The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Ghost Tamer Miyaki needs YOU!
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 8/19/2002
Board: Seraphim Guard

On 8/19/2002 at 9:35am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Ghost Tamer Miyaki needs YOU!

One of the core campaigns in HeartQuest is Ghost Tamer Miyaki, and we are doing a supplement based on this campaign. But to do this we will need playtesters, demonstartors and general input.

I've set up a Yahoogroup just for this canmpaign at this URL:

You can also join through Mailing List Central at our website.

I'm really hoping this works out. This is one of the settings in HeartQuest that I feel would make a really great comic. I"m very curious to hear what people think about it.

Message 3090#29766

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