The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Order problems with Adept Press
Started by: konratius
Started on: 1/29/2011
Board: Adept Press

On 1/29/2011 at 4:01pm, konratius wrote:
Order problems with Adept Press

Ron, I tried to get in touch with the email listed at your site, but kept getting my messages returned, saying that I couldn't reach you.
I thought about joining the forum and PM:ing, but apparently I cannot view just any profile.

My order from October still hasn't delivered. It isn't supposed to take this long, is it?

(edited only to make it un-sticky - RE)

Message 31110#283654

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...started by konratius which konratius participated Adept Press
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...from around 1/29/2011

On 1/29/2011 at 8:48pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Order problems with Adept Press

Hi - I'm worried most by the emails bouncing. Both addresses I use ( and are functional at this time.

Regarding your and others' orders, I have had a horrible time with printing over the last few months. As of last week, I finally got copies of Spione, It Was a Mutual Decision, and Elfs to my fulfiller (who is about to kill me), and so those books should be in the mail as I write this. Unfortunately, the printer was not as fast with S/Lay w/Me and that hasn't even shipped from the printers yet although it's supposed to be finished.

Trollbabe is its own disaster. I have been stuck in a round of final pre-print edits for months. Currently an astounding, beautiful, absolutely up-to-date version is available in Italian, but that's all. If I can only get the final PDF, then I can get it to the printer, and then I can only hope that the current mysterious delay experienced by S/Lay w/Me will not occur.

Here's what I've been telling people: I will refund any current order of S/Lay w/Me or Trollbabe and send the book anyway.

Best, Ron

Message 31110#283656

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...from around 1/29/2011

On 1/30/2011 at 7:17am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Re: Order problems with Adept Press

Ah, that explains why my copy of S/law w Me hasn't arrived.  Honestly, I'd forgotten about it.

No need to refund anything though...I just look forward to seeing it eventually.

Message 31110#283661

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On 2/10/2011 at 12:55pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Order problems with Adept Press

S/Lay w/Me arrived at my fulfillment service yesterday and all the orders are hitting the mail this morning.

Best, Ron

Message 31110#283943

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Adept Press
...including keyword:

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...from around 2/10/2011