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Topic: Publishing model: iPad subscription
Started by: matthijs
Started on: 12/3/2010
Board: Publishing

On 12/3/2010 at 3:06pm, matthijs wrote:
Publishing model: iPad subscription

Here's just an idea: With the iPad, it's very easy to publish your game as a living document, with a subscription.

Some cool things:
- Low entry fee makes it easy for people to get on board
- Very easy to fix errata
- Customer always has newest version of game
- Subscription could include (for instance) scenarios, expansion kits etc
- iPad is great for electronic reading

Some disadvantages/challenges:
- Publisher has to update regularly, or customers will feel cheated
- Apple takes 30% of your cut
- Should probably be published as an app, which means you need developer skills

Message 30734#282328

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On 12/4/2010 at 3:40am, ShallowThoughts wrote:
Re: Publishing model: iPad subscription

I've been thinking about that, but the obvious killer question is, if you're going to do that, why not just go all the way to a CRPG? I think people still play regular good old tabletop RPGs is precisely because it keeps alive genuine human contact.

Though on the other hand it would eliminate the bookkeeping pretty much.

Message 30734#282336

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On 12/4/2010 at 10:03am, matthijs wrote:
RE: Re: Publishing model: iPad subscription

Not sure I understand. I'm talking about publishing the rulebook - the text - in a format that's easy to expand and update. So, for instance, if you bought Fiasco, that subscription would include automatically getting the new playsets as they were published, straight into your app.

Message 30734#282338

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On 12/20/2010 at 12:26pm, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
RE: Re: Publishing model: iPad subscription

Hi Matthijs,

I agree that iPad publishing is really interesting. You have pointed out the most obvious advantages and disadvantages, I believe. I don't think there is a subscription option for content in the App Store yet, though. Still, you may be able to solve that particular problem with in-app purchases. Providing customers with free updates, in-app purchases and things like that does indeed require that you make an app for it. However, if you are just want an electronic rulebook, it is a lot easier to make it available in epub format and publish it on the iBook store. If you create an app you can of course add game aids such as dice rollers, full screen maps, handouts, video and audio clips, or easy access monster stats or whatever suits your particular game. Various shortcuts and hyperlinks is a no-brainer. However, not only is developer skills in the technical know-how-to-code-sense necessary, but also basic design skills and a fairly good sense of interface design for the iPad.

Having said this, I'm not quite sure where you want to go with the topic. Anything in particular you want to explore?


Message 30734#282596

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