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Topic: Dust Devils: The Indian Wars
Started by: Gordon C. Landis
Started on: 8/20/2002
Board: Chimera Creative

On 8/20/2002 at 5:42pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
Dust Devils: The Indian Wars

It's insane, I shouldn't be thinking about variants/supplements until I at least own the damn game, but . . . this notion is riding me like a devil, so I thought I'd post a note about it. Instead of Josey Wales and Unforgiven, imagine variations on The Searchers and Dances with Wolves as the exemplar movies. The devils get focused into racial/frontier/civilzation vs. "barbarism" issues.

Sound interesting? Anything in Dust Devils as it stands now that touches on this?

Message 3110#29904

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On 8/20/2002 at 5:52pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Re: Dust Devils: The Indian Wars

Gordon C. Landis wrote: It's insane, I shouldn't be thinking about variants/supplements until I at least own the damn game, but . . . this notion is riding me like a devil, so I thought I'd post a note about it. Instead of Josey Wales and Unforgiven, imagine variations on The Searchers and Dances with Wolves as the exemplar movies. The devils get focused into racial/frontier/civilzation vs. "barbarism" issues.

Sound interesting? Anything in Dust Devils as it stands now that touches on this?

Gordon, you're on the right warpath. I actually am considering doing some Dust Devils treatment of American Indians as a download or article or something. And, the Searchers--which many cite as the best Western film ever--is 2nd on my list of movies to rent for "Western Movie Night" (Sean Wipfli has already supplied my w/ Once Upon a Time in the West, which I haven't seen since I can remember. THANKS Sean!).

I haven't had time yet to consider how the game might apply to the American Indian as characters, but it's definitely worth thought and discussion. If you've got any ideas, fire away!

Message 3110#29906

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