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Topic: Music for productive Game Developers!
Started by: ChristianAndersson
Started on: 12/5/2010
Board: Connections

On 12/5/2010 at 3:01pm, ChristianAndersson wrote:
Music for productive Game Developers!

Hello guys!

I hope your game development creativity is on fire, and that you are ready to accomplish some new miracles during the coming Christmas vacation, but don't forget to share some time with your family. :-)

If you are willing, feel free to share a link to your own game projects with me! I'm always curious on what's happening in the indie game developer business. It often gives me inspiration to new songs to see your game creations!

Right now, I am myself working on two new epic music pieces, suitable for video game titles, and I hope to finish at least one of them before Christmas Day.

I've written some new songs that might be suitable for video games, so I'll share them for those who are interested.
I'm into a dark and gloomy period right now, so if you have some games with ghosts and dark cathedrals, I think some of these songs would be suitable, but I also have some other stuff. Here are the latest song names:

- Tombs of the Fallen Ones, dark and gloomy
- Sad Little Girl, also dark
- Chapel of Light, a bright song with choirs
- Bard's Tale, a bright little song

You will find the new songs here

... and in my shop,

I also wrote a futuristic sci-fi sound track for a cool online game for iDevice. You will find my electronica songs here:

I have put together some Christmas Discount packages if you happen to find several songs that you'd like to license for your games.

But of course, if you're not into the licensing mood or not working with a new game at the moment, you are always welcome anyway to listen to some music and share your thoughts of my work. Maybe it can inspire you to some new games in the same way that your games inspire me to write new songs. :-)

Take care & Best of luck with your projects!

Message 30740#282356

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