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Topic: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme
Started by: Christoffer Lernö
Started on: 8/18/2002
Board: RPG Theory

On 8/18/2002 at 11:57pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

I was lying in bed trying to sleep when this came to me. It's a simpler variation of the other skill system I presented, with more flexibility built in. Ultimately I think it's way superior. But without further ado:

Assume there's a rating. Maybe it goes from 1 to 8 in most cases. Or whatever, the main thing is that between every rating there has to be a significant step in skill.

Anyway, any task is assigned a difficulty, also between similar numbers. If the character has a rating below the difficulty, it's a failure, if it's above then it's a success. If it's the same, there's a 50-50 chance of success, roll 1T6 and have success on 4-6.

If you have rating above the difficulty you can trade that for extra quality, quicker execution, nicer style or whatever. 1 point makes it above average, 2 points is excellent, 3 points amazingly good.

To take an example. Bob the Ranger wants to jump that infernal chasm. Difficulty is only 3 and Bobs rating at Jumping Chasms is at 7, which is way more than required. Cool! thinks Bob. I'll do this without any running start whatsoever (2 points cost maybe) and with armour on (1 point). That still leaves the rating at 4, which is above the difficulty. Bob is over the chasm no problem.

In example 2, Bob thinks it would be cool to impress his buddies, so he's actually gonna take off his armour and then do a backward somersault over the cliff. The GM judges that would be 4 points to do that. 4 points off his 7 would leave him with 3 and a 50-50 chance of succeeding. If Bob would want to do it with armour on too, that would be 2 and a SURE death.

Another time Fifo the Thief wants to open a lock. He's got lockpicking skills all over the place, and the difficulty of the lock (4) is below his rating (6), so he spends a point to do it faster. If he would want to do it even faster he could spend 2 points, but only a 50-50 chance to succeed.

If there is failure, I suggest this either be paid for by reducing everything else by 2 points or simply accept as a failure if this isn't possible. Thus Fifo ends up doing it in normal time, whereas Bob simply drops into the chasm in case of failure. Of course you could simply reduce things by a point at a time in the Fifo case. That would be more lenient but it sounds like one would try to maximize out things all the time if that were the case.

Notice how the equivalence between say "difficulty of making a beautiful vase is 5 and to make a normal vase is 3" and "the difficulty of making a vase is 3 and you an upgrade it from normal to better by reducing your skill level"

The fun thing, of course, is that the GM might be rolling the difficulty differently for every player.

Look at the long jump situation. Bob wants to jump in the olympics. The GM sets a difficulty for making a valid jump. Maybe he rolls a D4-2 or something. Bob wants to optimize his jump, so naturally he goes for the 50-50 chance. If the GM rolls a 2, Bob can spend 7 points on making the jump longer and have 50-50 chance of making it that long. If the GM had rolled a 4, the maximum points would have been 5 (maybe because it got slippery or whatever). Or the GM rolls a 1 and let's Bob potentially max out with a 50-50 chance of making a 8 rating.

If we look at this example, the chances for the different jumps are something like this:
(assuming Bob wants to max things out and the 2 point drop in efficiency during failure is in effect)
8 1/8
7 1/8
6 1/4
5 1/4
4 1/8
3 1/8

In case Bob doesn't max but go for the sure thing, chances are like this:
7 1/4
6 1/4
5 1/4
4 1/4
and only dependent on the GM roll. This roll (the circumstance roll) might of course be given to Bob's player in this case.

It might be interesting how this relates when two players are competing at different skill levels. Let's say rating 6 (A) and rating 7 (B).

With a single jump that would be something like this (assuming both try to max)

A wins 25%
tie 16%
B wins 59%

Or with safe bets

A wins 19%
tie 19%
B wins 62%

In any case, simulating it with a D4 like this for resisted rolls would make sense:
A rolls higher or equal to (A rating-B rating)+3 on a D4. That gives A a 25% chance of winning over B. Which kind of makes sense in this case. Either way (resolving each jump separately or as an opposed roll with a winner and a loser) would work if there are only two contestants.

The resisted roll idea could probably be extended by saying that if the difficuly varies with a Dn then the opposed roll is (A rating-B rating)+(n/2+1) on a Dn. Of course there are certain wins in this case also. If A's rating outshines B's for example, he/she might choose to win with extra style. It rolls together pretty neatly.

What do you think? You can ignore the opposed (static) roll mechanic. It's not necessary I think and might complicate things. So ignore it if you think it muddles things. The system boils down to a difficulty and a rating and automatic success or failure if the rating and difficulty doesn't match. And if you are better you can choose to take advantages. In fact, hmm you should be able to make concessions too, right?

In that case it's the (by now) well established system of making concessions taking advantages thrown into a near karma resolution system (with the predetermined random difficulty mechanic, which I guess is kind of unusual)

Anyway, let's hear comments on it. Especially if you see any weak points.

Message 3085#29736

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On 8/19/2002 at 3:53am, Eric J. wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

It seems to be pretty simple, even for a karma system, and it seems to eliminate much possability for risk. Why arm wrestle in the first place if you know that you will loose? And don't you think that it would be difficult to eliminate min/max ing in character creation? What could this system be used for? Combat seems to be ruled out. Please give greater debth on what it's uses are.

Message 3085#29750

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On 8/19/2002 at 4:24am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Pyron wrote: It seems to be pretty simple, even for a karma system, and it seems to eliminate much possability for risk. Why arm wrestle in the first place if you know that you will loose?

At equal rating you have 50-50. And you'd armwrestle because you don't know what the other person has for rating.

Look it like this:

There are some people you always win over when you armwrestle. Those are defined as having lower rating than you.

There are some people you always lose to when you armwrestle. Those are defined as having higher rating than you.

There are some people you sometimes win over, sometimes lose to. The system doesn't take into consideration if your chances are 50-50 or 30-70, it just rules the 50-50 straight off. Anyway, those are defined as having the same rating as you.

Then there is the option of making concessions to pump up your rating. You can't win the ordinary way? Cheat to pump up your rating a step to get that 50-50 chance.

And don't you think that it would be difficult to eliminate
min/max ing in character creation?

How would this lend to min/maxing more than any other system?

What could this system be used for?

General (as opposed to specific) resolution. Any place where detail isn't vital but where you still want to have an outcome dependent on skill.

Actually, you arguing against "why armwrestle" got me thinking about WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU WANT A RANDOM OUTCOME?? I've never had it happen that a strong guy was out-armwrestled by a weaker ON THE VIRTUE OF LUCK ALONE. Technique might be granted, but resolving armwrestling in most games is a symptome of everything gone horribly, horribly wrong in most skill systems. In reality I don't have a 1 in 20 chance of accidentally stabbing myself in the stomach while cutting bread. In real life I don't sometimes long jump 2 meters and sometimes 7, and yet that regularly happens in RPGs and noone seem to think this is unrealistic. Instead they complain about a +5% modifier here and there and how lying prone should have -25% instead of -30%.

It's so ludicrous. And here "why armwrestle with someone stronger than yourself if you're sure to lose"? Why do it in real life? Well, because it's a way of more or less accurately measure your strength. If it was very random it wouldn't be a good measure method would it? Therefore stuff like Jumping skills also ought to (but rarely does) provide little variation in their values.

On the other hand there are things that are much harder to measure. For example, try to measure your perception. You can do tests with "spot what's missing" and things, but they only test the static version. Anyway, consequently perception rolls can be allowed to be more random as they are more likely to be so in reality as well. But for a specified test, like "spot what's missing" the better one will be quickly found because that's the whole point of the test, to make it as little random as possible.

It's not even funny how situations with little randomness is lumped with near random events and dealt with in the exact same manner. This naturally leads to a lot of "whiffs" which simply are alien to real life (but having played rpgs long enough we get conditioned to accept them without question. I don't think ANYONE should build whiffs into their game, there is no reason for them.

Message 3085#29751

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On 8/19/2002 at 6:21am, Eric J. wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Before I came to the forge, I used the armwrestling scenerio to prove your exact point. In Star Wars D20 (my only system at the time) a wookie gets a +2 strength modifier, while a human gets a +0. I mathematically calculated the exact % of the time in wich a human would win. I think it was 40% or something. Wookies are big freagin bearthings that throw cars, so this really was one of the things that got me into making indipendant RPGs. My problem I expressed was from a metagame standpoint. By which I mean that: Why would a player ever engage in competition with some one that they couldn't beat? It just seems to dissallow for thousands of situations that go on in good literature. Would the ring have been cut from the hand of Sauron if they were using your system. You could easily argue that it would have plot use, but what player would attempt to try it? What would Risk be like without randomness. They are two seperate things, but I am now looking into it from a simulationist's standpoint. I can only beat my friend at Halo 25% of the time (I only loose because he owns the game and me not. Otherwise I couldn't ever loose). We don't have equal skill. He has beaten the freaking game on legendary. I can't even beat the first level on mediam!

I can only see little purpose in a karma system other than to shift the focus from the game mechanics to narrativism or something like that. I don't think that basic karma systems can actually justify themselves in simulationismn very often, and even so must use another mechanic to do so. Let me give you an example:

An adventuring party approaches a canyon. (Party modeled after mine) The ranger looks off into the distance... He judges the difficulty and believes that with his leather armour on, he can jump it. He doesn't. The party fighter looks stunned and looks down as his former friend falls to his death. He then looks at the player's character sheet and judges that he doesn't have a chance. A dragon comes to attack them, and they know that even though the dragon is a bigger threat (not as a mechanic) than any canyon could be, they draw their weapons.

The problems are in the facts that success can be easily judged. There is no daring. There is only death. There is no hope that you can draw that hold out blaster to shoot the guard as he flatfootedly enters the cell. There is no X-wing armed with proton torpedos that turns off the targetting computer because he wishes to use the force. There's just a bunch of people that have to overcome the fact that a 5 is less than a 7.

Message 3085#29754

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On 8/19/2002 at 8:39am, Andrew Martin wrote:
Re: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Pale Fire wrote: The system boils down to a difficulty and a rating and automatic success or failure if the rating and difficulty doesn't match. And if you are better you can choose to take advantages. In fact, hmm you should be able to make concessions too, right?

In that case it's the (by now) well established system of making concessions taking advantages thrown into a near karma resolution system (with the predetermined random difficulty mechanic, which I guess is kind of unusual)

It seems strangely familiar to Fortune in the Middle (FITM), with Complications and Concessions, which I and others recommended some time ago. :)

Message 3085#29757

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On 8/19/2002 at 9:14am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Pyron wrote: By which I mean that: Why would a player ever engage in competition with some one that they couldn't beat? It just seems to dissallow for thousands of situations that go on in good literature. Would the ring have been cut from the hand of Sauron if they were using your system.

Ok, I see you don't get it. The saving virtue here is (yes Andrew that's the mechanic, it kind of jumped out naturally out of this system) is concessions and complications.

See, you can say "I take this disadvantage to do it better", so given that you do enough preparations you can get to it.

In addition there is the possibility to introduce external random difficulty/advantages, which is basically saying you can make it as random as you like. The point is that you don't make the character PERFORMANCE random, but the difficulty random. Which is quite a difference.

With concession mechanics you can attempt the impossible. And with the external randomness the GM can introduce it's possiblity, but it does not emerge in the performance by the characters themselves.

This in turn means that the GM pretty much can decide on any outcome. Why? Because the GM decides the difficulty and there is no roll unless it's a 50-50 chance which the GM can avoid by setting the difficulty one step higher.

In the case of Sauron, aside from the fact that I'm not using this for the combat system, Sauron was already beset by 3 or 4 legendary heroes. It's only pressed like this Isildur gets his chance. Which essentially means that while Sauron kicks as in fighting, the circumstances were against him at this particular moment and thus Isildur gets the chance.

The difference between this system and conventional is that the GM has full control of whether to make it random or not as I took out the randomness out of the player's hands and put it into the GMs while still retaining the illusion (more or less) that the player has a chance to affect things as the he/she gets to roll in the equal case.

If you're still not satisfied, there are two other mechanisms, possible. One is the use of Fate Points to do something extraordinary (maybe by using up one you can raise something 2 steps or something) and the second is a mechanism I was tentatively labeling "Riskbreaking", which would allow a character to try to beat the odds and get a roll anyway, in exchange for disadvantages. But then again that would problably be like concessions anyway :)

An adventuring party approaches a canyon. (Party modeled after mine) The ranger looks off into the distance... He judges the difficulty and believes that with his leather armour on, he can jump it.

That probably it made it really fun for the player of the ranger. I'm sorry, you were saying this was the type of play you were advocating?

The problems are in the facts that success can be easily judged. There is no daring. There is only death. There is no hope that you can draw that hold out blaster to shoot the guard as he flatfootedly enters the cell.

You think Han Solo should have had a chance to kill Vader in Empire Strikes Back?

There is no X-wing armed with proton torpedos that turns off the targetting computer because he wishes to use the force. There's just a bunch of people that have to overcome the fact that a 5 is less than a 7.

Wake up.

Message 3085#29763

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On 8/19/2002 at 3:22pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Hey folks,

Politeness please. There is no room for phrases like "Wake up" directed to one another at the Forge.

Discuss the ideas, not one another's persons.


Message 3085#29776

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On 8/19/2002 at 4:23pm, damion wrote:
RE: Re: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Various Comments:

1)I liked your previous posts better. Your right in that some things are random, and some things are not. However, in most games randomness is actually a way to squeeze a whole bunch of factors into one roll.

A persons jumping distance is probably a bellcurve around some average distance. For a running long jump I may go from, say 4-6 feet, depending on how good my takeoff is, ect.

Consider I'm, say making a vase. The quality of the product depends on my skill, the quality of the materials, my artistic vision,
what colors I choose, how good the firing oven is, ect.
Most games roll all these factors into one random roll, so you get a larger range than is intuitivly possible. This seems to be the cause of your concern, to me.

About your system:

1)One it requires players to have a good assesment of the difficulty of a task before the attempt it. This can be difficult for a GM to convey. It kinda seems like that covert impasse thing again.

2)I don't see why anyone would take the 50-50 chance unless they had no choice or really didn't care about the outcome. If you don't care, why roll? Just pick what's more interesting.

3)A karmic comparison of the GM's roll and players skill is the same
as a karmic comparison of the players roll+skill and the GM's static difficulty number, but seems disempowering to the players.
Also, the GM's roll seems to reintroduce the randomness you despise...I'm confused here.

Message 3085#29777

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On 8/19/2002 at 6:25pm, Eric J. wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

I'd like to see what other people say before I argue again, but I'd just like to say:

Han had a chance of shooting vader in ESB. Just a very very small one. I still think that karma is not a bad mechanic. I just think that it should run using a little randomness. I wouldn't argue with a system that used skills as a range instead of a single number, and the number used whithin that range for the given situation was based upon the curcumnstances. I'm not trying to insult you, Pale Fire, but I am trying to convey my opinion that, without refining your mechanic, or at least telling me what it would be used for, it won't work well in an RPG.

And I strongly destest any theory that says that our actions resolutions have no bearing on randomness.

And I'm not trying to say that you're system is bad. I simply think that it doesn't work for a simulationist like me.

Message 3085#29792

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On 8/19/2002 at 7:24pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

I just wanted to mention that randomness has absolutely no bearing pro or con on simulationism. To put it in Forge Jargon. Drama, Fortune, and Karma are GNS independent.

Having a non random resolution is in no way less simulationist than having a random resolution. In any simulationist model you have a series of simplifying assumptions. Without them you have no have reality itself.

A common feature of most scientific and economic models is to frame the situation in such a way that various factors that are difficult or impossible to know or measure are assumed to be held constant or ignored entirely (the "all else being equal" caveat we see so much).

What most RPGs do is they take all of those unknown factors, come up with a range of possible effects on the outcome (usually in a very non rigorous and non scientific...aka...pulled out of their ass way) and encapsulate those factors as being the "randomness" of the roll.

In a more rigorous simulation we would not be satisfied with such ambiguities and attempt to measure these factors and include them into our calculations. This is where the multiple pages of modifiers come from. As an aside: Most of the time, however, you'll notice that as these games (often with house rules) add more and more modifiers they DON'T reduce the random range of the mechanic. Technically this is a mistake. If there are 30 unknown factors that are encapsulated in a random d10 roll, than defining 10 of those factors should have some measureable impact on decreaseing the range of the possible random result.

If we could define the majority of these unknown factors we could reduce the random range to near enough to zero that we could substitute a Karmic mechanic for it.

What PF has done here is simply assign a difficulty which assumes (all simulative models assume somewhere) that all possible factors are incorporated into the difficulty number. Thus, except at the margins, the success or failure of the roll is known with certainty.

There are many examples of where such a system is actually MORE realistic in a simulative sense...NOT...less.

One example...wild west fast draws. If Johnny the Kidd is known to be the fastest draw in the west...than he is quite simply the fastest draw in the west. He WILL outdraw you, period. There is no question of him having a skill of 9 while you have a skill of 7 so with a good roll you might beat won't beat him...EVER...until some dramatic moment in the story where after having killed your brother you are filled with enough passion to face him down. At which point HE has no chance of beating you (similiar in concept to SAs in Riddle of Steel).

If your goal is to model Hollywood westerns...such a mechanic is a far BETTER simulation than the traditional opposed roll where every body has a shot (and is similiar to something I've been working on for my own western).

So in a nutshell. PFs system is neither inherently a better nor worse mechanic from a simulation perspective. It all depends on what you're simulating.

Message 3085#29802

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On 8/19/2002 at 8:25pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Well said, Ralph (Valamir).

It sounds to me like the crux of some of the objections to PF's system is not any lack of verisimilitude, but rather the (perceived) lack of suspense.

I believe this is an illusion that arises from staged examples that would rarely arise in real play. That's because the difficulty would rarely be known in advance -- either because the GM was randomizing it, as PF suggests, or because it simply hasn't been revealed. Han Solo, like the audience, doesn't know whether or not he can shoot Darth Vader, because he's never had a chance to attempt it before. It's a longshot chance, not because the odds are against his performing at his best, but because it's very likely that his best will not be adequate for the task. He has to try it to find out. at which point we all learn the answer.

Randomness in resolution can represent either or both of two different things: uncertainty about the immediate effects of unknown factors that are acting at that moment, or lack of complete knowledge of the situation. The latter is not really, technically, fortune but it is treated as equivalent, which might not always be appropriate. Consider three cases:

1. My character has a fast draw skill of 5. He draws against an opponent whose fast draw skill he doesn't know, but it turns out to be 6. He loses. That's karma.

2. My character has a fast draw skill of 5. He draws against an opponent whose fast draw speed, according to the system, is determined by a roll of d10. The roll is 6. My character loses. That's fortune.

3. My character has a fast draw skill of 5. He draws against an opponent whose fast draw skill he doesn't know, and the GM has not determined in advance. The GM rolls d10 to decide what the opponent's skill is, and it comes up 6. As a result, my character loses. Is this karma or fortune?

This is related to the age-old question: does my pick-locks roll determine how well I use the lock picks, or how tough the lock is? Many systems are just sloppy about this distinction. For example, a rule that prevents me from trying again on the same lock implies the latter, while allowing another character to try the same lock without taking my prior attempt into account implies the former.

The bottom line is that Pale Fire's proposed system is no more likely to reduce the drama of a situation to mere numbers than any other system, and that the use of a (mostly-) karma mechanism for resolution doesn't preclude the use of randomness to fill in unknowns in the situation prior to the moment of resolution.

So, having survived being shot by the opponent in the showdown, my character improves his quick-drawing skill and seeks out that opponent for another duel. Since I've now raised my quick draw to 7, is the outcome a foregone conclusion, devoid of suspense? Hardly. What's the other guy been doing while I've been practicing? And did his previous 6 represent his actual best ability, or was he holding back? Only one way to find out.

- Walt

Message 3085#29810

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On 8/19/2002 at 9:36pm, damion wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Walt:I'd call #3 fortune, possibly with player disempowerment, as this is really no different than me trying to roll under my skill. But that's just me.

This in turn means that the GM pretty much can decide on any outcome. Why? Because the GM decides the difficulty and there
is no roll unless it's a 50-50 chance which the GM can avoid by setting the difficulty one step higher.

This actually worries me. The point of a charachter having skills is so they can affect the game, if you can't, why bother having skills at all?

Another difference here is Movies vs 'Standard Reality'. Han had no chance of shooting Vader because it would have ruined the story and 'block,block, gimme that.' was much cooler to watch. Now if your simulating a movie style story and your charachters know this, that's fine.
I get the impression your trying to create a more 'Standard Reality'
style game. It seems like your trying to give players the Illusion that they can affect the world, when they really can't, which seems
weird to me.

Message 3085#29818

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On 8/19/2002 at 9:49pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

This doesn't have to have any effect on player empowerment or the ability of characters to "change the world".

Allowing players to "roll for it" isn't empowering their characters. Its giving them the chance to screw up where such isn't necessary.

Its the old "don't make the players roll for crossing the street" thing.
Why not? Because obviously characters are competant enough to cross the street without needing to roll. Even the most roll heavy games basically acknowledge karma resolution at this level.

You don't have players roll to cross the street. You don't have players roll to see if they choke on their dinner...but yet you do have players roll to defeat a bad guy...even when that bad guy doesn't offer any greater challenge to the character than walking or eating.

By forceing players to roll in "stressful" situations you're not empowering're risking whiffs that make them look stupid.

Conversely allowing them to roll with a small chance of success for something outrageously difficult isn't empowering them either. The GM has ultimate control of the difficulty...he can set it high enough to make success highly unlikely. At this point its just the pure luck of the die...minute chance for success vs. whatever penelty is assigned for failure. Relying on luck isn't empowerment.

Empowerment comes only from the GM allowing the player decisions to impact the world. Whether the players get to roll dice or not, ultimately its entirely up to the GM to decide. In many games, rolling dice is the ultimate think the rolls mean something, but in reality the GM is still pulling the strings. Similiarly a system like PF described could be equally depowering.

On the other hand, a system of concessions where the GM allows players to up their ability for purposes of success by voluntarily taking certain prices (especially if those prices are chosen by the players) can be highly empowering.

Its all in how the GM handles it.

Note: I've never been a huge fan of Karma resolution in the past, but I've come to see its validity as an option. Like any mechanic its all in how you use it.

Message 3085#29820

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On 8/20/2002 at 2:38am, Le Joueur wrote:
Why Not Roll to Eat or Cross the Street?

Valamir wrote: ...Its the old "don't make the players roll for crossing the street" thing....

Why not? Because obviously characters are competent enough to cross the street without needing to roll.

You don't have players roll to cross the street. You don't have players roll to see if they choke on their dinner...

It's funny, I've done a lot of thinking on this issue. I don't think it's a matter of competency. I think it can be argued that in all those "don't have to roll" situations, it's a matter of other factors taking all the 'chance' out of it.

No, it doesn't take a roll to cross the street, if you take your time. What if the police are chasing you? You rush; you jump in front of things you wouldn't when you'd be doing it 'competently.' You take your chances.

No, it doesn't take a roll to eat dinner, if you take your time. What if you're late to the summoning? You need your energy; you rush through the meal. You gulp; you stuff your face faster than you would when you'd be doing it 'competently.' You're taking your chances.

That's where I think the mistake comes in previous thinking. You pick a lock; what if you take your time? What if you use lots of specialized equipment? What if you would resort to even a crowbar if necessary? No lock would stop you; success is assured. You'd be doing it 'competently.'

You shoot an arrow; what if you take your time (like target shooting)? What if you used complicated sighting equipment? What if you could go closer to the target if necessary? No target would evade you; you'd be doing it 'competently.' Since I first considered this, I've wondered why one needed special 'aiming' rules. Wouldn't they be very similar to any rules for 'taking your time?'

So what do you need? They'd be like dials. The first would be whether the players even want to take their chances. Next would be time, materials and tools, subject qualities, opportunity, and so on. What are all the dials? I haven't figured that one out yet. Perhaps that itself might be the decision of the players too. There are many design possibilities.

Valamir wrote: Empowerment comes only from the GM allowing the player decisions to impact the world. Whether the players get to roll dice or not, ultimately it's entirely up to the GM to decide. In many games, rolling dice is the ultimate think the rolls mean something, but in reality the GM is still pulling the strings. Similarly a system like [Pale Fire] described could be equally disempowering.

On the other hand, a system of concessions where the GM allows players to up their ability for purposes of success by voluntarily taking certain prices (especially if those prices are chosen by the players) can be highly empowering.

I very much agree. A lot of design thought will go into each game that makes these 'dials' available. I tend towards the 'players making the direction' in the game, I think Christoffer goes the other way. I don't know how much those 'dials' will work for him; one way would be defining a gamemastering technique that doesn't create what I've been calling 'covert impasses.' You don't drop a chasm at the end of the map, you put up a sheer mountain cliff and so on. A completely different way of gamemastering than 'making it all seem possible.' Another new manner of looking at things.

Each approach is different and will suit different groups. Is any better? Perhaps only by how well the rules are put together, but certainly not based on which approach is used. Good Luck!

Fang Langford

Message 3085#29838

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On 8/20/2002 at 7:32am, Eric J. wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

I'm not anti-karma.
I'm not anti-karma.
I'm not anti-karma...

I'm against the application of karma to justify realism, when it's not. To use all of these arguments to justify the statement: "It can be used correctly if it's applied to the right things," you must tell me what you are planning to apply this system to. Let me go back to LOtR.

Sauron did NOT have to worry about any legendary heroes. Elrond was busy. Isulder's dad was dead. Sauron was, as the leader of the greatest military force of Middle Earth and the greatest warrior of Middle Earth, wearing the One Ring, swinging a gigantic mace, and toppling armies. He was enclosed in full armor, probably magical, was a near-omnipotent spirit, and looking good while he did this. He had gone throughout the masses of hundreds of elves and humans unhurt and was ready to make the final blow to a prone opponent. What kind of concessions in hell's very name could Isulder have made to cut the ring with an entirelley shattered blade? You tell me.

Please tell me how your system accounts for this. If your system is not adept to deal with these types of situations you should either tell me what situations it IS adept to deal with or explain to me how you account for the impossible. What would happen if they try to make the philosopher's stone? It isn't impossible. "I have seen the stone."

Now on the issue of empowerment. Player empowerment is about the concept of player control. It is within my opinion that if this is so that empowerment is entirelley based upon illusionismn. I have never seen anything that rivals a player's joy at succeeding in a desperate situation. One forwards power to the GM in a karma system. It's a simple inequaltity statement. If players have limited control over the inequality statement, or think that they have control, more situations will arise. They will be less conservative about their tactics and I think that more fun will occur. If you wish to simulate impossible situations, then I would go with your systems. I probably wouldn't use it without a twist mechanic (yes, even beyond the one you have already established). Please give more detail.

Message 3085#29852

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On 8/20/2002 at 10:46am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

First I'd like to apologize to Pyron for that last comment. It was out of line.

Ok, you all raise a various number of issues and that's great.

First up, James talks about the randomness factors in long jump and so on. I agree there do IS variation. However, if you look at the last part I have a rather long example on how to simulate it by the GM rolling different difficulty for every jump.

What the system does is give the GM 100% ability to fix external factors. If he doesn't feel like that then he can roll as much as he thinks the variation is. In other words the GM can set the randomness of the situation which is a powerful tool.

The same is applicable to the vase example.

James also raise the question about assessing difficulty of a task before it's attempted.

Since the GM has a number already, there are a number of ways for the GM to handle it depending on what he/she thinks the character knows (which can be determined the same way, through this karma mechanics), what is favourable to the story and personal style.

The GM might give the number outright, or simply give an approximate number. In any case, since the difference between each rating is rather large, the players should usually have rather precise knowledge of the difficulty, unless it's hard to assess. Jumping a chasm for example should probably have the difficulty outright stated, whereas an NPCs skill might be totally unknown.

Another question of James's is "why would anyone take the 50-50 chance unless they had no choice or really didn't care about the outcome?"

I'm not sure I understand this question. Obviously anyone thinking a task is important tries to stack the odds in his/her favour. The 50-50 rule isn't something I made up because I thought it was a good idea. It just inevitably HAS to be there because this karma resolution is supposed to work for opposed tests. Now if A and B have equal skill, naturally the there has to be a 50-50 chance for either win.

If your skill is lower than required even stacking odds in your favour can't get you higher than a 50-50 chance. That's when you end up there. I don't really see the problem.

Finally James brings up the fact that the GM can roll the difficulty, which makes look a little similar to having a static difficulty assigned by the GM which the player rolls against.

But in fact, they are very different. In the latter case, GM only sets part of the circumstances and leaves the rest to the dice. Usually, like Ralph points out, the dice stays the same which means despite the GM's best efforts to fix more of the situational conditions, the randomness stays the same.

And this is exactly what leads to the contradiction between soliloquy and mechanical play in many systems. Basically soliloquy let's the GM totally decide on the circumstances and then ENTER THE GAME SYSTEM and the GM is just as much at mercy to the roll as the players are.

If the GM is empowered to set the difficulty a-priori either randomized or simply set, the game grants the GM a lot of power to shape the story which ultimately helps in maintaining the illusion. It's not that I don't like randomness, it's that I don't like randomness to override reasonable results just for randomness sake.

Pyron wrote: Han had a chance of shooting vader in ESB. Just a very very small one.

I'd say he didn't. Aside from that discussion, you seem to argue that randomness is essential to create heroic situations.

It is true that occasionally, this is the case. The hero gets a lucky shot on the monster and fells it despite all odds against it. Stuff like that. In the books it is described as lucky coincindence. In rpgs, sometimes randomness allows for similar situations. On the other hand, randomness is also responsible for the most silly and de-protagonizing moments in rpgs as well.

I had a session of Rolemaster which illustrates it nicely. After the party successfully had killed a dragon and defeated a powerful sorcerer on their own, they were on their way home when they encountered a band of average rogues intent on stealing their treasures.

A few lucky (or unlucky) shots later, the mighty high elven ranger/bodyguard for the elven beastmaster/princess was busy rolling for "Body Damage Stabilize". The Great Man hero who singlehandedly had wrestled down werewolves were down on his knees and the Beastmaster? She was already out.

Although they didn't die it was darn near and the players hated it. What had happened? A few very lucky GM rolls. Did it make a good story? Was it reasonable? Nope, not at all.

So my point is, although randomness can give you those heroic moments it's just as likely to plungle you into situations where the character seems more like a fumbling fool, no matter how powerful it has the potential to be. I could draw other good examples on the later from Earthdawn.

If we want those heroic situations we should look for a different mechanism to create them, and not sit and hope that randomness will help us.

Damion wrote:

This in turn means that the GM pretty much can decide on any outcome. Why? Because the GM decides the difficulty and there
is no roll unless it's a 50-50 chance which the GM can avoid by setting the difficulty one step higher.

This actually worries me. The point of a charachter having skills is so they can affect the game, if you can't, why bother having skills at all?

In a random system with difficulty levels the GM also can set the difficulty arbitrarily high and make it impossible to reach success. This is no different from the karma system I outline.

The only difference is that in the karma system the GM essentially says: "Laying down all the different factors, X is the difficulty for you to succeed with this, and you fail not because you're not good at it, but because it was so friggin hard"

Besides, this was merely pointing out how the GM can exercise complete control over outcomes if he needs to without fudging the results. This is a great thing because I'm trying to create a functional illusionism, and here is actually a tool to make it legal for the GM to fudge any roll while at the same time letting it be totally random if the GM chooses to.

Obviously if two characters want to jump a chasm with fixed difficulty and one has higher skill, he's more likely to have high enough rating to make it.

In addition, if two characters have enough rating to perform a skill, the character with higher rating will be able to boost the quality of the performance, or make it quicker or in some other way improve it beyond that of the character with the lower ranting.

So skills definately weigh in.

It seems like your trying to give players the Illusion that they can affect the world, when they really can't, which seems weird to me.

James, I think that sounds perfectly ok since I'm trying to make an explicitly illusionist sim game. Since a lot of sim games end up being illusionist anyway the only difference is that I state it outright. It might be a little unsettling at first to have it so clearly laid up.

Fang wrote:
That's where I think the mistake comes in previous thinking. You pick a lock; what if you take your time? What if you use lots of specialized equipment? What if you would resort to even a crowbar if necessary? No lock would stop you; success is assured. You'd be doing it 'competently.'

This is what you mentioned in another thread and it's exactly this which I think makes the karma system feasible.

Difficulty to pick lock: 4 (or whatever)

I have 3, but what if I double the time spent on it? Maybe I get an extra point for that and a 50-50 chance (since I have rating 3+1 then), what if I use a book on lock-picking to help me too and add additional time? Maybe +2. That would be a sure success. Fine, I succeed.

Maybe I'm really masterful and have a rating of 6. It's not problem to me. But I want to do it in a fourth of the average time. Maybe that costs me 2 points of penalties which lands me at 4 and I hve to roll a 50-50 chance to succeed doing it that quickly. Half the time with 1 point of penalty wouldn't need a roll.

Get over the busy street taking my time? Slightly random (the GM will roll) difficulty between -2 and 0. I want to run over without looking which might give me 4 points of penalty. I have 4 in skill to run over streets, so it's only if the GM would roll a 0 (representing unlucky circumstances) would I have to roll a 50-50 chance to see if I got hit by a car or not (these rules can be tweaked a little).

Incidentally the game is equally symmetric about putting the penalties/advantags into the difficulty number. So the GM might decide that the difficulty to run over the street without looking is between 2 and 4. This would be a totally equivalent thing both from the point of view of the situation and mathematically.

It's trivial to add extra complications. Like I want to run backwards, which might make it even harder at a penalty of 1. In the latter case it would then be a difficulty of 2-4 against a skill of 4-1=3. Giving you a greater chance of being run over.

Fang wrote: A lot of design thought will go into each game that makes these 'dials' available. I tend towards the 'players making the direction' in the game, I think Christoffer goes the other way.

If mean that I encourage the GM to take control the game? No, definately not. This machinery is there for two reasons (let me know if it's going against it)

1. To allow soliloquy results consistently be the same as the mechanical results (this would arise from the GM being able to set the conditions so that after using soliloquy to resolve a situation the GM can actually reconstruct it into a mechanical situation which yields the same outcome. In fact the GM can use soliloquy results to create a mechanical profile of an NPC or a situation - "He beat you easily and you have a rating of 4 so he must have at least 5, probably 6 or 7")

2. To help the players avoid character de-protagonization due to unlucky rolls.

Message 3085#29858

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On 8/20/2002 at 11:16am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Pyron wrote: To use all of these arguments to justify the statement: "It can be used correctly if it's applied to the right things," you must tell me what you are planning to apply this system to.

Already told you. The no-so-important skill rolls, as opposed to say the combat or the magic which uses their own mechanics.

Sauron did NOT have to worry about any legendary heroes. Elrond was busy. Isulder's dad was dead.

Actually if I remember correctly, among the people fighting Sauron was Gil-Galad, Cirdan, Elrond and Elendil. Both Gil-Galad and Elendil and Elendils sword broke under him. Isildur then took the broken sword and cut the ring off Sauron's finger. Probably because Sauron paid little attention to him.

What DIDN'T happen was that Isildur aimed for the finger and rolled a crit on his to-hit roll. Look Isildur didn't stand and fight with Sauron for 2 hours aiming for the finger. He took a single shot and fate was with him.

Now pick up a game like Rolemaster with it's open-ended rolls and try to do the same thing. Oh wait, you can't because Rolemaster don't have any rules about aiming. Bummer. In fact I think Sauron would survive in most games except maybe Phoenix Command because I don't know about any other game that really allows for aiming at fingers. Not simulationist games anyway.

Please tell me how your system accounts for this.

Please tell me a sim game which accounts for this.

Have you read what I said about riskbreaking rules and such to make exceptions? Besides it's not for combat anyway.

Look at it this way. Sauron killed people (faceless soldiers) left and right. Could *any* of them have done what Isildur did (which is what you seem to be proposing)? Enter the random system and there is no difference between their luck and Isildur's chance. On the other hand if you recognize that there was Isildur, his father just dead. In this moment he was the king of all men and he was avenging his father. A very fateful moment and the result is equally dramatic. Do you really think we get a story like this from making stuff more random??

Now on the issue of empowerment. Player empowerment is about the concept of player control. It is within my opinion that if this is so that empowerment is entirelley based upon illusionismn.

How can you make that connection?? Illusionism is about GM making the players believe what they do make a difference when it doesn't among other things (right Ron?). Now I'm cutting up my system so you can see the guts of it, which is showing how the GM can use it to help in illusionism. To the players of course, it should always look like the GM has everything preplanned and only follow rules.

I have never seen anything that rivals a player's joy at succeeding in a desperate situation.

It's a sad sad life you live >;) But seriously, I know what you're talking about, but you have to understand what this karma system is and isn't.

If you want to risk things, go for jumps when it's 50-50. And if you don't have a chance, do the riskbreaking thing (I was thinking of some mechanic which would let you do really risky things and have a chance if it was a desperate life and death situation). But if you have two legs broken and want to jump that 4 meter cliff you're not gonna get a 5% chance to make it in my system. I can live with that, are you sure you can't?

One forwards power to the GM in a karma system. It's a simple inequaltity statement. If players have limited control over the inequality statement, or think that they have control, more situations will arise.

See, the point is that the players are supposed to think they have control over their actions when they don't. That's what it's supposed to facilitate. I'm open up the system to show that in fact the GM can assume all control behind the scenes without the players noticing a thing.

The point is that I don't think that random rolls=player empowerment. In fact, I think one of the worst situations of player disempowerment has come when I was forced to make rolls for situations my characters clearly ought to succeed at. Rolemaster is this golden example. You could safely say that if you had to roll to breath in Rolemaster, you'd be dead really really quickly.

Message 3085#29860

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On 8/20/2002 at 11:33am, Valamir wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

He had gone throughout the masses of hundreds of elves and humans unhurt and was ready to make the final blow to a prone opponent. What kind of concessions in hell's very name could Isulder have made to cut the ring with an entirelley shattered blade? You tell me.

Damn Pyron, that one is so obvious. What concession did Isildur make? How about:
Player: "If I land this blow, I'll make sure the ring does not get destroyed".
GM: "Ok take +15 for that".

Isildur was FATED to strike that blow. There is no pure (i.e. no metagame) simulation system on earth that could have been used in that situation to that effect.

Message 3085#29862

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On 8/20/2002 at 1:46pm, Le Joueur wrote:
Clarifications Please

Hey Christoffer,

It's good to see that you're so far ahead of me on this one. I only see a coupla inconsistencies in what you've presented.

First you say:

Pale Fire wrote: If your skill is lower than required even stacking odds in your favour can't get you higher than a 50-50 chance.

I wondered about that one, but then to my post you responded apparently differently....
Pale Fire wrote:
Le Joueur wrote: That's where I think the mistake comes in previous thinking. You pick a lock; what if you take your time? What if you use lots of specialized equipment? What if you would resort to even a crowbar if necessary? No lock would stop you; success is assured. You'd be doing it 'competently.'

This is what you mentioned in another thread and it's exactly this which I think makes the karma system feasible.

Difficulty to pick lock: 4 (or whatever)

I have 3, but what if I double the time spent on it? Maybe I get an extra point for that and a 50-50 chance (since I have rating 3+1 then), what if I use a book on lock-picking to help me too and add additional time? Maybe +2. That would be a sure success. Fine, I succeed.

Which says that you can 'stack the odds' more in your favor than 50-50. Since I'm following along with your system, can you clarify? Are any there situations (non-in-game or abstracted) where I cannot 'stack the odds' in my favor, one way or another? Is there a rule?

Also, I was kinda curious about something else you said to the other comments.

Pale Fire wrote: If the GM is empowered to set the difficulty a-priori either randomized or simply set, the game grants the GM a lot of power to shape the story which ultimately helps in maintaining the illusion. It's not that I don't like randomness, it's that I don't like randomness to override reasonable results just for randomness sake.

...Besides, this was merely pointing out how the GM can exercise complete control over outcomes if he needs to without fudging the results. This is a great thing because I'm trying to create a functional Illusionism, and here is actually a tool to make it legal for the GM to fudge any roll while at the same time letting it be totally random if the GM chooses to.

And to me:
Pale Fire wrote:
Fang wrote: A lot of design thought will go into each game that makes these 'dials' available. I tend towards the 'players making the direction' in the game, I think Christoffer goes the other way.

If [you] mean, [do] I encourage the GM to take control the game? No, definitely not. This machinery is there for two reasons (let me know if it's going against it)

• To allow soliloquy results consistently be the same as the mechanical results (this would arise from the GM being able to set the conditions so that after using soliloquy to resolve a situation the GM can actually reconstruct it into a mechanical situation which yields the same outcome. In fact the GM can use soliloquy results to create a mechanical profile of an NPC or a situation - "He beat you easily and you have a rating of 4 so he must have at least 5, probably 6 or 7")

• To help the players avoid character de-protagonization due to unlucky rolls.

I don't understand.

Which is it? Does "the GM [have] a lot of power to shape the story which ultimately helps in maintaining the illusion" or do you "definitely not" "encourage the GM to take control the game?" First you say you're "trying to create a functional Illusionism" then you turn around and say that you don't "encourage the GM to take control the game." That sounds contradictory to me.

If "the GM can exercise complete control over outcomes" and it can "be totally random if the GM chooses to" then there isn't a situation where the gamemaster isn't in control (choosing to 'let it be random' is still choosing). I understood this kind of "control" was inherent in Illusionism. How can you say you don't "encourage the GM to take control the game," if you are "trying to create a functional Illusionism?"

You probably already know the answer and are just having difficulty expressing what you meant (happens to me all the time); I just need clarification.

Fang Langford

Message 3085#29867

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On 8/20/2002 at 2:06pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
Re: Clarifications Please

Fang wrote:
Which says that you can 'stack the odds' more in your favor than 50-50. Since I'm following along with your system, can you clarify? Are any there situations (non-in-game or abstracted) where I cannot 'stack the odds' in my favor, one way or another? Is there a rule?

Ok, I think I was kind of dealing with things in parallell there. I think the 50-50 was about what I later was referring to as a "riskbreaker rule" (no, I haven't outlined it yet, but that's because I see a few different ways of doing it). Basically the idea was that despite you don't have a 50-50 chance you would be able to get that 50-50 chance (or maybe 1/6 chance depending on how it works) despite the fact that it should be "impossible" (the concessions you do aren't enough)

The real rule should of course be that you can get a sure win if the concessions are enough. Of course there are limits to what concessions can do too, they are not necessarily absolutely cumulative. That would quickly lead to weird results.

Fang wrote:
Which is is? Does "the GM [have] a lot of power to shape the story which ultimately helps in maintaining the illusion" or do you "definitely not" "encourage the GM to take control the game?" First you say you're "trying to create a functional Illusionism" then you turn around and say that you don't "encourage the GM to take control the game." That sounds contradictory to me.

What I mean by the GM taking control of the game was as response to Pyron's (what's your real name?) and James' concern that the GM would blatantly force the player's decisions and railroading the story by using the power of determining difficulties. That's what I'm against. With at least moderately intelligent players they would quickly get the feel that the GM was working against them when they weren't doing stuff according to plan.

It's NOT the GM deciding everything, including what the players do. That's what I would say is "the GM taking control over the game". On the other hand as you point out, illusionism is about the GM doing a lot of stuff behind the players' backs and some of the decisions the players do might not have a real impact. However, a sound illusionist GM maintains the illusion to the players that everything they do HAVE impact. That together with the illusion that the players are free to do whatever they want.

If the GM uses the heavy handed approach of what amouts to overtly stacking the odds against the players when they don't follow The Plan, then that's breaking the illusion. So when I say "definately not GM taking control", it's this overt, heavy handed control which cripples the players actions and explicitly stop any character's attempt to do things contrary to the GM's wishes. Yes I have played with GMs like that. GMs can do stuff like that in non-Karma games too :)

You probably already know the answer and are just having difficulty expressing what you meant (happens to me all the time); I just need clarification.

It's good to have you double-checking what I'm saying. I hope things got a little clearer now.

Message 3085#29873

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On 8/20/2002 at 2:47pm, Le Joueur wrote:
RE: Re: Clarifications Please

Pale Fire wrote: It's NOT the GM deciding everything, including what the players do. That's what I would say is "the GM taking control over the game". On the other hand as you point out, illusionism is about the GM doing a lot of stuff behind the players' backs and some of the decisions the players do might not have a real impact. However, a sound illusionist GM maintains the illusion to the players that everything they do HAVE impact. That together with the illusion that the players are free to do whatever they want.

Excellent. One suggestion, about wording? Don't put it in terms of the illusion hiding the fact that "some of the decisions the players do might not have a real impact." I suggest that Illusionism for you might be not giving the players those choices in the first place. You aren't blunting any choices, it's the 'magician's offer.'

A magician presents two unicorns saying he is going to transform one into an horrible dragon. He offers a member of the audience, let's say the king, the choice. If the king chooses the dragon with the unicorn illusion on it, the magician explains that the king has consigned that beast to transfiguration. If the king chooses the real unicorn, the magician explains that the king has spared the beast. Notice the king never had a real choice.

It's like the issue of putting air vents into a dungeon. Without them the denizens would eventually suffocate, but they offer the players an undo escape route. What the gamemaster does is have them never appear when the players shouldn't be able to escape. These vents actually 'move around' to suit the illusion. The players are never given the choice (and that's what I'd use instead of a chasm or other 'covert impasse,' no choice).

Otherwise, everything is going great! Keep up the good work.

Fang Langford

Message 3085#29879

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On 8/20/2002 at 2:50pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

You put air vents in your dungeons?
And I suppose you made sure all the denizens had proper food and water supplies too...sheesh...

Message 3085#29881

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On 8/20/2002 at 3:02pm, Le Joueur wrote:
Dungeons & Dragons Was All We Had in the Olde Days

Valamir wrote: You put air vents in your dungeons?
And I suppose you made sure all the denizens had proper food and water supplies too...sheesh...

Well, proper egress and hunting/feeding ranges, yes. All we had back then was Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and a lot of free time. We were doing 'the ecology of...' stuff even before Dragon Magazine started up on it. Learned a lot of predator/prey biology that way....

Fang Langford

Message 3085#29882

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On 8/20/2002 at 4:13pm, damion wrote:
Re: Dungeons & Dragons Was All We Had in the Olde Days

First off: I'm pretty sure Sauron was already beaten when Isildur cut the ring off of his finger. It was just done differently in the movie, in the book there is no 'called shot to the ring finger of the right hand.' Sauron was beaten and on the ground, which makes cutting it off pretty trivial. Isildur took the ring as 'spoils of war' and a reward for all the destruction Sauron causesed. I thought this was cooler, but I'm digressing...

Christoffer: I was misunderstanding a few things, but I get it now.
The system REALLY needs the concessions mechanic to work though.

My point with the Random Difficulties: Say a skill 5 and skill 7 person try to jump the chasm. The GM rolls a 4 for the first person, who makes automatically, but a 8 for the second person, who falls in automatically. It's the same wiff factor here.

Other Point:

What I mean by the GM taking control of the game was as response to Pyron's (what's your real name?) and James' concern that the GM would blatantly force the player's decisions and railroading the story by using the power of determining difficulties. That's what I'm against. With at least moderately intelligent players they would quickly ge the feel that the GM was working against them when they weren't doing stuff according to plan.
If the GM uses the heavy handed approach of what amouts to overtly stacking the odds against the players when they don't follow The Plan, then that's breaking the illusion. So when I say "definately not GM taking control", it's this overt, heavy handed control which cripples the players actions and explicitly stop any character's attempt to do things contrary to the GM's wishes. Yes I have played with GMs like that. GMs can do stuff like that in non-Karma games too :)
Italics mine.

I fail to see the difference between there two ideas. The advantage of your system is that the GM can overtly stack the odds easier because of the large granularity & the way the system works. Or are you saying that since ALL the odds are overtly stacked players won't be able to tell when it's because their 'not following the plan' or when it's just part of the story? Interesting...

You might want to keep possible concessions small, as the GM has to consider them when setting difficulty numbers.
GM:The lock has a difficulty of 5 and orcs are approaching, so you can't take extra time.
Player:I have skill 4, doh! Oh wait, I have +1 lockpicks!
GM:Doh! 50-50 roll please.

Message 3085#29893

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On 8/22/2002 at 5:14am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Fang wrote:
Excellent. One suggestion, about wording? Don't put it in terms of the illusion hiding the fact that "some of the decisions the players do might not have a real impact." I suggest that Illusionism for you might be not giving the players those choices in the first place. You aren't blunting any choices, it's the 'magician's offer.'

Actually I don't see that as being necessary. You're thinking about the chasm again aren't you? Well I'd never put the chasm there to prevent the players from doing something. It's not a "oh, you can't cross there because then you ruin the adventure so I put a chasm there to stop you".

The chasm would only arise if the players consciously head that way "let's go up that hill and try to cross over to the other side", not as a tool to stop the players from succeeding.

Of course, this might be because I'm mainly playing improvised adventures. So there is no cliff until the players decide to cross it. All details for the adventure is generated as things moves along. Of course it's a bit of the magician's offer there too. For example, the players can go left or right. One way leads to the right place and one is way off.

No matter what the player choses, the decision will always lead the way the GM decided on, because the GM only decides afterwards if it's turning right or turning left that leads to the right spot.

Then there is the "Choosing The Path" which I already talked about. Sometimes the GM doesn't want to decide, so he randomly sets left as being leading right straight away and right leading the players away and leave it up to them to decide how the adventure unfolds.

It's important to note that just because it facilitates illusionist techniques doesn't mean the GM should use it all the time. It's more important if you follow a prewritten adventure than an improvised anyway.

James wrote: Christoffer: I was misunderstanding a few things, but I get it now. The system REALLY needs the concessions mechanic to work though.

Yeah, after looking at it some more I can only say I very much agree with you.

I mean I'm not used to karma resolution myself! That's why I sometimes lean towards introducing randomness into it in some of the discussions here.

Let's look at something you say:

James wrote: My point with the Random Difficulties: Say a skill 5 and skill 7 person try to jump the chasm. The GM rolls a 4 for the first person, who makes automatically, but a 8 for the second person, who falls in automatically. It's the same wiff factor here.

Exactly. You called me on that problem. Actually the randomness should only occur in situations where difficulty significantly varies. One would be in the case of perception rolls where the situation of 4 and 8 for difficulty is quite acceptable.

However, for the "jump-the-chasm" situation the difficulty should be firmly set. There is already a randomness inserted into the basic mechanics when there is a tie between difficulty and rating.

I'd like to explain it a little in depth because I only recently got a clear view of how it worked.

If we look at the long jump instead. We're at the olympic arena and the contestants get ready :) The skill 5 guy is there, as is the skill 7 guy, the world record holder with skill 9 (uh, that rating maybe should be pumped up, I have no idea what the current world record is) as well as my mother with skill 2 (at the most). ;)

How far do they jump?

My original draft had going for different difficulties and other problems. We don't need that. Since they all try to perform their uttermost they all get to roll the 50/50 roll. If the skill 5 guy rolls 4-6 he'd be performing [what I'll call] 5+ and if he rolls 1-3 it's 5-. Ok?

How far do they jump?

Well if we do some quick calculating assuming a skill 3 person can jump 3 meter's no problem and a skill 7 can jump 6. We get 3 meters/4 points of skill. Or 0.75 m. Maximum for skill 7 should be something like 7 m and 3 would have what? 4?

3+ = 4, so 3- should be more than 3.25 (which is 2+) but less than 4. 3.5m seems ok. So what happens with the die roll is that it give's you things +-0.25 of the average value which is 3.75 for Skill 3.

We can now lay out the average jump depending on skill level:

2: 3
3: 3.75
5: 5.25
7: 6.75
9: 8.25

So we have skill 5 jumping either 5 or 5.5m, skill 7 is jumping 6.5 or 7, skill 9 at 8 or 8.5m and my mother jumping 2.75 or 3.25m

This is the variation already built into the system with the 50/50 rule.

(Of course I don't mean the GM to sit and calculate exact length, I just want to demonstrate the inner workings of the system)

We don't really need any more variation than this in most cases.

Sure it goes against the grain of what we're used to, but we're used to having the world record holder jumping between 0 and 9 meters in our systems.

Beyond that, the GM can give advantages or penalties depending on the situation. For example using a spring board would help with the jump, right? And if you were carrying 100 lbs of gold in your backpack you "might" jump a little shorter, right? :)

Anyway. There should be a firm difficulty. 5 meter jump? That's difficulty 5. If you have 100 lbs gold on your back and you're the world record holder, the GM still might rule that sets you back 5 points or more already. It naturally depends on how strong you are and other factors, which is for the GM to decide the effects are.

But given all other things equal, the difficulty should be the same.

James wrote:
I fail to see the difference between there two ideas. The advantage of your system is that the GM can overtly stack the odds easier because of the large granularity & the way the system works. Or are you saying that since ALL the odds are overtly stacked players won't be able to tell when it's because their 'not following the plan' or when it's just part of the story? Interesting...

If I follow what you're saying, it's the latter. However, the first also contributes as the large granularity is what allows for the GM to decide on the odds fairly easily and to ignore minor situational modifiers.

Done right there is no way to tell when the GM is setting a difficulty because he's trying to stop the players from succeeding and when "the best approximation of the difficulty of the situation" happens to be this difficulty.

I'd like to point out, however, that this is just a consequence of how the system works rather than the primary goal of it.

What I wanted to do was to make a quick resolution system which still could cover a big variation of situations and of randomness. Something which could be run karma-style or fortune-style.

The fortune in this case is mostly in the hands of the GM, but the players always roll the D6 or whatever to determine the quality of their performance within their skill level.

The difference between this and other systems is that the skill levels don't overlap, but instead you have to take concessions and use advantages to get that.

In BRP for example, if you'd have a skill of 8 your actual performance would be between 0 and 8. Some games use smaller dice or bell curved ones to make situations more predictable.

So if you have skill 5 in a game then maybe it's 17% that you perform at skill 5, 14% at 4 and the same for 6 and so on, diminishing in both directions.

Still the systems look like rating+-(skill variation)

What I'm doing is simplifying and derandomizing it until it looks like this: rating+-(0.25)

This is nothing more than removing randomness and putting it in the hands of the GM as you know.

However, the nice thing arises that the GM can take control of the situation and insure no unnecessary whiffs occur, no de-protagonizing situations happen by accident, and no major badguy dies without at least get a chance for a finishing monologue ;)

Message 3085#30104

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On 8/22/2002 at 6:06am, Le Joueur wrote:
Was It Supposed to be Illusionism?

Pale Fire wrote:
Le Joueur wrote: Excellent. One suggestion, about wording? Don't put it in terms of the illusion hiding the fact that "some of the decisions the players do might not have a real impact." I suggest that Illusionism for you might be not giving the players those choices in the first place. You aren't blunting any choices, it's the 'magician's offer.'

Of course, this might be because I'm mainly playing improvised adventures. So there is no cliff until the players decide to cross it. All details for the adventure is generated as things moves along. Of course it's a bit of the magician's offer there too. For example, the players can go left or right. One way leads to the right place and one is way off.

No matter what the player choses, the decision will always lead the way the GM decided on, because the GM only decides afterwards if it's turning right or turning left that leads to the right spot.

Now I've seen that called 'the moving clue.' No matter what the players do, they find it, because it moves around to 'get in front of them.'

Pale Fire wrote: Then there is the "Choosing The Path" which I already talked about. Sometimes the GM doesn't want to decide, so he randomly sets left as being leading right straight away and right leading the players away and leave it up to them to decide how the adventure unfolds.

Isn't "way off" almost as bad as dead? I mean, now their doing things that everyone will eventually conclude are totally irrelevant, right?

Now I'm getting confused again about your proposed gamemastering technique. Does the gamemaster control the adventure or doesn't he? If one way leads to 'his stuff' and the other leads to irrelevancy, wouldn't it be better just to use 'the moving clue' and get it over with?

Now if there's no 'right way' or 'wrong way,' then it isn't Illusionism is it? (I thought that's what you wanted to design.) I thought the Choose the Path stuff was about letting the players 'fill in the detail' between them and 'the moving clue.' If the gamemaster doesn't care to make the choice, then the dice decide what the players face; it still moves towards the gamemaster's goal, right?

I think I've lost track of your final goal again; would you mind restating it?

Fang Langford

Message 3085#30109

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On 8/22/2002 at 8:48am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
Re: Was It Supposed to be Illusionism?

Le Joueur wrote:
Pale Fire wrote: Then there is the "Choosing The Path" which I already talked about. Sometimes the GM doesn't want to decide, so he randomly sets left as being leading right straight away and right leading the players away and leave it up to them to decide how the adventure unfolds.

Isn't "way off" almost as bad as dead? I mean, now their doing things that everyone will eventually conclude are totally irrelevant, right?

No, maybe that phrasing was a bit bad. I just mean two ways which were in effect equivalent as far as player enjoyment goes.


Message 3085#30117

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On 8/22/2002 at 1:30pm, Le Joueur wrote:
Right On!


Now I'm quite curious to see how it looks in print; you go girl!

Fang Langford

Message 3085#30123

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On 8/23/2002 at 4:53am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme


Message 3085#30159

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On 8/23/2002 at 9:24pm, M. J. Young wrote:

Christoffer (and apologies for previous misspellings of that)--

You go, girl! is fairly recent American slang, intended to be encouragement. I'm not certain of its derivation, but it has become gender neutral.

Sort of like White Wolf's annoying use of she when the antecedent is not clearly feminine.

--M. J. Young

Message 3085#30271

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On 8/24/2002 at 3:39am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: On to something? About Skills, a new scheme

Ah. :)

Message 3085#30304

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On 8/24/2002 at 4:00am, Le Joueur wrote:
It's Wrong to Ever Split an Infinitive!

That's why I normally don't use slang. And I avoid cliches like the plague.

Fang Langford

Message 3085#30310

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