea of further implementing coffee as a mechanic. Perhaps a strange mini-game at the start, involving whether one has white coffee or black, or one sugar or two. I can see the game's brand of pseudo-Freudianism interpreting these decisions.

Thanks again for reading, I'll get back to your other points in the other thread.

Message 30715#282218

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