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Topic: [Design Help] Multiplayer Battle Game
Started by: FounderSim
Started on: 1/15/2011
Board: Game Development

On 1/15/2011 at 4:38pm, FounderSim wrote:
[Design Help] Multiplayer Battle Game

Multiplayer Organized Crime Battle Game

Brief description:
Game is strickly Tick-Based.
Game is mostly multiplayer with team battles as well as 1v1 battles
Game has lobby system where players find others to battle or join there team.
Game has multiple "World's" (maps) for battle's.
Game "World's" has multiple "Towns" (each player/team starts in a Town)
Game "Towns" allow multiple "Actions"
Game "Towns" also have multiple "Locations" (bank, ect)
Game "Actions" are like "Committing Crimes", "Recruiting Member's", "Attacking"

* Each Action takes x amount of time to complete.
* Multiple "Actions" can happen at once.

Game Objective is for your team or yourself is to "Eliminate Enemies"

I would also like for an average game to only take between 5-15 minute's.

My problem is coming up with how to add characters or units into game that effect the Action's outcome. I don't want to the game winner to be based upon who can build the strongest army the quickest, but who has the best strategy and quickest. I'm thinking something like Starcraft, except my game will not be same graphical style. Any help would be apreciated.

I am thinking of having player choose main character (Leader) before the Battle begins and I would like him/her to play a major role in the outcome of the battle.


Message 30954#283190

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On 1/16/2011 at 4:25am, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: [Design Help] Multiplayer Battle Game


The Forge isn't a site for the kind of game you're developing. We're here to discuss what is variously called "pen and paper," "face to face," "table-top" role-playing games. I appreciate the work that you've done but you should take your development oto another site - perhaps or Boardgame.geek, both of which include a broader range of games than are discussed here.

Best, Ron

Message 30954#283198

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