The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Poison'd]Number of Players
Started by: The Dragon Master
Started on: 1/14/2011
Board: lumpley games

On 1/14/2011 at 8:27pm, The Dragon Master wrote:
[Poison'd]Number of Players

I'm expecting to be running a one-shot (or something) of Poison'd for my group soon, and want to be prepared. I'm getting some character sheets printed up, and don't know how many to print. I know the obvious answer is "as many as you have players", but I don't know how many players I'll have, and anyway want to get an answer that would also apply at a Con Game were I to run one. I noticed that if you had one character for each (logical) role, it would be 15 players, but I don't know how that would run (seems like a high number to me, though I've been in WoD and Rifts games with more players.

So the question I pose to you TRO, is: How many players would you run a game of Poison'd for? How many is too few, how many is too many, and how many is ideal?

Message 30949#283174

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On 1/14/2011 at 8:46pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: [Poison'd]Number of Players

GM+2 is too few. I've played it with GM+5, no problem, and I can see GM+6 working, but I wouldn't go higher.


Message 30949#283175

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On 1/14/2011 at 10:12pm, The Dragon Master wrote:
RE: Re: [Poison'd]Number of Players

Okay, so between 3 and 6 players. Sounds good.

Message 30949#283179

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...started by The Dragon Master which The Dragon Master participated lumpley games
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...from around 1/14/2011